The speed of the Jingjing Tumbler that Lin was riding on began to slow down, which seemed to be because it arrived at a place closer to the center of the Root of Hope.

There is a huge device that is still in operation. It looks a lot like Midgard from the outside. It is a silver pipe that is 30,000 long and more than 6,000 kilometers thick. building.

At the same time, this silver pipe is still slowly rotating around a 'circle' with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers.

This ring is actually formed by violent storms. From a distance, Lin can see countless tiny, shiny particles inside, very similar to the miniature mechanical storms Lin has seen before.

Lin can detect that the 'power' that attracts the tumbler to move is coming from this silver pipe, and it is now controlling the tumbler to slowly approach it.

The tumbler entered the ring formed by the storm, and a large number of fine substances inside reacted wonderfully at this moment. Lin found that they were quickly converging in one direction, and each particle was converging with the surrounding particles at the same time. Assemble together.

As they continued to converge and combine, a huge bridge quickly formed between the silver pipe and the tumbler.

The bridge is more than a hundred kilometers wide. One end of it is close to the surface of the tumbler, and the other end extends to the surface of the silver pipe.

What is this for?

Lin observed for a while, and these particles seemed to have no further action after forming the bridge, and the bridge was not running anything on the surface or inside.

It seems to be simply connecting them.

So Lynn sent some pompoms across the bridge to the surface of the silver pipe.

There are dense square protrusions of different sizes on the surface of the silver pipe, which looks like a large building. As the pompon approaches, Lin finds that they seem to have some wonderful functions.

When Lin's pompoms reached the middle of the bridge, Lin noticed that the surface of the silver pipe began to move.

Lin found that some cubes with a size of more than 100 meters and about the same size as the pompoms sent by Lin directly broke away from the ground and flew along the surface of the bridge at high speed. What is more interesting is that these cubes began to change during the flight. It becomes more and more transparent, and finally disappears almost completely, but a silhouette can still be seen moving.

The squares collided with the pom-poms quickly.

The moment the two sides collided, Lin felt that the pompom seemed to be imprisoned by a powerful 'power' and flew towards the rear. Finally, it brought the pompom close to the tumbler and disappeared.

This feeling is quite interesting, all the pompoms that Lin sent out were 'pushed' back, so Lin conducted some tests and sent various types of troops of different sizes to approach the target.

Lin found that no matter what the size of the arms, they will be pushed back when they reach half of the bridge. Without exception, the surface of the silver pipe will emit blocks that match the size of Lin's arms. Even if you don't take the bridge, approaching it from other directions is still the same.

It seems to have a mechanism to exclude various close objects, and the way of exclusion is quite interesting, and when Lin was conducting various tests, Lin found another 'Tumbler' flying over from a distance.

That one is almost the same as Lin's crystal, and when it approached the silver pipe, a similar bridge was quickly formed between it and the pipe.

It seems that there are similar tumblers flying over in the distance? So Lin asked some troops to fly to this tumbler to investigate. Although it looks similar on the outside, its interior is different from the Jingjing one. The inside is completely solid, and there are no special devices inside.

It was obviously also drawn by this pipeline, so Lin also asked some units to investigate in the direction the tumbler came from.

Soon Lin discovers that there are also some visions in the direction it came from, revealing some scenes from the past.

The way the tumbler came was also in a similar situation, that is, there were ruins of civilization layered together, but these ruins were quite different from what Lin had seen before.

They are not layered on top of each other after one layer dies, but live together, somewhat similar to the state of the Star Alliance, an alliance composed of multiple different species stacked together to build civilization.

Although these civilizations have many small conflicts with each other, the overall direction is still to cooperate with each other to develop on the root of hope, but they are also troubled by "mind dissipation", that is, the body and mind become "energy" and lose to other places.

As these civilizations developed, they also felt that their own desires seemed to be weakening, and finally reached the point where they didn't care about anything.

So they also began to try to cooperate to solve this problem, and they also found a way to solve the problem, which is to create a "safe zone".

This kind of safe space is the kind of thing that the silver pipe pushes Lin's units away.

It feels like a transparent square area, but this area is actually a special space that can trap lost thinking energy inside.

Different from ordinary spaces, this special space can be entered from the outside at any time, and only 'energy' will be trapped in it.

So they plan to create a large number of safe areas to form a huge 'cover' to cover their entire civilization field, so that they will no longer lose energy.

These creatures are really strong in being able to do this. Although they only made some small safety zones at first, and there is still a long way to go to cover the entire civilized area, at least they have a direction.

And with their continuous efforts, they finally achieved a safe zone where a small number of high-status individuals can live forever before the complete extinction of civilization.

Because these civilized creatures found that they could not save the entire civilization, they changed it to only some small safety zones. Of course, they were larger than the original ones. These safety zones are about hundreds of meters in size. A large number of resources and some devices that can maintain themselves for a long time, and these devices will also leave the safe zone to collect resources outside.

Such places allow some individuals to live almost permanently in the safe zone.

At first, they planned to leave some extremely outstanding individuals as the 'fire seeds' of civilization, and then leave when there is no more loss outside.

These people who are left behind as kindling are generally individuals with a very high status in civilization. Although they initially had the idea of ​​​​reviving civilization, they began to stay in it and enjoy themselves later, using the resources inside to continuously create various entertainment tools, intending to live forever. Go on having fun, without any idea of ​​recreating civilization.

They did live on until they saw the catastrophe.

Lin also saw a part of the disaster through this illusion... At the moment of the disaster, all the ruins left by their entire civilization turned into 'energy'.

(end of this chapter)

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