"It was a long journey."

"Our population has reproduced for millions of generations, and our civilization has been rising and falling, still traveling in the boundless darkness, with no end and no hope."

"But one thing's for sure... there are many doomsdays like ours stored here."

It is said that a long, long time ago...that is, before the Void was split, some ancient civilizations at that time had some kind of legend.

These civilizations occasionally see something called "floating relics". They are like some kind of huge, relic buildings left by other civilizations, floating irregularly in the void.

And when trying to touch these ruins, they disappear without a trace.

Therefore, these civilizations use various methods to investigate such relics. Although they cannot directly contact them, they still use methods such as photography to understand the various details on these floating relics, the architectural styles on them, and so on.

Some civilizations have spent a long time studying these relics, but have never been able to find the source of their occurrence.

After a long period of time, some civilizations continue to develop, and some have declined. When these civilizations are on the verge of destruction, they will find that these relics are beginning to become real and can be directly contacted.

Therefore, many civilizations to be destroyed use it as a refuge to avoid disasters or wars that destroy civilizations.

When they stay in the ruins for a long time, they will slowly find that the ruins are trapped in a dark space. Since there is nothing in it, they can only wait to die in the ruins.

And some more powerful civilizations began to transform the entire ruins, they turned the ruins into a flying fortress, and then started a new journey in this darkness.

During this journey, they also discovered that this place is not pure darkness, because they can see some other ruins, as well as many and dead creatures above.

In addition, they can also see many other things, mainly fragments from the void, or huge biological corpses, etc. There are many things they don't know what they are, they just know Most things they encounter are quiet.

Of course, they are most concerned about civilizations similar to themselves. They have encountered many civilizations that are very similar to themselves and died in the ruins. Their corpses are well preserved, as well as their cultural materials, etc. Wait.

Their journey of discovery is also fraught with danger, mostly of their own.

When these civilizations traveled on the aircraft transformed from the ruins, they themselves continued to develop, because they were originally civilizations that were about to be destroyed, so their main task during the long journey was to try to restore the various cultures of the past. technology or something.

In the process, they often diverged and began to quarrel, which turned into war.

What is special is that no matter how many times they fight, the relics they live in will not be destroyed. Even if they create powerful weapons to destroy the entire relic, the relics will become the same 'phantom' state before, after a period of time. post recovery.

Even if the creatures above perish completely, they will revive after a period of time, and then they will continue to try to live on the ruins.

In general, they seem to have entered a state of immortality, which has continued.

In this case, why are some civilized creatures completely perished on the ruins?

Lin found that a civilization had noticed this matter. After many devastating wars, some creatures of this civilization tried to investigate the overall results. They learned that the civilization creatures that perished in the ruins were all 'waiting to die'. '.

These species are all desperate for some reason, or simply because there is not enough technology to transform the ruins, and finally stay on the ruins and wait to die.

If they perish in a relatively slow situation, the ruins will not 'resurrect' them.

Civilized creatures that understand this situation, they also decide to perish in a slow manner to avoid being constantly resurrected.

They themselves don't like the journey in this place...and the constant wars.

The battleships with relevant records in the first record area are all individual biological civilizations, and Lin still doesn't know what the situation of other creatures that do not have a civil war is like.

In short, Lin found that these civilizations that had traveled in huge spaces had almost all perished.

But there are also a few civilizations that have not perished. They have continued to travel in it and have seen many things in it.

And there is a civilization that thinks that it has traveled to the location of the 'exit', and finally returned to the void through the exit.

Then it discovered something more wonderful, which was that the exit location it traveled to was actually the location where it came in in the first place.

The long journey it went through in it actually went around in a circle, and then returned to its original position and found that it could return to the original void.

Although a long time has passed, this civilization still has a historical record of the moment of their entry.

At the same time, when they returned to the void, they also discovered the ruins of their previous civilization. In fact, they mainly used this ruin to determine the location before they came in.

Because this void has undergone a lot of changes, to be precise, it has already split. When they entered, it was before the split, and when they came out, this void had become... a normal void.

Therefore, they also discovered many new species, but the most important thing was to discover the Void Tunnel.

But it is rather strange that this civilization did not record what happened next.

Lin found its aircraft in the first recording area, and the relevant records were kept until they returned to the normal void.

In short, Lin can still learn a lot of things through them. These civilizations are civilizations before the Void split, and then they all saw the 'floating relics', entered a huge dark space through the relics, and spent time there. long time.

Regardless of whether they became extinct in the end, their battleships appeared in the first record area, and these battleships basically had historical data stored in them, usually the moment they perished.

In the travel records of these civilizations, many strange things that they cannot understand appear in the huge space, and many of these strange things are stored in the second record area.

Through these Lin, I can understand that the huge space has been 'collecting' various things, including civilization, in various ways since a long time ago.

At the same time, Lin also discovered that it may also have something to do with the split of the void.

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