4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 86: shortcut?

'Shortcut' is indeed a 'shredder'.

It's like a space tunnel, about one million kilometers long, with a lot of debris floating around in it.

These fragments are very numerous, they are of different sizes, and each fragment is at most several kilometers apart. Lin's spherical warship moves between them, and is also studying the fragments here.

Fragments here include various land masses, as well as rover corpses.

Lin investigated the scattered pieces and found that they were mainly torn apart.

Lin thinks that after the land blocks came in, they were pulled by some kind of huge force and pulled them around until the whole cracked. Lin found that the largest fragment here is about three kilometers, maybe it will not be pulled below this size, this may be Lynn's battleship is safe.

But Lin felt that if she continued to move forward, she should encounter other dangers, so that nothing could pass this shortcut.

If it is safe to pass here, those breeding creatures should also find and run in here.

As for the rover's corpse fragments, it is more special. Lin has a battleship that is close to a rover's fragment.

Its size is more than one kilometer, and it looks like a piece of blue flesh covered with fluff. If you look closely, you can see that the 'fluff' on its surface is several meters in size and is constantly twisting. Like a caterpillar.

After observing for a while, Lin found that these 'caterpillars' would still fall off, twisting and floating into the air.

Although the environment here is similar to the void, it can move towards some surrounding debris by constantly twisting. After a while, Lin found a 'caterpillar' landed on a nearby building.

This building looks like a lighthouse made of metal, more than 600 meters high. The whole tower is covered with large and small round windows, and the top of the tower continues to shine bright light. It was originally part of the ruins of a building on a certain land mass. Now that the land mass is torn apart and floating here, it seems that there is still energy to continue to operate.

After Lin discovered that the 'caterpillar' had landed on the lighthouse, many of the windows on the tower were opened, and many things were drilled out of them.

They are dark all over and have slender six limbs, with a size of three meters. The moment these creatures appear, they rush towards the direction of the caterpillar. The moment they come into contact with each other, these dark creatures are all integrated into the caterpillar. , and then the caterpillar began to slowly change its shape.

Lin found that it had become a creature with the same six limbs as the thing that crawled out before, but its color was still the original blue and did not turn black.

Then Lin found that the caterpillar, which was no longer a caterpillar, was very puzzled. It first looked around, and then got in through a window of the lighthouse.

Lin also let the battleship scattered some miniature troops to observe it. The interior of this lighthouse is mainly... dormitory.

There are a lot of rooms suitable for that kind of six-legged creature to live in, and the changed caterpillar found one of the rooms, and after it entered, it found some food in the room and ate it.

This phenomenon is also seen in some places around, the 'meat' of those rovers will grow some small parts that look like caterpillars, and then these caterpillars will twist off and float to the surrounding land fragments. superior.

As long as the debris they come in contact with has buildings, those buildings have a higher chance of burrowing out some black objects that 'melt' into the caterpillar, which turns into a...local creature.

That is, a creature that once lived in this building. Although its body structure is still a wanderer, it will also appear to feel that it is a creature living here after the transformation is completed.

Then they will be surprised and fearful of the situation around them, and then they will try to survive here.

This feels quite interesting. In this shortcut, rovers seem to become breeding creatures, and their corpses slowly generate former land dwellers, and then live in this fragmented place.

However, their life here is much more difficult than that of the breeding creatures outside, because there are few resources on these torn land fragments, and Lin has found many dying 'resident wanderers'.

The reason they're like this has to do with those black things, which aren't creatures, but lots of... data.

They will spawn suddenly when the rover touches some buildings, and then merge into the rover, feeding it the memory of the local creatures and also making the rover look like a local inhabitant.

This phenomenon is very common at the beginning of the "Shortcut", and it is very rare after flying 100,000 kilometers in depth.

There are still a lot of debris here, and it is somewhat different from the corpses of those wanderers before, which are more like a lump of full meat. The corpses of the wanderers here seem to be withered and shriveled.

Of course rovers are not cellular creatures, and they have no water in their bodies, mainly because the 'support force' in their bodies has disappeared.

At the same time, they will not breed any more caterpillars, so after 100,000 kilometers, the environment here becomes very 'quiet'.

There are no creatures, and nothing else that moves. There were many buildings that still had energy in the previous paragraph, and all the buildings here have stopped working.

Lin's ball-shaped warship passed through this area, and this place probably continued to the center of the 'shortcut'. A long area was filled with this silent environment.

It wasn't until she got to the middle of the shortcut that Lin discovered something that moved... They were all buildings, and they were all buildings with strong mobility, such as a fort with a flying engine and a huge robotic arm. building factories, and moving space stations.

Lin found that these buildings were all moving in one direction, which was Lin's direction—the deeper part of the shortcut.

Those with flying engines can move very fast, and what is more interesting is that those mechanical factories are also trying to move forward by grabbing the debris floating around. Although the efficiency is low, they are still working hard.

When Lin was about to detect them, she suddenly discovered... a storm was surging in the distance.

This 'storm' suddenly appeared at the entrance of the shortcut. To be precise, it was not a strong airflow, but a wonderful and huge force. At the moment when it appeared, all the land fragments began to stir violently. At the same time, the storm also spread in the entire 'shortcut' at a very fast speed.

Lin suddenly felt that these buildings seemed to be to escape this storm.

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