"The end... is coming."

"Yeah, great, we have to accept it."

"Ah, great..."

This is a city inhabited by whales. The snow-white and soft carpet of meat is the ground of the city, and the huge variety of internal organs like pipes are their home.

Whale dwellers are creatures very similar to crustaceans. They have thick carapaces and ten pairs of limbs. Their shapes are similar to those of a creature called a limulus. They are different from building various buildings outside. They generally live directly in the internal organs of whales and rarely make major modifications to the interior, but outside the whale they like to assemble a lot of armor and weapons.

Now the sixth tumbler of the whale dwellers, the ocean of jelly is churning again, and the 'waves' composed of jelly are sweeping everything on the sea, most of the buildings have sunk to the bottom of the sea, and all the retreating fleets have left.

Even though there are still many things to retreat, it is obviously too late.

Many of the whale-dwellers who live inside the giant whales are watching, as some fleets are streaming the changes of the jelly sea through the void.

Many whale dwellers have expressed excitement...happy emotions about this.

After Lin's miniature army invaded the surface of the tentacles, it also started a frantic counterattack, and a huge army of micro-machines was continuously created by it, and they continued to fight against Lin.

This battle has lasted for six days for the whale dwellers, and it has long since passed the time announced by the tentacle group.

When Lin was attacking the tentacles, it decided to let the jelly ocean collide with the fifth tumbler Eternal Night Land in advance, but after it issued this notice, Lin accelerated the attack speed, making the micro-army army fast Deep inside the tentacles.

Perhaps because Lynn's attack was too violent, it delayed the collision again.

Lin felt that it was trying to change the tumbler's orbit in some way to make it collide with another tumbler, but Lin's attack made it impossible to operate this matter. .

It just seems to have another way to start the collision plan, and now it's starting the second method.

This method is to make those whale dwellers who eat the black spheres abnormal. Those whale dwellers who eat the spheres are currently very frenetic, and they are desperately looking forward to the collision of the tumblers.

This emotion of theirs also infects the whale dwellers around them, and although only a small number of individuals ate it at first, it has now spread widely.

Now a lot of the Whale Dwellers, mainly on the Fifth Tumbler, are infected with this sentiment, and all have gone into a frenzy watching the news about the tentacles.

The sea of ​​jelly has undergone drastic changes under the eagerness of the large number of whale dwellers, and it is now slowly deviating from its orbit.

What Lin is more concerned about is why these whale dwellers will change the orbit of the tumblers after they become fanatical?

Lin felt that she could find the answer within the tentacle group.

During Lin's attack, Lin captured many factories... These factories are the factories that manufacture micro-machines.

After occupying these factories, Lin discovered some interesting things. There are quite a few types of micro-machines that factories can manufacture. Lin quickly found some of the earliest types.

The earliest versions of the micromachines that could be made in factories had only one purpose...to synthesize tentacles.

They are shaped like insects with many limbs. After being manufactured, they will start to collect debris on the surrounding ground, and then combine them into a tentacle group more than ten centimeters in size.

It doesn't seem to have any special abilities, just a normal statue.

Lin found that the main function of the micro-machines in the early version was to assemble these tentacle statues. According to the update of the version, the statues they assembled were also different. Sometimes they were hollow inside, and some also had some content. Of course, they were also made bigger and bigger. , there are more and more content inside, and sometimes Lin can find a lot of complex structures inside.

These complex structures appear to be just a bunch of odd-shaped things, somewhat like coral skeletons, but Lynn has tested them and found that they can affect the void to some extent.

After destroying the complex structure inside, Lin can detect a gravitation-like feeling around her, attracting surrounding objects to the center.

That is to say, these statues are actually small gravitational bombs. If you throw them out and explode, they will generate a certain amount of gravity.

Lin has seen similar techniques before, but this one is brand new, at least the constituent materials are brand new... Because this kind of statue that can be used as a gravitational bomb requires some special substances to be made.

There are many of these substances in the tentacle group, but not in the void outside.

What is more peculiar is that even if the statue is not destroyed, as long as the statue is close to the brain and imagined, for example, the end of the world is expected, it will also have a gravitational effect.

After Lin occupied the factory, she tried to create the brain of a whale dweller to carry out this kind of imagination, and found that it did have this effect, but it had to be very close.

But this is only a small tentacle statue. If it is the tentacle itself, Lin estimates that it will have a similar effect, and will also react according to the imagination of a large number of whale dwellers.

It's just that Lin is still not very clear why it uses this reaction instead of colliding directly, or that it originally intended to collide like this.

In short, Lin hasn't attacked its core part yet. At present, Lin has penetrated into the tentacle group's 'underground' about 300 meters.

The inside of the tentacles is composed of dense micro-machines. Like cells, they are spliced ​​together to form a huge whole. Therefore, the number of micro-machines inside the tentacles is quite large, and they perform different tasks from cells. Most of the machinery inside the tentacles can be instantly dismantled into combat mode, except those assembled into factories.

And when Lin was slowly hitting deeper, Lin discovered a rather strange structure.

These structures look a bit like a square object with a size of more than ten meters... This looks special because it is not assembled by micro-machines.

When Lin was about to approach it, suddenly the entire tentacle group changed dramatically.

The location of the underground cave where the tentacles were located underwent a violent...contraction.

Including the tentacles and everything around them, they are rapidly shrinking towards a point, as if they were sucked away.

First the tentacles, then the nearby rocks, and the entire ocean, and the jelly sea world itself...

The whole process happened very quickly, and after stopping, the sea of ​​jelly disappeared into the void.

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