4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 27: The other end

"Kill all...they are all killed..."

Ship parasites seem to be a relatively common kind of "twisted weird", and its ecology... is still quite fun.

Lin's pompom is now wandering in this parasited ship, and the lights in the corridors and in the rooms are constantly flashing, and a large number of wonderful sticky objects are growing and spreading on the ground.

This kind of twisted monster was first born in the ship’s computer system. They slowly control the entire ship through the system and kill all the passengers inside.

In the beginning, civilized creatures often carefully checked the system or temporarily modified the ship when they passed through here, because most of their computer systems were very intelligent at that time. This is also the main reason for parasitism. Therefore, they think that it may be possible to avoid parasitics by modifying it into a more low-level and simple control system.

However, parasitic incidents still occur frequently. Later, they discovered the complete ecology of this parasite. After the ship parasite kills all the crew, it smashes the bodies of all the crew...usually by using automatic doors inside the ship. Something carried out.

The crushed crew will turn into this viscous growth, sneak inside the ship, and then wait for... the victim.

Scavengers, because an abandoned ship usually contains a lot of useful things, belongings and so on. Many creatures are also very keen to find these ships. They may be infected as long as they enter the parasitic hulk. The infected person can also transmit this infection to other creatures. In short, when the infected creature is on the ship, it will modify the computer system so that the system kills all passengers to complete the cycle... When the infected person has no access to the computer system , It will kill passengers on its own.

What's more amazing is that this kind of parasites emerges suddenly, and can infect quite a lot of races, as if they have formed a very complicated ecological relationship with the civilized creatures here in an instant.

Other weird things are similar. They have a wonderful understanding of the civilized creatures that come and go here, as if they knew each other by nature, rather than the feeling of wild animals that suddenly broke into here.

But at present Lin only sees this kind of parasitic, and it was not reconstructed by the splicer, who has not yet started splicing things in this area.

But something from the past has already appeared here, which is rather peculiar, so Lin decides to control this aircraft.

Lin first let the pompom fly to the location of the main control computer, and then investigated the system here. Lin quickly found a more interesting place, that is, the ship set a target location.

If Lin doesn't move it, it will go to this position in three thousand seconds.

This location is called the ‘uncivilized zone’.

Lin's current location, which is the surrounding space tunnel area as the main ‘transportation hub’, is regarded as a civilized area, of course it is mainly called by the civilized species here.

Although these civilized species have quite different physical structures, they all have one thing in common. They are similar in civilization and can communicate with each other, so these civilizations have gathered together and built transportation hubs and other places.

Non-civilized areas are areas marked by them as without any civilization similar to them. These places are not like wild animal monsters, but there is no civilization that can communicate with them.

With that said, Lin would also like to visit that area...but I don't know why it set this goal.

So Lin directly waited three thousand seconds on the parasited ship, and the ship started.

It flew quickly in one direction, probably because it wanted to go to a certain exit.

A space tunnel is composed of a large number of connected spaces. Many spaces have not many entrances and exits, usually a few to dozens. However, some spaces have a rather peculiar characteristic, that is, there are so many entrances and exits. Like this space where weird distortions will appear... There are as many as thousands of exits.

There is a lot of space for this kind of exit, and there are many exits that are unknown and do not know where they lead. This ship is going to an exit that is not on the record.

At the moment of passing through this exit, Lin saw the...Void outside the ship.

It seemed that after passing through that exit, it flew directly into the void outside.

That's how it turns out... The entire void tunnel is now being reconstructed, and the non-civilized zone has not been constructed yet, it will return to the void when it tries to go there.

But Lin saw the scene of the spatial structure.

It is not directly seen, but through the detection system of this ship. The civilized ships in these space tunnels can basically detect the surrounding space. From its detection screen, it can be found that the surrounding space is slowly converging. '.

Some situations are similar to bus transport, in which small spaces like fragments are slowly being spliced ​​together, forming a spherical shape around the ship.

If you look directly, you can only see the ordinary void scenery, but in the inspection, you can find that the surrounding space is forming.

But it may be a long time before it is assembled. If it is not accelerated, it will take three pom-poms to construct. Lin has not found anything controlling their assembly, but Lin thinks it has something to do with the fusion of the void.

'boom! ’

While Lin was observing, the ship exploded.

The entire parasitic ship was turned into scattered pieces in the explosion, but it did not include...a rescue capsule.

In fact, its main control room itself can become a rescue capsule and fly out. When it explodes, its life-saving system is systemic. Lin’s pompom stays in this rescue capsule to watch the exploding ship and the culprit causing the explosion. .

It was a Void Bus with a diameter of more than ten kilometers. It seemed to have been teleported here suddenly, and it immediately launched an attack on the ship. Mainly, there were many cracks on its body surface, and it was launched through these cracks. Explosive missile.

Lin could think of many reasons for its attack on this ship, but Lin felt that the reason it came here might have something to do with the Void Tunnel.

The reconstruction of the void tunnel may have some impact on the bus-like creatures.

The Void Bus seemed to have a lot of problems with the parasitic ship, and Lin discovered that it fired a large number of missiles at the rescue capsule that flew out.

But when it attacked, it itself was pierced by a huge object.

To be precise, this was a spear that looked like it was covered with barbs. It was also more than ten kilometers long. It penetrated the shell of the Void Bus in an instant and penetrated from the bottom.

Lin also saw the thing that threw this ‘spear’, which was a creature in the void tunnel.

But it belongs to the kind of creature that is ‘completely incommunicable’ for most civilizations in the Void Tunnel.

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