4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 215: White expedition

It is still dark here, because it is under the ground, but in the endless darkness, it has a little ray of light.

"Oh oh?" "Hoh, oh oh!"

Three white dragons, holding a small piece of crystal in their hands as a light source, looked puzzled at the crystal madness that had just been stunned on the ground. These white dragons seemed quite confused and discussed things with each other.

These white dragons should also be a group of crystal mad, because Lynn saw the little bags with the former crystal mad companions on them, and they had some strange things on their necks.

These three white dragons may know the crystal madness. Lin heard the pronunciation of 'crystal madness' in their discussion. Although the name of the crystal madness is Linda, it is exactly the same as the original name of the crystal madman.

The three white dragons spoke and suddenly noticed the huge brain of the main brain after the crystal madness.

At the moment when they saw the crystallization, they suddenly felt extremely surprised, and immediately dropped the crystal madness around the crystal.

"Oh!" "Hey!"

These white dragons are constantly making exclamations, as if they are very surprised by this crystallization, and in surprise, they also look at the crystal madness lying behind.

Do they want to kill the crystal mad?

No, these three white dragons did not, but ran over and turned the crystals back. They were carrying a crystal madness, while the other two carried crystals, and quickly walked deep into the passage.

They actually don't kill the crystal madness and help it... Sure enough, this is called a personality creature.

Although the crystal madness is crazy for crystallization, it does not mean that it is the same. There are extremely selfish members. There are also members who are not selfish. This is in line with individual creatures.

Although in general the amount of extreme selfishness far exceeds that is not selfish.

The speed of the three white dragons was fast, and Lin’s spies followed them. Soon, there was a bright light ahead...

This is the real sun, and there is a mouth open at the top of the cave, but there are a lot of vines hanging down here. It should be made by the white dragon. This makes it easy to climb up.

A white dragon first climbed up with a crystal madness, and the other two used a large number of vines to bind the crystals, and then climbed up to drag the crystals up.

After they all climbed out, Lin climbed out of the cave. Before it came out, Lin released a small observation eyeball and continued to float in the cave to see where the cave went.

The spy followed these white dragons. Now, they are marching fast in the jungle outside, after about a hundred meters. Lynn saw a very special scene.

In this open space, there are a large number of white dragons.

These white dragons have built tents of dinosaur skin and leaves in the jungle. There was a bonfire in the middle. They gathered here and discussed each other. Lin saw some white dragons wearing strange blue armor. It wasn’t a bone or a skin. It’s a bit like a beetle... The shell will glisten under the sun.

Some of the white dragons carry weapons, and Lin finds that their weapons are not spears, but they are basically weapons like 'swords'. The materials are the same as those of shiny goggles.

There are not many white dragons wearing this kind of armor. Most of them are just a piece of chest or leg, but Lin also sees a whole body, and it is still ordering other white dragons. This white dragon is probably the leader. The number of white dragons in the entire camp is small, only a dozen...

It turns out that they have a small camp here. Maybe Crystal Mad wants to go through the jungle to this place, because it is impossible to say how to go to the island.

"Hey!" The three white dragons carrying crystals and crystallization came close to the camp. The white dragons in the camp saw them and then surrounded them, including the leader.

These white dragons looked at the crystals they carried with a very surprised expression. The leader also stepped forward and said to them: "Luka, Ava, ah?"

What exactly does this mean? I can't quite understand it, but I can basically guess that it is asking where the crystallization came from.

At this time, the three white dragons put the crystal madness in front of the leader, and the leader looked at the crystal madness in surprise: "Hey...oh oh ah?"

Other white dragons are also looking at the crystal mad with amazement, and there are many emotions of 'envy', which are usually caused by seeing other members have what they want.

These three white dragons are really different. They do not monopolize the merits of finding crystals, but are indeed the crystals of crystal madness? Their personality gap is really big. If they kill the crystal madness, then the group of white dragons envy them.

"Hey...?" At this moment, Crystal opened his eyes and saw that so many white dragons looked at themselves. It was suddenly scared by this scene and went back and forth.

