The first pipe to do so made the particle creatures feel...surprised.

The previous two channels came into the doomsday space at the time of'death', and they shattered here.

The ‘rejector’ did not come here.

When it died, it stopped somewhere in the void.

The civilization of the deniers is very developed. They have been to many places in the void while the deniers are still alive, and have fought many civilizations in the void.

However, no matter how much they have encountered or encountered, they have never left the pipeline and have no idea of ​​living outside.

This is true even after the pipe dies.

The death of the denier was mainly due to a war with a super creature.

In fact, the rejecter himself did not do anything, the whole process was the civilization on his body fighting.

In this war, the ‘engine’ of the denier was destroyed and it could no longer move.

After stopping, all civilizations tried their best to repair the'engine', but in the process of repairing they found that the entire pipeline was slowly falling apart.

They changed from repairing the ‘engine’ to finding ways to stabilize the pipeline, but in the end the pipeline split into many pieces, and these civilizations just stayed on the split pipeline.

This split is similar to the situation where the first two channels entered the cognitive doomsday space, except that the civilization of the rejecters is almost intact.

Although they often have some skirmishes, they have never had real wars.

And after the death of the rejecters, these civilizations became very united. They worked together to repair the pipeline. At that time, the skirmishes became less and less, and in the end they almost disappeared.

These civilizations have also united and decided to form a common civilization. Their only goal is to protect their...homeland.

That is the pipeline.

Then, under the efforts of these civilizations, the broken pipeline was repaired little by little.

In fact, they glued the fragments together again, but they did not completely restore the original shape of the pipe.

The pipeline now looks more like a group of huge floating land masses, and these civilizations sit on the floating objects.

The granular creatures at the time thought of the tumbling people who split into landmass in the past.

Of course, it is impossible to travel by pipeline as before, so they continue to develop civilization here.

What makes the particle creatures feel amazing is not only that this ‘mixed civilization’ does not have any wars, but that they are still indifferent to the pipeline.

They have been sending troops to explore the void, but no matter what environment they encounter, they don’t want to settle in that place the first time they want to dismantle it and drag it back, as a resource or as a new land block. city.

In this way, over the long period of time, they have developed there more and more. These civilizations live on many land masses. In addition to the initial pipeline splitting of these land masses, there are many other civilizations from far away. Dragged it back.

They dismantle other various resources, such as floating objects floating in the void, including Tumblers, which may be dismantled. Together, these dragged things have far exceeded the size of the original pipeline, but these civilizations The pipeline is still centered, and they regard the split part of the pipeline as the most important and sacred place.

Granules believe that even after the deniers die, they still influence these civilizations in some way.

In fact, the granular creature believes that the rejector, like other channels, also has a thinking space where the thoughts of civilized creatures are gathered, and it controls civilizational creatures through these spaces.

Although it looks like it is developing freely, it is actually completely controlled. It is strange that there are so many civilizations without any war.

So, Granules intends to investigate.

Pellet made a...thing suitable for investigation.

The denier’s civilization is very powerful, mainly composed of several individualized biological civilizations, a division of labor-type species civilization, and a civilization that looks like plants. It is impossible for granular creatures to attack them, but it wants to confirm one thing.

That is the thinking of the rejecter.

Therefore, it has created a special ‘machine’ that intends to sneak into the territory of these civilizations and investigate the thinking space there.

It wants to know what the rejector thinks and why it can not return to the stellar pipeline.

So the granular creature started to move. Its ‘machine’ was actually made in the shape of a civilized creature. In addition to this machine, it also built a long-distance flying vehicle.

It knows those civilized creatures very well, and it thinks that this mechanical camouflage can sneak into them.

The particle creature then allowed this machine... to leave the space of cognition of the end.

It knew how to open the ‘road’ of space to the normal void, and it also knew how to approach this civilization.

At that time, there were many ‘space roads’. By entering some spaces and taking a short path, it could quickly approach these civilizations.

And after approaching the target... it was destroyed.

Whether it's an aircraft or a mechanical camouflage itself, there are systems that can shield the opponent from detection. Particle creatures think so, and they can escape the detection of these civilizations.

But when its aircraft left the space road and approached within one billion kilometers of this civilization, it was attacked and completely destroyed.

This surprised the granular creatures, how did they discover it?

The particle creature was planning to make another approach to them, but it found some weird places.

The civilizations that were originally united suddenly started conflicts.

At first it was only a small conflict, but it gradually became violent, and finally even started a war.

The reason for their war is also very simple, that is, each race feels that other races have some conspiracy, and may have to plan to destroy themselves.

They had hardly thought about it before, but slowly each race began to guard against each other, and finally it became a real fight.

This powerful civilization group... just perished.

Their wars are so fierce that no civilization can survive.

Except for a few troops exploring outside, these civilized creatures have almost completely disappeared.

The only thing left for them to live on... the land baptized by the war is still floating in the void.

After that, the particle creature once again sent a machine to the civilized territory after the war.

It did not find the thinking space of the did not find a clue.

But it felt that it might have caused this war.

It caused some kind of... impact.

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