4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 372: The return of exploration

The particle creature once again saw the exploratory team it had sent out before.

Although the civilized creatures in the exploration team have gone through a long period of time outside, they have not changed much compared to before, and the granular creatures can easily recognize them.

And these creatures... have forgotten the granular creatures.

Although they remembered that they were exploring the void for the goal of finding a channel, in fact, this goal has been recorded in them like a legend left from the ancient times.

However, they themselves have not been looking for channels.

The granular creatures did not directly contact the exploratory team that came back, but observed them... and captured some of their individuals for research.

Soon, the particle creature understood how this group of creatures lived so long.

They are mainly static.

The creatures in the exploration team spent most of the time in stillness, and they had come into contact with still technology at some point before.

And the time for them to acquire static technology is exactly the same as the civilization in the cognition of the doomsday space.

When civilizations in space use static technology on a large scale, the exploration teams outside also have this type of technology. Although the past records are not very clear, the granular creatures can only roughly know that they seem to have suddenly acquired relevant knowledge.

However, because the exploration team was in a normal void, they couldn't directly create something that could produce a static effect.

And they stumbled upon some... solidified void matter during their later journey.

Through those substances, they created a static generator.

Their original idea was just because the journey of the void was too long, so they planned to use stillness to omit the long process...but something happened later, so they could not use the stillness generator normally.

In fact, there are some creatures trying to use stillness... to kill other creatures.

The exploration team was originally made up of different creatures. They themselves didn’t like non-homogeneous creatures so much. It’s just that nothing special happened under the control of particle creatures before, and now some creatures are trying to use stillness... to kill. Die non-kind creatures that they don't like.

Because they plan to collectively use stillness and sleep to spend the long journey time, as long as they get up first in the process, they can easily kill other sleeping individuals.

But after these unscrupulous creatures woke up, they found that they were not the only ones thinking this way, and many other creatures also wanted to take advantage of this time to wake up and kill the objects they wanted to kill.

Then... a war broke out inside the exploratory team.

This process is not recorded in detail. In short, one creature killed all other creatures, but their battle also caused some malfunctions in the static generator, causing their entire team to fall into a long-term static.

It took a long time for them to wake up...Although it has been a long time, nothing special happened to them, so they began to look for resources everywhere and start a new life.

Then they encountered some void... gaps.

In fact, it is the gap between the solidified void and the normal void. Since some solidified void materials can be obtained in these places, they began to pay attention and mainly look for these gaps.

Although they have been static for a long time, they don't know it themselves, and still find it useful to be static, so they have been trying to make all kinds of static-related things.

In addition to making ‘daily necessities’, they also make weapons, which are mainly used to deal with various creatures.

They often encounter some dangerous solidified creatures around the void cracks. Generally speaking, solidified creatures can resist the static effect. The exploration team did not choose other weapons. They tried to continuously improve the original static weapon to make them attack the solidified creature. There are also effects.

Slowly they were not satisfied with looking for resources outside the solidification gap, they began to try to pass through the gap.

Most of the time, the gap is impossible to pass through. Although there will be something pouring out of the gap, things in the normal void cannot enter the gap.

Even so, they often try to pass through the gap.

After entering a gap large enough for the entire aircraft to pass through, they returned to the space of... knowing the doomsday.

In fact, they themselves don't know why they can come back here.

The particle creatures think that this group of creatures can solve the problem that it has been unable to get out.

But this returning exploratory team soon caused a huge...distress to it.

Because after they came back, they quickly began to occupy the territory here and develop rapidly. These exploration team creatures had always been on the same aircraft, and they didn't want to live there.

But after they came to the space of cognition of the end, they felt that this place was very suitable for them, and then they decided to develop here.

And they have some wonderful static technology that has never been seen before by particle creatures, which makes them able to resist the attacks of particle creatures on them.

The particle creatures originally wanted to kill them all, so it created a new force to attack the exploration team, but it found that this group of creatures... is difficult to deal with.

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Although it initially captured some of the exploration team creatures, they were only for reconnaissance, and it was very difficult to attack the base.

Moreover, as this group of creatures began to develop, the granular creatures also noticed that they seemed to... adore stillness.

They rarely use ordinary weapons, but always choose to use static weapons to attack the troops of particle creatures.

They seem to think that stillness is the best thing to use, and they have the idea of ​​spreading stillness. The buildings, cities, etc. they build will put a lot of stillness devices to control the entire area.

Then, the granular organisms also observed mutations in them.

The original civilized creatures will not mutate, but these returning ones are different. After they have lived here for a long time, their bodies begin to slowly mutate, appearing changes that are close to granular creatures.

They themselves regard this change as ‘evolution’, and indeed for granular organisms, they have become more difficult to deal with.

And in the end, the granular creatures did not defeat them.

This cognition of the doomsday space has also undergone tremendous changes, in short, finally there has been such a batch of...trying to spread static creatures again.

The granular creatures can't stop it when used by themselves, so I decided to tell some special creatures this information.

For example, like Lin.

But it didn't tell it casually, mainly because it thought Lin...somewhat might help prevent the spread of stillness.

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