4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 376: Rifted civilization

The number of them... a lot.

At present, these creatures have sent tens of millions of spear-shaped vehicles, and they are constantly falling on the surface of Lin's "March" and two satellites.

Although the coming is very ferocious, the creatures in the aircraft did not do anything special after they came out, almost all of them wandering around on the seemingly desolate surface.

Lin knew from the captured creatures that they belonged to the... descendants of the exploration team.

The exploratory team sent out by Particle Creatures has actually experienced a lot of things, more than what Lin had learned before...

In addition to the exploration team itself, a lot of things have happened to the members who have spread in the void.

Many creatures who were unwilling to continue to explore left the exploration team and settled in many places in the void. Some of these remaining creatures developed and formed a huge civilization.

The group of creatures Lin is encountering now is the civilization developed by the ‘legacy’ of the previous exploration team.

However, their history is not continuous. After they have developed to a certain period...a phenomenon called spatial anomaly has swallowed their civilization.

In fact, it is to enter a ‘coincident space’, which is similar to the superposition of many different spaces, each with different environments and even rules.

Living in such a place may enter another space at any time, so this makes this group of creatures live in an extreme...chaos.

They may have been resting for one second, and fell into purgatory in the next second.

However, these creatures have survived in this kind of space, and they have developed hugely different cultures and lifestyles in multiple spaces.

Of course, they inevitably fell into a civil war.

This group of creatures, like many individual creatures, came to the brink of almost extinction after experiencing a fierce civil war.

And what keeps them alive is stillness.

Some creatures have discovered static... and obtained related technologies through research.

Almost all civilizations want to use stillness as a weapon the moment they discover stillness, and this group of creatures do the same.

Static discoverers use a lot of static technology to deal with other people of the same kind, and because of this, the space in which they live has a huge anomaly, which makes the entire space fall into stillness.

The strange thing is that these creatures did not completely lose consciousness after being quiescent.

Their consciousness has always been in a state similar to dreaming. In this dream state, they can see their own civilization...the end of civil wars and perish is constantly being repeated.

Although the ‘playing’ of dreams is fast, they are very impressed with the content of the dreams.

I don't know how many times I have seen the endings of civil wars and destruction in their dreams, but they finally woke up.

After waking up, these creatures... completely stopped the civil war.

They began to become very united and grew together, but there is another reason for them to become this way, that is, the space in which they live is no longer overlapping.

They no longer civil war, but did not stop fighting, but began to attack other creatures.

They find that the space they live in can reach some distant locations in the void. They use this function to attack creatures around the void and use a large number of stationary weapons.

Of course, they also use stillness in their lives, and gradually they have a strong dependence on stillness.

Like other civilized creatures in Cognitive Doomsday, they begin to

They maintained this kind of life for a while, until they found their void... a huge rift had been cracked.

The entrances and exits leading to the distance have also disappeared, and they can only come out through this crack.

Although it is said that it is not possible to attack creatures in the void from far away, many new creatures appeared near this rift... actually solidified creatures, so they began to attack these solidified creatures to obtain resources.

Because of their way of life... Lin decided to call them chasers.

Although these split hunts are the descendants of the past exploration team, they do not seem to be directly related to the situation in the cognitive doomsday space.

The information about the pipes stored there was not sent by them, but Lin felt that she should go in and find something in the cracks.

While Lin's'March' and the two satellites were advancing, Chassman also began to think that these three were not ordinary Tumblers, and decided to destroy them.

Lin found that many chasing hunters began to return to the aircraft and activated them, and many aircraft stuck on the ground slowly rose back to the high altitude and evacuated from the surface.

At the same time in the void, Lin saw some larger... battleships approaching.

These large ships are more than ten kilometers in length, are spear-shaped and have a silver shell. The faster the speed of these giant ships, the faster the aircraft on the local watch. When all the aircraft on the local watch evacuated, a total of ten warships also crashed into March And the surface of the two satellites.

This is the method they have always used to destroy the Tumblers, mainly by using these huge ships to dig a large hole in the surface that leads directly to the center of the earth, and then throw explosives into the hole.

Generally speaking, these huge ships would stay at high altitude and start digging operations, instead of directly colliding them down. The main reason they collided was because Lin... dragged them down.

Like ordinary stellar buses, there are gravitational control organs inside'March', which can easily drag these warships down and crash into the ground.

When Lin started to do this, all the aircraft in the void immediately started firing at the surface.

They originally thought that Lin's March was probably just flying towards their rift for some special reason, but now they completely think it was conscious...the enemy.

So they began to bombard the surface frantically, a large number of explosives and beams shot out from millions of aircraft, bombarding everything on the surface.

Although there is nothing on the surface for them to attack.

So Lin let a satellite fly forward, and the satellite approached the group of aircraft that was firing at the same time, sending out a huge...shock wave.

The spreading waves hit all the aircraft, but didn't destroy them, but just stopped them... completely.

This is because Lin activated the static system inside them.

There are a number of stationary systems in the Chasm Hunter's aircraft, including some... emergency avoidance systems that can stop the entire aircraft.

Lin has a way to activate all their static systems, making them completely inactive.

After resting them, Lin quickly reached the rift.

From the outside, the inside of the rift was completely dark, and after entering the inside, Lin found that inside was the civilization of the hunt.

Their civilization seems to be built on the corpse of a pipe.

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