4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 99: the end of civilization

"We tried to build orbits across the galaxy...but it led us to this graveyard."

Some of Lin's troops are detecting the corpses of various creatures. These corpses are all wrapped in 'bubbles' and floating in the dark space.

None of these corpses were any land creatures that Lin had seen in the shadows of the void, and many of them were huge in size. The largest one Lin found was even more than the size of a giant nebula. This creature is more than ten kilometers long. It is like a large number of luminous stones. These stones attract each other with a wonderful force to form a huge whole. There are also creatures themselves like a black shadow that will spread and gather, and some are like flames. , or a creature like a compressed tumbler.

Most of the creatures in the bubbles are strange and interesting. Lin doesn't have a detailed understanding of them yet. What is more certain is that they should have stopped their life activities.

And there is one creature that Lin found is easier to understand.

Because they are not a few corpses floating in a bubble, but an entire civilization.

At least most of this civilization.

This kind of creature is called 'Treading Stars'. They are relatively small creatures that Lin has seen here, only more than ten meters tall. The general shape is like a tall and thin Ershimin. They have similar forelimbs and Fingers, but Starwalkers don't have legs, they mostly move by floating.

When Lin first discovered them, she found the Starwalkers and their flying vehicles in some bubbles. Their flying vehicles looked like square stones several kilometers in size, and the surface was covered with circular grooves. There is a star-walker in the slot.

They are not inside the ship, but usually sit in grooves in the Starwalker's shell.

When Lin first met them, she thought they were individual creatures, but after careful research, she found that they were a kind of 'split creatures' with a very interesting civilization. For example, the individuals Lin saw looked like tall and thin Ershimins called Treading Stars. In fact, it is a 'basic part' in the assembly, which has almost no thinking ability but has a decisive role, that is, provides the 'direction' of the assembly, such as war, exploration, detection and so on.

As for the aircraft they ride, it's the larger components.

Most things in the Starwalker civilization have 'slots' that can be put into the Starwalker. For example, this aircraft, if it puts the Starwalker representing 'war' in the groove, it will Start looking for war-related components, such as weapons, to install on yourself, and finally assemble yourself into a complete war machine.

The society of Stepstars is composed of a large number of 'assemblies'. A basic component will be installed on Stepstars first to determine its own development direction. Sometimes other assemblies will help it install, and then spliced ​​in this direction. Parts eventually become complete assemblies.

An assembly can also be disassembled at any time, and its parts can be formed into other assemblies. Generally speaking, what civilization needs, they will assemble into something.

At the same time, each component has its own intelligent system inside, but the basic components do not have much thinking ability. They need to be installed on the Stars and other components to be combined into a complete assembly to obtain a complete thinking. And it will only do and think about things related to its own duties, such as a war machine assembly, it will only think about combat.

These assemblies do not refer to themselves as 'star-walking people', they only refer to the 'basic parts' that provide their own assembly direction and thinking as 'star-walking people'.

Lin speculates that these assemblies themselves are a kind of intelligent machinery, and they are the main technology of the Xingmin civilization, and she does not know when the assembly and the Xingmin... fused.

The Xingmin provides thinking, and the assembly provides countless different forms of bodies, which makes their civilization develop rapidly, but it also enters a more wonderful state. Once dispersed, neither the components nor the Xingmin themselves have complete thinking ability. , they need to be combined to think.

All in all, this civilization seems to be a civilization with a huge territory, about the size of several galaxies. Although each assembly has its own thinking, they never have any individual interests. For the development of civilization, they can be dismantled and reorganized at any time. Play a variety of roles, and because of this they develop very quickly.

And their 'ambition' before their demise was to initiate 'interstellar roaming'.

It seems that, like many civilizations, this civilization wants to transform itself into a civilization that roams the void instead of living a fixed life.

This plan is mainly based on different star systems as anchor points, and the gravitational force between them is the orbit to design a long-distance mobile giant transport ship, and they have indeed succeeded, one of the largest assemblies ever assembled by them, The shape is somewhat like a train made by Lin, but it is larger.

This transport ship was actually constructed by combining almost all the assemblies in their civilized domain, they started to move through the void with this giant vehicle, but sailed into the shadows of the void.

The process of entering the shadow of the void is very artifact recorded by them. It seems that the entire starry sky was distorted and turned into a huge dark passage.

The civilization of the star-walking people who entered here began to explore in the shadow of the void, and finally arrived at this place, which is the dark star that serves as the entrance to the dark side.

They also try to enter the dark side through the star.

In the dark side of the void, they found that they were completely trapped here and could not leave. After a long period of time, the life of this civilization no longer had active individuals.

It's just that their civilization is better to investigate, because there are huge transport ships that contain the entire civilization in the bubble.

And Lin found that they also have some translation devices, which can translate the language of various land creatures, mainly used to communicate with local creatures when exploring the shadow of the void.

Although the record of how they got trapped here is not very clear, Lin can probably tell that they came in because of curiosity.

Just like Lin, and Lin felt that the various creatures trapped in the bubbles were found here because of curiosity, but the civilization of the Starwalkers was rather strange. They drove the transport ships with the entire civilization into the dark side. , this is rather strange.

There are also many smaller exploration ships trapped in the bubbles around the transport ship, which are also some of the first ones that Lin discovered. After Lin researched them, she found that they are technologies that move on the dark side to a certain extent, not themselves to be precise. Move, the bubbles here will automatically drift, and they can confirm the direction of the drift.

They were originally targeting a somewhat peculiar location.

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