4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 224: Creator and cuisine


Lynn had some thoughts on this wonderful question, so Lin walked out of the previous ‘rock pillar’ and arrived at a new place...

To put it bluntly, the word 'between the pillars' feels that the word 'library room' can be used. Although I don't know what ‘books’ are, Lin feels that the word is very suitable there.

At present, it can only be confirmed that the creator is a creature that has arrived at this continent quite early. It is likely to 'create' an environment suitable for the life of these dinosaurs, and it is also possible to specifically teach the white dragon...

Bai Xiaolong has experienced many things during his life. They should have been attacked by plague fungi and have encountered the Atlantis. They then escaped from the mainland and lived on the island, and according to their records, it seems that the plague fungus was brought back by a group of white dragons that ran out of the mainland.

But they did not mention anything about the huge rift in the mainland...

The wild white dragons on the mainland may have been separated from these white dragons. The white dragons here call them 'stupid people', but the reasons are not clear, and there is nothing about stupid people. Detailed records, maybe they are a group of more special 'stupid' Bai Haolong?

All in all, more information is needed. Although there are quite a lot of materials in the library, most of them are some materials and stories that are completely meaningless...

Now, I still feel that it is better to go somewhere else. Now that I have learned the language of Bai Xiaolong, the spy should become a new spy.

Lynn once again removed the spy's original skin and made the spy's body bigger. just now. The spy is exactly the same as a white dragon. As for the nutrients needed for growth, Lynn got it from what is called the 'food storage room'.

There are many storage rooms like this, the space is spacious, and it is full of food, basically placed on the ground, or placed on a stone shelf.

Lin found that there are a lot of fruits and fish in the food of Bai Xiaolong. As well as trilobites, etc., the amount of meat in terrestrial organisms is small, it is estimated that this is an island relationship...

And they seem to be very troublesome to eat food, like to add a variety of things as 'ingredients' to make food better, although the dragon and the emerald dragon will be like this, but this group of white dragons have made this point' It’s really fun to say it.

Now, in front of Lin, there is a white dragon that is making 'cooking' on the stone table beside the wall. It first puts a fish head in the juice of the plant that does not know what it is, and then cuts the fish on the fish with a knife. The gap, it looks very careful when cutting. It requires that each seam be cut very completely.

After spending thousands of seconds, it finally cut ten cracks in the fish that were less than fifty centimeters long. Then it took a grain of black pepper from the jar on the side and stuffed it into the crack.

This is a real black pepper, a seed of a plant.

After plugging it, it took out the fish head that had been soaked before, and wiped it on the body of the fish, and applied the juice on the body of the fish. Then it wasted and threw the fish head away... ...

Then, it took out the salt, carefully sprinkled it on the fish, and then took out the ingredients made from various plant powders. After finally getting it, the white dragon wrapped the fish with a leaf and placed it. It was baked in a fire pit behind it.

This leaf seems very special. It is burned but it won't burn. The white dragon has been sitting by the fire pit. It adds fuel from time to time, then turns the fish-covered leaves and turns it over. Take the leaves out...

Lin felt that it took enough time to ‘cook’ the fish to catch a prey that was twice the size of her own.

But this white dragon seems to be quite satisfied with his work. Generally speaking, they do this in order to respond to the more beautiful words of the taste cells on the tongue, but this white dragon does not do it. food.

At this time, Bai Xiaolong walked out of the storage room, and Lin also went out with the ability to change color. Although Lin’s current spy is in the form of a white dragon, it still feels better after the castle.

After passing through a not-so-long corridor, Bai Xiaolong came to a place with two guards. They smelled the fish wrapped in leaves in the hands of Bai Yulong, and then pushed the door away.

There are already many white dragons in them, all sitting on a stone object called a 'chair'.

Here, a large number of chairs enclose a circular ring, and in the center of the ring, there is a statue of up to five meters.

This is their 'creator', but the wonderful thing is that the statue of the creator is not what Lynn imagines is a strange creature. This statue... is exactly the same as the white dragon.

This statue has three sides, it can face all the white dragons in the surrounding chairs at the same time.

Lin actually saw the creator's picture on the record board. It looks like this... Jean Lin feels a little... disappointed, I thought I could judge what the creator is by looking at what they recorded, but I didn’t expect it. Is this imaginary look?

Or, the creator will show the appearance of the white dragon? This is not impossible. In short, it is impossible for itself to be a white dragon.

There are now a lot of white dragons holding a variety of food under the creator's statue. They call this act ‘consecration’, and they offer their most delicious food to their creators.

Almost every food is the same as it was seen before, after careful cooking, but... their creators obviously can't eat them.

However, the Bailongs believe that the creators will receive these foods, they only need to be sincere, and when a certain sun rises, the creators will respond to them...

After the white dragons were enshrined, they began to close their eyes together, which meant praying to the creators.

They pray to the creators for a variety of things, including plant harvests, weather changes, and more.

Lin wants to find some information about the creators from their prayers, but still can't find anything useful, so now I should go out and see, maybe, in their cities, maybe I can see things... ... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ auspicious Yuntian ~ rewards ~

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