The 'sinkers', they have that name because they sink the shadows of the void, but actually their main 'function' seems to be to create things.

It turns out that it seems that this entire cracked space... is a 'sinker'.

According to the information obtained by Lin before, the sunken are a kind of creature that is "space itself", and they can assemble various things in their bodies, such as common things in the void, including biological civilization and so on.

The survivors have been trying to prevent the Sunken's influence on the Void Tunnel at first, but due to insufficient data, it is not clear what happened to the Sunken in the end.

Now it seems that I have seen... the state of one of them.

It doesn't have to be 'one' though, because the sinker can be assembled into a particularly large state by many.

After Lin brought the crystal ball to this celebration point, which was regarded as a victory, she found that the crystal ball started to activate the 'creation mode'.

The overall content of this mode is to decompose the previous things, including the coalition army, all their construction aircraft weapons, etc., and of course, including the cult and the cult leader itself.

The raw materials from dismantling them are used to synthesize a large number of new land blocks, as well as the ecology on this land block, including a large number of wildlife.

In a large number of land blocks, there will be three relatively large land blocks, and some creatures with relatively high intelligence will appear on them, and then they will develop civilization.

Then the above creatures will experience cooperative warfare and other things that are inevitable in the development of civilized creatures. They may perish, or they may continue to explore until the truth is discovered.

To be precise, the crystal ball was found.

After the creation mode is activated, the crystal ball will hide in a particularly hard-to-find location. It needs to be developed by civilized creatures to develop high enough technology to discover it. After discovering it, these creatures can know the truth of their creation, and then they will be break down.

Just like disintegrating allied creatures, once the crystal ball is discovered, it will begin to disintegrate the civilized creatures it creates, no matter how advanced they are.

As for why Lin is set up like this, it is not clear. From the current point of view, if the crystal ball has not been discovered by civilized creatures, it can continue for a long time.

The next step after the crystal ball decomposes the civilized creatures is not visible here. It may continue to reload a new group of civilized creatures, or it may do other things.

It's impossible to know right now, because Genesis Mode cannot be activated.

After it tried to activate, Lin found that there was a lot of wrong information in the crystal ball. First, it detected that this space was 'cracked', and then it couldn't control all the matter here.

In fact, it can only control a relatively small part, such as the aircraft that Lin brought it and the rock it was on.

At the same time, it also detected a large number of abnormalities in the species here, that is, many creatures like green shadows.

For various reasons, it cannot create the world.

According to normal procedures, it is indeed necessary for the coalition forces to win and stabilize the entire region.

So Lin thought of a more interesting plan... Lin wanted to stabilize the whole area, because Lin thought that this whole space could be used as Lin's 'base' in the shadow of the void.

In this case, Lin needs to get rid of all the green shadows here.

On the way Lin Fei came here, she had been sprinkling a large number of miniature units to observe various situations in the space. The green shadows here seemed to be infinitely generated, but in fact their generation method was very similar to the assembly of crystal balls.

They are mainly reconstructed by gathering debris. After these green shadows are killed, the debris left by the body will be 'collected' into some small spaces where they will be reconstituted into green shadows.

Sometimes they don't even enter a small space and start to reorganize.

At the same time, they also have supplements from other places, because the fragments left by the green shadows that were broken in the battle will definitely not be able to be completely assembled back to their previous appearance, and there will always be less. And the green shadows that always appear here are always The numbers never seem to decrease, and Green Shadow must have support from elsewhere.

Thinking, Lin began to act, and Lin began to control many aircraft or floating cities that she had encountered on the road before.

Lin let the miniature troops drill into these places to modify them and make them moveable. At the same time, Lin also assembled a lot of weapons.

These weapons are relatively simple firearms. As they move around, they shoot all the green shadows they encounter, and at the same time release a large number of micro-arms to disassemble the broken green shadow fragments into smaller ones. .

Lin found that as long as they were disassembled to a certain size, they could not be assembled back, and Lin also looked for the small space entrances for assembling the green shadows, and let the troops go in and empty them.

At the same time, Lin is also collecting a lot of non-green shadow debris, and using these debris as resources to assemble more troops.

Under Lin's actions, Lu Ying also reacted. At first, Lu Ying, who was just a few simple weapons, concentrated on attacking Lin's aircraft. After Lin eliminated them, the next Lu Ying would use stronger weapons. Also stronger and bigger.

This was similar to what Lin had learned from the coalition's memory before. Green Shadow would become stronger in battle after battle, and eventually would become so strong that they couldn't compete.

However, this was mainly because the coalition forces could not find the origin of the green shadows, while Lin could find their assembly locations as they gradually became stronger.

They can't keep getting stronger as long as they're completely prevented from assembling.

In the process of Lin continuing to eliminate the green shadow, Lin also let some troops return to the land of the coalition army.

This giant land mass has been almost occupied by Green Shadow, but after Green Shadow occupied it, he didn't do anything special, just wandered around there, occasionally attacking the ruins of broken buildings.

Lin first let the miniature troops go to some positions without green shadows, and then began to assemble a large number of troops to attack green shadows there.

Although these green shadows with 'vortex' are relatively difficult to deal with, Lin can still easily create special units for them.

Under Lin's actions, many green shadows were quickly resolved, and green shadows quickly began to fight back.

However, because Lin was manufacturing units aimed at Lu Ying, and the manufacturing speed was faster than the assembly of crystal balls, Lu Ying was quickly beaten and defeated.

When Lin quickly cleaned the green shadows underground, Lin found that some special green shadows appeared on the ground.

This kind of green shadow can 'snipe' Lin's troops directly on the surface, this feeling is much stronger than the previous vortex type.

And it also means the speed at which they increase...seems to be getting faster.

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