4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 23: Manufacturing point

These tunnels seem to be slowly... forming.

In the "World Vortex", Lin found a lot of materials to make some devices to detect the surrounding space environment.

Lin found that there was a lot of space around, and a lot of this space together became a structure like tree roots.

In fact, these spaces are not all in the same'location'. It can also be said that their exits are scattered throughout the void, but there is another entrance inside these spaces that connects them to each other, which makes these spaces see It looks like'roots' connected together.

If you shuttle between them, you can quickly reach all parts of the void, because these spaces themselves are not very large, for example, the length where Lin is now is only tens of thousands of kilometers.

What's more amazing is that these spaces are constantly growing...With the passage of time, the spaces that make up the shape of the tree roots are becoming more and more, and each space itself has also increased.

Lin felt as if the space tunnel was slowly recovering.

If the simple space itself gathers in large numbers, that is not necessarily the case, but now the creatures in the space are beginning to reappear...So this is indeed like the resurrection of a space tunnel.

Lin thinks this has something to do with the fusion of the void, but there is also something that is assisting the ‘resurrection’.

So Lin planned to go over and take a look.

The light orbs that Lin called the "historical assembler" that created the vortex of the world came from a nearby space, and the small carriage that Lin was riding in also happened to be there. I don’t know if I can see these light orbs. Base camp.

When the passengers in the small carriage arrived at the new place, there was no special reaction as before.

This space is different from the previous ones. The tunnels in the previous space are basically wide and spacious, but here is very...crowded.

Because of this place, it can be said that it is a place called a ‘transportation hub’.

This is what Lin learned from the memories of the creatures in the world vortex. The'transportation hub' is a space that connects many spaces, so many creatures will pass through here.

It seems that this place was originally a battlefield, because it was mixed with many different biological forces, and they often had fierce battles... As time passed, it became calm.

Many creatures worked together to build this place into a place of peace.

Therefore, as soon as the carriage has entered this space, it will find itself in a huge passage, which has a height and width of more than ten kilometers, and the material is like the shell of some crustaceans.

The carriages are moving slowly in this passage... There are many such passages here, they run through the entire space of the "transportation hub", connecting from one space exit to another space exit, each coming from another space Everything here will enter these passages, and the width of the passage itself is also designed according to the width of the space exit.

There are many things that look like buildings on the inner wall of the passage. These are devices used to detect visitors.

They will carefully investigate every thing that enters the passage to see if it will cause harm to this place, usually no fighting is allowed here.

Lin thinks that the strange thing about this place is that after the passage in the transportation hub was built, it was mainly maintained by the many races living nearby that often needed the passage. Then there was no major war broke out here. No race tried to occupy it.

According to Lin's knowledge from the biological memory of the world vortex, the peace of this transportation hub has lasted thousands of pompoms day and night.

There have not been too many changes here, they just simply set up a large number of channels to connect each space exit.

Now, the environment inside the transportation hub has been ‘resurrected’ along with the space itself.

It's just not resurrected completely.

None of the detection devices in the passage were activated, they just stayed there quietly, and there were no aircraft or aircraft wreckage in the passage. There should be quite a few aircraft here, but it seems that there are none at all.

The carriage was advancing in the huge passage, occasionally you could see the light **** of some historical assemblers drifting around, they seemed to want to go to other spaces.

Of course, Lin also tried to detect the micro-arms emitted by these light balls, but when they were still in the form of light balls, Lin didn't know what they would assemble.

As he deepened into the passage, Lin also found that there were more and more light spheres around, and at the same time the carriage passed through many forks. These forks all lead to the exits of other spaces, and a large number of light spheres are constantly increasing. Move to various fork roads.

The small carriage does not go to those fork roads, it has been moving deep along this passage, and there are more and more light spheres in it.

Slowly they even filled the entire tunnel, and they flew over the car as densely as a starry sky.

At the end of the huge ball of light, Lin saw the...producer of the ball of light.

This thing looks like a pile of corpses.

It is a hill made up of a large number of organisms, with a height of more than two kilometers. As for the organisms that accumulate into it, they are all organisms that build this transportation hub.

The creatures that build the transportation hub are mainly civilized creatures that are all under a hundred meters in size, so when their corpses are piled up in such a large pile...the number is still quite large.

Of course, this pile is not an ordinary pile. Lin found that it can move. It will stretch out some tentacles made of corpses from the surface. When these tentacles stretch out, a circular opening will open in the air.

It will stretch its tentacles into this opening after a short while and then retract it. When retracting, you can see a lot of historical assembler light **** stuck on the surface of its tentacles.

Then these light **** will fly up and start to move in the tunnel.

It looks like a pile of corpses is constantly opening a small space opening around it, and then a lot of light **** are glued from the opening.

It didn't seem to have any reaction to the arrival of the carriage, and of course the carriage did not respond to it either, but flew directly over the pile of corpses.

As for Lin, she let the pompom of the hitchhiker sprinkle a lot of mini-arms, to investigate the situation of the pile of corpses.

The carriage slowly drove to the end of the passage, and when it was about to reach the next space, Lin also had a general understanding of the pile of corpses.

It can be regarded as... an assembled creature, and its body is indeed made up of many organisms, but the nerve structures of these organisms are all connected together, so there is only one consciousness.

And it does have the task of resurrecting the void tunnel in its consciousness.

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