"There's something missing in the world here...and it's working just fine."

It is said that once in this void, some civilizations had developed to a very high level.

They can convert matter into 'energy' state at will, and can also control these 'energy' to return to their original state at any time, or form other substances.

The creatures of this civilization have also achieved the achievement of being able to control the process of transformation through thought, so they think that they have controlled the truth of the void, and it only takes one thought to make everything dissipate, and another thought to bring everything together.

They think that they have become real 'gods', so they start to decompose and reorganize everything around them, and transform everything into what they want.

Under their control, all things are constantly being created and destroyed. As long as their thinking is still there, this state has never stopped.

Therefore, this civilization also calls itself by titles such as 'creator', thinking that it can easily play with all things and reach the peak of the void.

But this situation did not last long, and they slowly found that the 'matter' was decreasing.

That is to say, when something is converted into energy and then back to matter, the thing will be smaller than before, that is, part of the energy is lost in the conversion process.

In fact, there was this kind of loss in the first place, but the loss was very inconspicuous before, but after a certain time, the loss is very obvious. Some substances can even be reduced by about 10% after transformation, and they don’t know the energy lost Where did he go, it seems...disappeared.

The sudden onset of this phenomenon led to the rapid collapse of civilization, so they began to limit the use of conversion technology in a large number, and at the same time stepped up research on what the cause of energy loss was.

It’s just that more situations have emerged during the investigation process. Some substances can’t be converted into ‘energy’.

Because of this phenomenon, they noticed the ruins of some ancient civilizations.

They have discovered these ruins in the world before, but they only thought that the ruins of these low-level civilizations, but their shapes are rather strange, and their ruins seem to have been 'corroded' by something, and they all appear incomplete, but now They found that the civilizations in these ruins are very similar to their situation. They are all civilizations that have used energy conversion, and they also have a similar situation-at a certain point, they can only convert part of the matter into energy, causing the remaining Parts look mutilated.

They have also discovered many such civilizations, indicating that many civilizations have invented this kind of transformation technology in the past, but it seems that after the development, various situations will appear in the transformation, pulling them down from the position of "omnipotent".

But in the end they kept their civilization from collapsing, because they found a way to 'reincarnate'.

Based on the study of those civilizations in the past, they have concluded that there is a certain law in this void. If a civilization uses transformation technology on a large scale, the transformation will become unusable sooner or later, and there will be loss or a large amount of material that cannot be transformed. If it is not used for a period of time, the void seems to return to normal, and it becomes available for large-scale transformation again.

So they used a method, immediately began to use energy conversion technology without restriction, converting almost everything that could be converted, as if 'burning' everything.

They modified their thinking to make themselves think that their civilization did not have transformation technology in the first place, so they rebuilt their civilization from the ashes after 'burning out'.

It is said that it was like this at first.

Later, this civilization followed this set of rules, that is, when the transformation technology developed to its peak and various situations appeared, the civilization was 'burned out', and then continued to develop without transformation.

After many generations of development, this way of reincarnation has become a little different. Compared with the last few times, it is not to modify the thinking, but to eliminate the whole family and wait for a period of time before creating a new one.

As for why there is a change, it may be related to the change in the way the 'energy' of this void works.

In addition to them, many civilizations that used energy transformation were born in this void, and they all perished in the end. The civilizations that appeared later had lower levels of transformation technology. It seems that some civilizations that were relatively late had completely There is no such technology anymore.

This seems to be related to 'Root of Hope'.

Lin found a tumbler while tracking the quiet one. The inside of the tumbler is hollow, and there are some interesting large-scale devices operating inside.

These devices are actually a kind of 'reincarnation generator', which looks like a... tree made of crystals.

The 'trunk' itself has a length of more than one hundred kilometers and has quite a few branches. Of course, its actual function is to collect and store the data of a civilization, and reconstruct the civilization based on these data when needed.

What is more special is that Lin found that those Jingjing people mixed their state of becoming "energy" into this "reincarnation generator", and Lin knew part of the past when investigating the generator, because the data in the generator mainly It is also stored in a form similar to dream energy.

However, Lin also found that the data inside was not very complete, and a lot of historical information about this civilization was lost.

But in general some key parts are still recorded, that is, in the process of continuous reincarnation of this civilization, they seem to be able to develop each time to the extent of using transformation technology on a large scale, and each time they develop to this height , they can always have a deeper understanding of this void.

At a certain time they know where the energy that disappeared during the transformation went.

The location they found is an unforeseen place.

To be precise, they have detected a void that is almost the same as the unforeseen place, but the place they first detected is relatively small compared to now, and it is in a process of slowly growing later.

It feels a bit like these civilizations that have continuously developed transformation technology are 'cultivating' unforeseen places, transforming the things here into 'energy' and passing them over.

Although this civilization has discovered this, since there is no way to retrieve energy from unforeseen places, they have no choice but to continue the previous reincarnation process.

But just knowing this, Lin feels that they don't have to reincarnate like this if they want to continue civilization, as if there are other reasons.

In the end, under the influence of these civilizations, the void seemed to be somewhat...incomplete, which seems to be the reason for the disaster.

(end of this chapter)

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