"噢噢噢噢!!!" After seeing the crystal madness woke up, the white dragon in the camp suddenly gave a cheer, and the leader of Bai Qilong grabbed the scared crystal madness, and the white dragons pushed the crystal madness into the group. In the middle, then grabbed its head and feet and threw the crystal into the air, caught it, and then threw it into the air...

This seems to be their celebration action? The crystal madness began to scare, but after being thrown two times, it seemed to react and became more and more happy.

After the down, the leader stood in front of the crystal mad, began to ask something about it, and the crystal madness also answered a lot of words under the inquiry of the leader.

Lin’s speculation about them should be like this. These white dragons lived on an island. One day they formed a team to explore the mainland. The team was the white dragon in this camp.

Then they are further dispersed into groups of several white dragons, scattered to explore, one of which is the team of crystal mad, Bai Qilong should be like the emerald dragon, like to crystallize such shiny things.

Then Crystal Mad has found the crystal, it kills the same kind, trying to drag the crystal back to get the reward, it is now talking to the leader, it should be their encounter with the crystallization.

Of course, Crystal Mania will not say that he killed those companions. It can just make a reason to say that they are eaten by dinosaurs...

Listening to the words of Crystal Mad, the leader did not have any doubts, and occasionally there was a feeling of 'pity' and 'sadness'. Lin felt that this was probably when the crystal madness mentioned that a white dragon died.

This leader actually feels sad about his companions, but it is really rare, but this is also, if their entire team is like a crystal mad personality, they have long since disappeared.

After the crystal madness said for a while, it was finally finished. After the leader heard the emotion of 'touching', it immediately called other white dragons to bring water and food to the crystal mad, and the crystal mad suddenly thrilled to eat. stand up.

This crystal madness... If it is only for itself, it is really very successful, but for the whole group... it is a scourge.

Lin wants to see what happens after this scourge, but let’s first take a look at their camp. There are a lot of things that Lynd hasn’t seen...

Now, most of the white dragons are studying the crystals brought back by the crystal madness, while the crystal madness is not worried about eating food there.

The spy was discolored in the camp. No white dragons noticed it. Lin first entered the tent of a white dragon.

This tent is somewhat like the emerald dragon, but the workmanship is better, the whole is semi-circular, and the skin used is the skin of the dinosaur that Linde has not seen in the jungle.

This also proves that they come from a distance.

And there are more wonderful things in the tent. Lin sees a container like a pot, which is made of the same material as the cyan armor worn by the white dragon.

Lin gently knocked on the cyan pot, and it echoed a very special crisp sound.

This feeling...

It seems to be made of some kind of stone. Lin should have seen this kind of stone. Lin has tried to use various stones to make shells, so this has a familiar feeling. If a stone is broken down, then Some of the substances inside can be extracted to create something similar.

But this hardness should not be too high, it is easy to be crushed. As a armor, it should not be very good, and it is quite heavy. When it runs, it will collide with each other and make a sound. Lin is more concerned about how they make this thing into this shape. It should not be simply beaten.

They may have some special technology.

Lin looked in the tent for a while, in addition to these crisp containers, there are some leather, dry meat and bones, nothing special.

From here, Lynn came to the largest tent in the camp.

It should be the head of the room. In front of the tent, there is a dinosaur. This dinosaur is like a dinosaur called '鸵龙', moving with legs, but this body is much bigger, and it is back on it. Put a piece of leather, it seems to be used for riding.

Lynn circumvented it into the tent of the leader. Lin found that the things placed here were almost the same as the previous tents. It was a little more, but there were still some different things.

Some leather things are neatly placed in one place...

Generally speaking, there is nothing special about cortex, but these skins are very thin, and they are cut into squares that are exactly thirty centimeters long and twenty wide, and are stacked together as if they have been handled with great care.

This skin should not be worn, but... what to do?

Pick up the top piece of leather and see the symbol that is fascinating. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ the holy moon of the holy fish ~

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