4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 82: carnival?

"All creatures... are carnival for doomsday, do you want to join us too?"

Here is a stage.

In fact, it is an empty square with a diameter of more than ten kilometers. Many creatures of different sizes gather here and dance continuously.

Depending on the race, they all dance in their own way, with some beings constantly posing in various poses, others appearing to be trembling continuously, and some shining brightly.

In the center of the square is a giant whale with a length of 100 meters. It is motionless, but it is also dancing, but it is dancing with its own 'thinking'.

One of Lin's pom-poms came here not long ago, and this dancing plaza is located somewhere in the 'land carpet' made up of a large number of land masses.

Lin's train was flying over the 'Land Carpet' at this time. At the same time, Lin also sprinkled a lot of troops to investigate the 'Land Carpet'. Lin found that there are many creatures on these land masses, but Compared to the landmass that Lin had discovered before... the creatures here are quite chaotic.

All kinds of creatures 'breed' here, their spawning process is somewhat like a fungus, initially a small group of living 'biological tissue' appears in random locations, then they slowly grow and eventually become whole creature.

These creatures are diverse, including intelligent creatures and wild animals. Because the time, place, and species of their appearance seem to be completely random, there is no normal ecology on these land masses. Survive in this chaos.

Sometimes intelligent beings will come together to form a more orderly...community.

However, it usually only lasts for a short while, and due to the great differences between species, they quickly fail to maintain order and collapse.

Only a few cases will last longer, such as this square.

There are some intelligent creatures gathered here, and the reason why they gather here is not to survive together, but to celebrate the ‘doomsday’.

The 'topography' on which they are located is relatively high, so they can see the huge black hole in the distance, which is the 'shortcut' that Lin wants to go to.

A large number of land masses extend into the 'shortcut', and they are not so motionless, all land masses are slowly moving towards the giant hole, and it seems that they are slowly being swallowed.

The intelligent creatures here think that this giant hole will devour everything sooner or later, and devour all land masses, and nothing here can escape this 'doomsday judgment', so they believe that it is necessary to revel before the end, so they form a 'doomsday religion' group'.

There are many different types of creatures here, and it feels amazing to gather such a group of "cultivators" who have the same idea, and so is this giant whale.

The giant whale itself is a very sane creature, but the giant whale here seems to have joined the cheers of the doomsday.

Lin was very curious about why this is the case here, and why a large number of creatures are constantly 'breeding' in these land masses.

These creatures appear to be native land dwellers, possibly because of an abnormality in the 'system' that produced them.

At this moment, the cheering in the square suddenly stopped, and all the creatures noticed the situation in the sky with their perception. In fact, they had been paying attention to Lin's train before, but they did not stop to cheer.

And now they all stopped because they saw some huge landmasses...flying overhead.

The land mass was dragged over. Of course, it was not the green shadow who was dragging the land mass this time, but the group of creatures called 'rovers'. These rovers who were responsible for dragging the land mass seemed to be shining with stars all over their bodies. Octopuses, all hundreds of meters long, use their tentacles to drag the edges of landmasses.

They dragged these kilometer-sized land masses into the distance, and finally placed it on the edge of the entire 'land carpet'.

It feels like they are placed relatively... gentle, instead of being thrown directly between a lot of land masses, they are slowly dragged to the edge and placed.

"Go, tell them what the end is." At this moment, the giant whale suddenly spoke, and it sent a message to all the creatures in the square.

Lin found that most of the creatures rushed towards the land block that had just been placed as soon as they learned the information. Most of them were armored, and these armors were also equipped with thrusters or something, which allowed them to quickly land on the land. Jump between buildings on blocks and various terrains.

However, they were not wearing the 'white mecha' that Lin had seen before. Of course, the creatures here were not only controlled by one brain, they were all relatively normal creatures.

Since the square was very close to the land blocks that had just been placed, the group of creatures jumped between the land blocks at high speed and quickly reached the target position.

This newly placed land block looks like the ruins of a city. When it was first dragged here, there were no living creatures on it. things, they slowly came together and formed some clumps.

And the 'Doomsday Cultists' dispersed after they came here, each creature found a mass, and then... waited beside them.

Lin looked at them, and they watched the clumps grow slowly, turning into... creatures.

Most of these creatures are wild animals, if they are wild animals, they will jump off to find other clumps.

If the clump becomes an intelligent creature, they will try to communicate with it. Each creature wears a device that can translate into many languages. This device is very interesting, including the use of various lights to represent Language can also send out signals similar to brain waves, or through various methods such as vibration, in short, it can send out the language of many land masses. If the other party can understand, they will tell the other party about the doomsday and persuade the other party to join' Orgy' in.

If the opponent refuses or does not understand all the translated languages, they will kill the opponent and go to the next creature.

Although this land mass is only a few kilometers in size, there are quite a lot of creatures. Thanks to the efforts of these doomsday believers, they still allowed some creatures to successfully join themselves.

Lin also found that some creatures are rather strange. Although they have just grown, they will feel a sense of despair after hearing the description of the 'shortcut' swallowing the land, and then decide to cheer together.

Lin felt that their emotions were generated by other influences.

Of course most creatures don't want to join, they will want to run away or fight back.

At the same time, Lin also discovered that some other forces would come to help this group of people who didn't want to join the sect.

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