4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 374: Pipeline records

Many things can be felt in this place.

Lin is now in the depths of the'observation room'.

Many areas here are seemingly ordinary cave spaces, but there are also some more interesting parts.

For example, this place Lin arrived now.

Here...it's a ‘pipeline record area’.

This place is a relatively large cave space with a direct distance of more than ten kilometers, and there are many images of pipes floating in this cave, which are like translucent light curtains floating in the center of the cave.

The images of these pipelines include collectors, end of worlds, and rejecters encountered by granular creatures. There are hundreds of meters of miniature images of them floating here.

But apart from these three familiar channels, Lin can see three other channels.

In addition, these three are not the pipes that granular creatures know. Why are they here?

Lin first observed...the three familiar to the granular creature.

The images of these three pipelines all show their...the heyday.

In fact, it is the best stage of civilization development in them, which is the time in the middle of their'lifespan'.

Of course, this life span was calculated from the particle creatures seeing them in the normal void. When Lin came into contact with these pipe images, she could still feel some of their detailed information.

Mainly there is information about their body organ working structure, as well as the various civilizations on it, and so on.

What Lin had learned from Granules before was not as detailed as here.

The internal organs of these three pipes have many similarities with giant creatures such as Stellar buses. They have organs that can open space tunnels. However, this organ is not a giant structure, but multiple small ones distributed throughout the body. organ.

And the three channels are somewhat different. The more interesting thing is the rejecter. It doesn't completely use its own organs, but uses its own civilization.

Because the civilization of the rejecters develops without limits, they can also create some long-distance space mobile devices.

These devices occasionally activate on their own, and these civilized creatures don't know what's going on. In fact, it is the deniers who are using their devices.

When she was in contact with the images, Lin could also get some...explanation of their living conditions.

The particle creature didn't know this, at least Lin hadn't obtained this information from the particle creature before.

In addition to organs for long-distance movement, there are organs for gravity control, space shaping, etc. They can shape small spaces in pipes, or create a'space wall' and the like to manage the internal body. Civilization also maintains the stability of the body...that is, maintains the shape of the pipeline.

In addition to maintaining themselves, space organs are also usually used for combat. A pipe can easily distort the space of a region, so when wandering in the void, it is difficult for them to encounter creatures that can fight against them.

And their neural structure, as Lin knew before, is connected with every individual creature in all civilizations.

But not all living things, in general...Wild animals are not connected with pipes, they only connect with creatures with a certain degree of intelligence.

But if the original wild animals develop civilization, it will also be connected with the nerves of the pipeline.

The thinking of these creatures is connected into a special ‘conscious space’ and then mixed with the consciousness of the pipeline itself.

It can also be said that the pipeline knows what each creature is thinking at all times. This is a very uncomfortable thing for those personal creatures who pay attention to privacy, but they generally don't know that this is the case when civilization is destroyed.

The neural structure of the pipeline is very powerful, but it is not an ‘entity’ but a thinking structure similar to Lin’s ‘energy’ form.

Granular creatures have also thought about it. Perhaps the consciousness of some creatures was born in the unique rules of a single space.

These pipelines have spent a long life in the void, and the information Lin feels here is mainly the recording and summary of the pipeline's life process.

Although I understand the detailed organ structure of the pipeline, etc., one thing I don't understand is the pipeline itself...what is it thinking?

All kinds of things they do in this life, behavior patterns, etc... try to analyze their purpose.

Lin was surprised that the analysis here didn't seem to be done by the granular creature.

The purpose of the pipeline is obvious on the surface, which is to wander in the void and cultivate the civilization in one's body.

It's just that these pipelines are thought to have some special purpose, and this video room seems to be used to study this.

Although there are detailed records of the entire life activities of the pipeline, there is no way to know what the ‘target’ of the pipeline is in the end.

The recorder here believes that these channels cultivate civilization on the body and wander the entire void. There must be something very...major goal, which may involve the mystery of the void or something.

In other words, the target of the pipeline that the recorder thinks here...has not been there since the beginning.

Lin felt that these pipelines had many similarities with the Midgard that Lin knew, at least in the early life.

In the back, these pipes weren't as planned as Midgart did...so planned.

They don't seem to have planned anything special, just... die.

Maybe these early pipelines are like this.

In addition to the three channels, there are also images of other channels. The first three have detailed information, and the remaining three have no detailed information.

And I don’t know why they are recorded here.

The other three pipelines are all called ‘border prowlers’.

They mainly haunt the ‘border’ of the solidified void and the normal void. They are similar to the previous pipelines and have a lot of civilization in their bodies.

At the same time, some of their lives are recorded, but their deaths are not recorded.

Because the last time I found them, I just saw them return to the frozen void.

After checking this information, Lin found that the record here was not actually recorded by the particle creature, but some other creature. Although the record did not mention who the recorder was, Lin felt that it was probably a creature in the expedition team. .

Maybe they encountered a lot of pipes while wandering outside, but because they were disconnected from the particle creatures, they couldn't send the news back.

After they came back, they put these records here, maybe the pipeline image information of this place was obtained by the exploration team.

After Lin investigated the information of all the channels, she discovered that there was actually a special channel recorded here.

That is the stellar pipeline.

Although the stellar pipeline does not appear here as an image, its information can be obtained after reading the information of other pipelines.

Here are mainly records about the origin of stellar pipelines.

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