A group of creatures wants to destroy the civilization that built them, and it seems difficult to do so.

Their original idea was to make powerful explosives, but all the materials they could find came from this civilization itself, and no matter what they did with the materials and synthesized something, the civilization will at some point recombine these things, resulting in anything Can't last too long.

Therefore, there is only one way to destroy the entire civilization, and that is to find a powerful weapon that can be created in a short time, so that all creations of the entire civilization can be quickly destroyed.

After destroying all the creations of civilization, the entire civilization can be limited to the early stage of formation by repeatedly destroying the creations of civilization, so that it will no longer decompose creatures, and the creatures can live safely.

It will be much easier to destroy repeatedly in the future than the first time, because all civilization creations can be destroyed through staged destruction later, and all civilization creations must be destroyed at once for the first time.

It doesn't feel like...doing this is much easier than escaping from here, but these creatures are definitely working hard in this direction.

However, at first they only proposed this direction. At that time, there was no technology to destroy all the creations of the entire civilization. Therefore, the creatures at that time recorded some of their theoretical solutions—a plan to create a "civilization creation collapse device".

This kind of "collapse device" is actually a design they found in some military buildings.

Since they could not be created at that time, these creatures could only research on their own. At the same time, there were some plans to leave this space. In short, they found that no matter how they did it, it would take a long time, so they tried to pass on these plans. Go on, let the new creatures continue to improve it, and finally achieve the goal.

How exactly they deliver the scheme is then less clear.

Although Lin saw this part of the past history through the space ship, she could only see the beginning. When these civilized creatures began to prepare plans to destroy this civilization, the subsequent historical scenes became more intermittent, but each time basically Both show that the creatures of the time were working **** plans to destroy civilization.

Although the process of research and destruction is not very clear, the ending is relatively clear. The last message is that some creatures are sending messages to the future: "We are talking to the future. We come from the past. All creatures who receive this message, you must Destroy this place completely, so that our civilization may continue to exist...or be resurrected again."

In fact, this piece of information also includes some other content. At that time, they had successfully created weapons and destroyed all the creations of the entire civilization. They had achieved their original goal.

There is only a little situation, and their initial decision is to try to keep some creatures alive when all the creations of civilization are destroyed, and let them carry out the next step when the civilization is reorganized—to keep the civilization in the initial construction stage.

But at that time, after they destroyed all the creations, they failed to keep any living beings alive. Even the last group of living beings who left messages were urgently left messages when they were destroyed.

The information they leave behind also contains information on civilization-destroying weapons. They leave these messages in the hope that future creatures will perform actions to destroy civilization again, and they will do better than them, that is, keep some creatures alive during the destruction.

But what they didn't expect was that something happened later.

That is, this civilization has not been reorganized, or it has not been reorganized normally.

As far as Lin can see now, there are a lot of fragments floating here and there, but they don't form an orderly civilization structure, although some will operate on their own, but that's all, they haven't developed or created civilization like in the past biology.

It seems to be in a state of confusion, because now some things are relatively late, and some are early.

All in all, the civilization here is over like this, but it doesn't seem to be completely over, that is, some civilized creatures here have successfully left the passage of the giant nebula, but they don't know what happened to them in the end.

What's more amazing here is how they recorded this information in the space ship's system. The historical records did not explain their recording method.

And the content of these records has not been changed by civilization itself, which is quite interesting.

As for the passage of the giant nebula, Lin has now found its entrance, and the location of this entrance can be reached by entering the route target of the space ship.

Some 'coordinate information' can be input in the cockpit of the space ship, and it will move in that direction as long as it is input.

The coordinate information leading to the channel of the Eye of the Void is actually an idea, that is, the driver imagined the appearance of a certain giant nebula that was responsible for constructing the Eye of the Void at that time, and the spaceship would find the entrance of the channel by itself and then drive in.

This is the case even after the entrance is hidden. Lin knows this because when she observed history, she discovered that after the passage was built, the giant nebula told the creatures here some ways to reach this passage, including this imaginary Way.

It’s just that the way of imagination has not been preserved. The creatures at that time could not fully imagine a giant nebula. Even if they stare at the captured image, there will be various errors in the details when constructing it in their minds. was forgotten.

Of course, this kind of thing is very simple for Lin.

Therefore, a space ship that Lin is currently riding has entered the passage.

There are also some special things in this passage, because the cockpit can see the outside situation, Lin found that the passage itself is more than ten kilometers wide... a very narrow space, but very long.

And every other distance, Lin can see a space station, and Lin will stop to investigate. The space station itself has been abandoned, and it can be found that it is a settlement built by creatures who once entered the passage on a space ship. I don't know why they stopped to build a residence here.

Although some of their histories are recorded in the space station, they did not say why they planned to settle here at that time.

After traveling for a period of time, Lin found hundreds of such space stations, each of which was in the same condition, and all the creatures living inside had already perished.

Finally, the spaceship arrived at the entrance of the 'Eye of the Void'.

The speed of arrival was much faster than Lin thought before. This entrance looked like a huge wall that was constantly flashing, and Lin could detect that behind it seemed to be... an unforeseen place.

(end of this chapter)

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