Who is it? What kind of creature is it?

It's been several Ersh years since the underground cave where the static core was mechanically blown up.

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The creatures here didn't stay still, they all started to move slowly.

And granular organisms have been studying one thing during this period.

This source of stillness...what is it?

Although there have been various speculations that the source of stillness is a creature, it has never been so'directly' in contact with this creature.

Because of the direct perception of the other party's information, this gave the particle creature the idea that the other party might indeed be killed.

Of course the other party said to give up everything or something, the particle creatures didn't believe it.

If the Source of Stillness is really the creature that caused this void mass extinction event before, then it must be killed.

So the granular creature has been trying to find out where it is hiding.

However, even after this period of time passed, the particle organisms were still not seized.

It didn't feel any more information, and the creatures here slowly recovered.

Many creatures continued to move here as if nothing had happened after they recovered, but those who recovered were... perished.

Because part of their internal organs moved first, the internal organs that moved first slowly died after a period of time, and those internal organs that woke up later began to die because of their incomplete body.

However, the granular creatures also discovered that the internal organs of some of the reconstituted bodies burrowed out by themselves and became a single creature.

The main concern of particle biology is...intelligent systems.

Those systems that were static during the war are slowly recovering.

When these systems recovered, they immediately began investigating what was going on... Soon, these systems understood that they had been static for a long time.

And they don't have any special ideas, but continue the previous war.

They controlled the city that had also just recovered from stillness, drove to the still core...and placed a large number of shock devices on the still core.

Then it exploded.

For the first time they placed hundreds of devices, but only a small part of the static core was blown up.

Then the intelligent system tried to manufacture and put more devices, whether on the surface or underground, it was constantly shaking.

After a period of time passed, the entire static core also became fragments floating in the void.

It seems that the static core has been destroyed, but no one knows... whether it will work.

At least the granular creature doesn't think it has any. It thinks it might leave here after the source of stillness said ‘give up’ to it last time, and it doesn’t know how it left.

And this group of intelligent systems think they are successful.

They feel that the static core has been destroyed, and the disaster of static in the void will not come.

They didn't think too much about this, and didn't think about destroying things that are so easy and strange.

In short, they began to continue to maintain their own factories, because there are many living things here, they control the city to fly far away.

It seems that everything is over.

After this, a long time passed.

It is probably tens of thousands of Ersh years, and the granular organisms did not calculate it.

During this time, it observed the location of the original source of stillness and various places in the void.

A large number of creatures developed frantically, resulting in countless species and many civilizations.

Many civilizations reached their peak in a short period of time, then quickly died out, and then new civilizations were born.

It seems that everything has become normal.

The types of creatures are also very rich. At first, most of them were ‘immortal creatures’. Later, the previous types appeared again, like various creatures that have a static cycle in the body that can construct offspring.

The abnormal changes of stillness also happen occasionally, for example, something that could have moved suddenly becomes still, which will cause some effects.

But there has never been a mass extinction of organisms.

The source of stillness... really gave up? Did you really leave? Really... won't change your mind?

The particle creature looked at the increasingly rich biome, and it began to think about these things.

It did not see the source of stillness again, nor did it see monsters like the "Star of Devouring" again.

Everything... seems to have become normal.

However, the ‘evolution’ of organisms is endless. When some organisms reach new heights, granular organisms encounter things that have never happened before.

Those are some space creatures.

The ‘playground’ once disappeared with static and abnormal changes before, and now it reappears in the void.

Some creatures live in the activity field during the development process. They rarely enter the static state, but regard the activity field as a home.

In the long-term'evolution', some creatures can even move with the field, or generate the field on their own.

Particle creatures also noticed that some creatures have powerful abilities, and they can create playgrounds on their own.

And the playground they created has a very special place, that is, it is...not perceptible outside.

Although you will bump into it if you walk directly over it, you can't perceive it through distant senses.

It can only be entered through a specific entrance and is a very special area.

Even later, the granular creatures discovered that some of the playgrounds were ‘stripped off’.

That is, unless you enter through a specific entrance, it is a place completely inaccessible.

This can be regarded as...a separate space.

At the time, it was not clear how these places were formed, but they were all ordinary playgrounds at first.

Certain creatures stayed inside for a long time, and this area became a separate space.

The particle creature has observed how a space is composed, but it cannot understand the... mystery inside.

At first, this kind of space was very small, but some creatures would expand their space, and they could fuse other activity fields in, making the space bigger and bigger.

Some creatures are also good at discovering other spaces. Although no creatures can directly perceive a single space from a long distance at first, these creatures with spatial perception capabilities have slowly appeared later.

These space-related creatures are actually not many and did not form civilization, but they have very special abilities.

Some creatures that are powerful enough can also be said to be a civilization in themselves.

These creatures search for other spaces, not just for life, but sometimes simply to satisfy their desire to explore.

At some point, the granular creature suddenly discovered...some creatures found the space it was in.

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