4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 381: boundary

The Drifter’s House believes that the source of consciousness of the stellar pipeline comes from the collection of various biological thinking data in this collapsed world.

But who is actually gathering these data?

Are some ancient and powerful civilization creatures?

This is also the final goal of the Drifter’s House. It wants to find these ancient things, so the Drifter’s House has begun to continuously study all clues about this aspect.

It did find a lot of clues, mainly something buried deep underground.

The main bio-inhabited areas of the collapsed world are mainly some tumbling people and some floating land masses. The clues are almost all found under the ground in these areas, just like the previous ‘deeply buried giant monster’.

But as the search process continued, many strange behaviors appeared in the Drifter's House.

Its consciousness began to become intermittent, and occasionally enter a long-term interruption state.

Of course, this was discovered by the Doomsday Eye. The Doomsday Eye has always lived in the drifter's house. Through the awareness of direct contact with the channel, it can know the purpose of the drifter's house, as well as some ideas and so on.

However, when the drifter's house began to search for clues in the ancient ruins, the Eye of Doom found that this consciousness became intermittent, and when it was disconnected, it was like falling asleep, and the consciousness completely disappeared.

At first, the Eye of Doom thought it was his connection being severed by the other party, but in fact it was not. The Drifter's House would not do anything when it lost consciousness.

The Eye of Doom seems to care about the state of the Wanderer's House, so it specifically examines why this is the case.

Every time the drifter's house loses consciousness, it will carefully examine the thinking structure of the drifter's house, and continuously update its sensory organs to see if it can find anything.

However, before the Eye of Doom found anything, the time for the Wanderer's House to maintain consciousness became less and less, and finally disappeared completely.

And the entire pipeline has also become an ordinary pipeline floating in the void.

Of course, it is not ordinary in fact. Although the consciousness of the drifter's house disappeared, the organs in its body that maintain the stability of the environment are still functioning, so the entire pipeline did not break.

The Eye of Doom made a decision at that time. It decided to occupy this channel and control it to complete its unfinished business.

It seems that the Eye of Doom has a deep interest in this exploration of the Drifter’s House, and of course it also told the creatures living in the pipeline of its plan.

Most of these creatures in the pipeline do not pay much attention to the information that the Doomsday Eye has been telling them, but some creatures are very concerned and have developed related sects that worship the pipeline and the Doomsday Eye.

But in any case, after so long, these creatures also began to continue their civilization development on the pipeline.

Some creatures believe that the eye of apocalypse will no longer bring them apocalypse, while others simply believe that the past apocalypse is nothing more than a legend.

In short, the civilization in the pipeline showed signs of beginning to flourish, but it just stopped at the beginning.

Because a...new creature appeared in the pipeline.

This creature is called a ‘tinker’.

They have this name because they have a very ambitious goal-to repair the void.

This group of creatures live on the border of the world of collapse, so they know very well that this void is collapsing...is slowly shrinking.

And their task is to prevent this from happening.

They have been trying to fix it, but they have been unable to do so.

Of course, the true identities of these tinkers are actually the remnants of consciousness belonging to the stellar pipeline.

It's just that they are a little different from other fragments. They have the task of repairing the void. At the same time, they are similar to other residual bodies, hunting and extracting the consciousness of creatures.

It's just that they don't extract ordinary creatures, but some powerful creatures...like the home of drifters.

And they have a definite purpose in extracting biological consciousness, which is to use this consciousness as a material to repair the void.

When the tinker confirmed the target drawn for them by the Drifter's House, they did not act directly, but observed for a period of time, and then activated a special...device.

This can be said to be a device that reduces the ‘life’ of the pipeline. To be precise, it brings the pipeline to the end of its life in advance.

Similar to the two channels that Lin knew about entering the doomsday space, the awareness of the channels entering this state will stop moving, and their consciousness will slowly merge into a certain position.

Tinkers can advance this process of fusion through certain methods and end the life of the pipeline.

It can be said that compared with other remaining consciousness bodies, these tinkerers are the real...stellar pipeline consciousness heirs.

Of course, these are things that the Eye of Doom will know later.

For the civilization in the Eye of Doom and the pipes, tinkers are a group of terrifying creatures, and their appearance looks like masses of black sticky objects several kilometers in size.

The purpose of their appearance is also very clear, that is, they are... curious about the current situation.

Because after the consciousness of the drifter's house disappeared, the Eye of Doom tried to take over the control of the pipeline, which created the illusion that the pipeline was still alive.

Although these tinkers knew about the pipeline's consciousness, they didn't seem to know the biological situation of the pipeline, so they came to check.

They seem to have no way to view them from a distance, or simply want to come over.

In short, as soon as these tinkers approached the pipeline, they began to dismantle the pipeline...These huge sticky objects were directly on the outer layer of the pipeline, and at the same time quickly swallowed everything on the surface.

The Eye of Doom immediately controlled the defense system on the pipeline and began to attack the group of tinkers.

When the tinker directly confronted these defensive systems, his performance was not very strong...One of them was killed directly, and the rest quickly retreated.

These defense systems on the pipeline are just some used to crack the Tumbler...relatively ordinary weapons,

Over the next period of time, tinkers will occasionally come to attack the pipes, and the Eye of Doom can successfully kill them.

But every time you kill one, the tinker will retreat quickly. After this kind of battle continues for a period of time, the Doom Eye's ability to detect them becomes stronger.

Previously, the Eye of Doom could not find them approaching at all, but slowly it was able to detect these tinkers and trace the past.

Finally, it chased the group of tinkers to the...boundary of the world of collapse.

This boundary is so different from other spatial boundaries, that is, it does not have a ‘wall’.

This means that the environment in ‘nothing’ can be directly observed here.

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