4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 4861: information

Chapter 4861 Information

This civilization is dying fast.

Although at first it looked like the fight was inextricably linked, slowly 'Endfoam' took over and it fired black lumps that looked like they were part of the body, but it seemed it didn't matter how much it fired, 'Enfinum' ' itself is not getting smaller.

It emitted parts of its body almost endlessly, allowing these black masses to eventually overwhelm the civilization that inhabited the tumbler.

Lin found that the blocks fired by 'Final Foam' would destroy the target in different ways. The most common one was to collide with it and explode, while others would envelop the target, or make the target disappear immediately.

And no matter what method is used, after a period of time at the destroyed target location, a large number of black particles will gather, and they will become black lumps before flying back to the surface of the final foam and re-merging with the final foam.

At the same time, some relevant information can also be received here at End Mo.

This information is related to the destroyed target. For example, what the black block destroys is an aircraft, and the flying block returns a piece of information about the aircraft.

This information is relatively complete. It is the same as what Lin saw before, and it is about the "life" of this aircraft from its destruction to its manufacture.

Since the entire tumbler of the opponent's civilization was destroyed by the final foam, the returned lumps also brought back the entire information of the opponent's civilization.

This civilization is also a more interesting civilization. It is not a civilization of individual creatures. Although it looks similar, it is actually a tumbler creature similar to a bus.

This kind of creature itself is a bit like a 'scavenger', it will wander in the void, if it encounters some traces of civilized creatures, such as ruins, aircraft fragments, etc., it will touch and swallow them, and then create in the body Make a hole and try to restore these things to their original good condition.

It seems to be living this kind of life most of the time, and it doesn't attack other creatures, it just likes the wreckage.

After a long period of time, due to the restoration of relic buildings and other things in its interior, the cavity will become larger and larger, and finally the interior of the entire sphere will form a large hollow area. It is full of buildings, and it looks like a civilization has been established in it.

After that, it will start to attack other things, whether it is other civilizations or any creature it thinks is suitable for opponents, it will fight with its own restorations, and further improve these restorations in the process of fighting The degree of recovery of ...

Some of the initial restorations were incomplete, like ruins or something. They can usually restore 50% to 80% according to the damage of the other party, but they cannot restore the original appearance.

And this creature thinks that it must go through battles to restore its perfect appearance, so it will attack other creatures. After each battle, it will think about the shortcomings of these things it has restored, and then continue to strengthen them until The build is complete.

Of course, the result of doing this is actually to let it transform all these restored objects into weapons, but it seems to think that doing so is perfect restoration.

Moreover, it originally believed that it could only recover 50% to 80%. In fact, it is not completely clear how much it has recovered.

Therefore, it will continue to attack other creatures until it turns all the restored objects in its body into weapons with powerful firepower.

After encountering Final Mo, it immediately showed a fighting response, but it lost to Final Mo.

However, it hasn't been completely destroyed now. The tumbler with a diameter of 1,000 kilometers is only left with fragments hundreds of meters in size.

And these fragments seem to still have thoughts, and they are now running away in all directions.

Final Foam sent some lumps to chase them, and moved itself in the other direction.

From the perspective of this battle, the end foam is indeed a very dangerous thing. It has the ability to easily destroy some civilizations, and it is amazing that it can read the life experience of the things it hits or hits it.

This is very interesting, the read content is relatively clear and the whole process is observed from a special perspective, and even the thoughts of the destroyed objects can be read.

This part of its content is directly sent to the system of the centimeter biological aircraft controlled by Lin, and it seems to be intentionally telling the aircraft these things.

Lin thinks that Final Mo's opponent can be called a "Resurgent", and his experience is quite interesting.

It seems to live in a rather special era. This 'resurgent' does not have long-distance movement methods such as teleportation. Like some void creatures, it spends a lot of time floating in the void, but it generally only needs more than ten You can find some ruins or wreckage in a pompom year.

This speed is very fast for things without long-distance movement, which allows it to quickly build a 'restoration city' in its own body, and after it is built, when it starts to look for creatures or civilizations to fight, It also finds its target very quickly.

This means that it lives in a very dense area of ​​civilized creatures, which should be very different from the current void.

The surface of Final Mo became calm after not fighting, and Lin controlled the aircraft to continue to land on the surface to study it.

Final Foam is a creature with a long-distance movement method. Lin found that after it floated in the void for a while, it released a large number of black lumps and gathered in front of it. These gathered lumps quickly transformed into opened a black...hole.

After the hole appeared, it began to expand and become larger, and when it was large enough, the final foam flew in.

The moment it passed through the hole, Lin found that it had reached another location.

Lin saw many floating objects in this position. From the appearance, they seemed to be some white spheres with a diameter of hundreds of meters, and tens of thousands of them were floating in the surrounding void.

And Final Mo destroyed several spheres around him in one fell swoop.

Not long after it destroyed the sphere, Lin also got some information. It turned out that these white spheres were the descendants of the "Resurgents" just now, and these spheres were something like its "eggs".

End Mo seems to intend to exterminate all its descendants, so it came here.

But just after destroying a few eggs, Lin discovered that some kind of...distortion occurred in the space around End Mo.

The surrounding scenery changed rapidly and became completely white.

At the same time, there are a lot of things that look like lines around the final foam, and these 'lines' are increasing rapidly, as if to wrap the final foam into a cocoon to surround it.

At this time, Final Mo hadn't launched any attack yet, but the aircraft controlled by Lin received a piece of information miraculously.

These changes are mainly due to some kind of organism trying to capture the end foam.

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