Crystal thinkers are always looking for new targets, and in the long search process, they have become more and more powerful, and they will use some special spaces to house the species they use as thinking power.

At the same time, it also absorbed the technology of many other creatures. For example, the tentacle group is a war machine created from the technology obtained from a civilization that is good at using micro-machines.

And now the space that Lin has arrived at is mainly used to store captured civilizations.

The Crystallizer's war against the Whale Dweller is also as it has always done before, and it intends to capture this civilization as a 'thinking power'.

The whole process of the war is mainly to bring them a huge threat through the tentacles, forcing the whale dwellers to eat that kind of spheres, and the spheres can make some modifications to them, so that they can provide thinking power to the crystal thinkers.

When most of the entire whale-dwelling civilization eats these balls, it will find a way to gather them together, and then **** them into this space through tentacles for storage.

And Lin came in early now, it seems that it was because of some... loophole that triggered the 'civilization sucking device' in the tentacle group to activate in advance, causing it to **** in the sea of ​​jelly and a large number of Lin's miniature troops.

If they follow the normal route, the tentacles are a few tumblers that will destroy them, and use a weapon to affect their stellar gravity, so that they can't escape and feel great despair, and have to eat the whole clan in exchange for survival.

After being sucked in, this civilization can gain a certain degree of freedom. For example, the crystal thinkers will first transform this space into a biological environment suitable for being sucked in, and then put a small amount of resources here so that they can last for a period of time. Live, but basically will not allow them to have any ability to develop, they will always live in a state of collapse, and they will be in constant civil war due to lack of resources and other reasons.

But in addition to being difficult to maintain themselves, these civilizations are relatively free in other aspects. For example, the civilizations trapped here in the previous generation have been researching ways to leave here, and they have discovered many things through continuous research, such as related The history of crystal thinkers.

At the same time, they recorded this history on some crystals floating here, trying to tell the civilization that was trapped in the future what happened here.

What is more special is that the crystal thinkers themselves allow this kind of thing, because these historical records also include the language of the whale dwellers, which is obviously added by the crystal thinkers.

But no matter whether you know the history of the crystal thinkers or not, these civilizations really have little chance of escaping, unless an unexpected situation like the current one is triggered.

This accident is quite interesting, because the crystal thinker was a creature that was active in the previous void age, and its various weapons could not be released because they could not adapt to the current void environment.

The tentacles should be able to adapt almost completely to what is currently in the Void environment, but there are still some problems.

Although the void has now merged, many rules have not been completely changed. The continuous release of these civilizations that are good at war, including crystal thinkers, is indeed to make the void return to its original state.

While learning about these histories, Lynn is also researching this space.

The space where the crystal thinker is located is not the same as the current one. This space is actually an area with a physical appearance, that is, it can be seen in the normal void, and its outer shell should be the same as the interior. A layer of white object.

However, this white shell is not composed of ordinary materials, but a layer of 'space walls', which are similar to the walls of ordinary spaces, but can be directly observed in reality.

Maybe many of the previous spaces were like this.

The space of the crystal thinker is located somewhere in the void, far away from the galaxy of the whale dweller, and it can open a channel to reach it directly, but the crystal thinker does not only have a space, this space is only used for the trapped civilization. Yes, it has several other areas for 'main body' and various weapons of war.

Those areas, Lin thinks it will show up next.

Because there is an abnormality now, if it wants to continue to attack the whale dwellers, it will either send another group of tentacles, or send out other weapons, because the group of tentacles was attacked by Lin, it should not send another group of tentacles in the future. .

While studying the space of the crystal thinker, Lin observed the next situation. The whale dwellers are now preparing to escape. Because of such a huge disaster, they decided to completely transform their civilization... to drift in the void. civilization, the whale-dweller nation on every tumbler is actively preparing.

Personalized biological civilizations are often united as never before when they encounter powerful alien invaders, but these invaders are more likely to be their doomsday.

It didn't take long for the Crystallizer to deploy its new weapon, this time it was also mainly a micro-mechanical weapon, but there was nothing big to control, or they didn't form a big object.

It was a pure... storm of micro-mechanics.

This storm appeared more than 100,000 kilometers away from the Whale Dweller's Land of Eternal Night.

And the storm itself has a diameter of 1,000 kilometers, equivalent to a small tumbler.

According to the historical records of the crystal thinkers, the technology of these micro-machines came from a civilization where the micro-machines were out of control, and a large number of micro-machines madly devoured all the creatures in that civilization.

The appearance of this storm made the whale dwellers extremely terrified, but they didn't just watch this time, they almost activated all their weapons to shoot at the target.

Lin thinks that the crystal thinker can directly put these machines on the surface of the land of eternal night, and the reason why it did not do so may be to test the firepower of the whale dweller.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using reading books to follow up, switching sources, and reading aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

The crystal thinker may not have fully figured out... whether it was another force or the whale dweller who attacked it before.

This time, Lin didn't attack it immediately, but just watched the various projectiles launched by the whale dwellers being completely swallowed by the storm of micro-machines.

Lin is mainly testing... the source of control of this storm, because such a large group of micro-machines must have something like a gravitational device that controls them as a whole like a tentacle group.

This time it did not put the controller directly in the void, that is, it was controlled elsewhere.

Lin soon detected that the source of control did come from another place.

This place... Lin thought it was the second recording area.

It seems that apart from the space used to trap civilization, the other parts of the crystal thinker are still in the second recording area, and they have not come to the void.

Chapter 44 Understanding

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