4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 134: extremely dangerous

“We have been… attacked.”

The light ball at the observation station told Lin how huge the crisis was in a 'worried' 'tone'.

It indicates that this end foam may destroy many civilizations, leaving the Void in chaos.

And this 'final foam', which is said to be able to plunge the void into chaos, is fighting against the attack of the eradicators.

After bombarding the surface with a fireball, the Eradicator's army also appeared on the surface at the same time. They crawled out of the big crater blasted by the fireball, and they looked like two hundred meters high with flames all over their bodies. A creature with feet, it looks a bit like a handless Ershimin.

But Lin is not sure whether they are creatures or other mechanical arms.

They can emit a beam of light from the tip of the head to sweep the surface, and everything touched by the beam of light will cause a violent explosion.

Seems like the Eradicators are trying to burn the surface of the Tumbler with this relatively...normal-looking unit.

Of course, it is not very common in fact. Although they look like they are burning, they are not ordinary 'flames' but are made of a more interesting high-temperature substance.

The tumbler of the Sea of ​​Creation didn't let it burn, and those giant fungus-like creatures started to move.

Their current form is different from before. It looks like a ball of wire wrapped by a large number of hyphae. It looks very flammable, but when the beam of light hits them, it can only melt a part of their surface, and cannot They're all crushed.

These huge fungi crawled around, entangled these burning giants with countless hyphae, as long as they were entangled in large numbers, these burning things would slowly dim or even go out.

Of course, they would also try to struggle, and Lin saw a burning creature suddenly exploded after being entangled in a large amount, and the violent impact caused the fungal creature and the surrounding surface with a radius of hundreds of meters to be thrown away.

As the burning creatures climbed out one after another, a large number of fungi also gathered towards this huge pit.

At the same time, other creatures on the surface also gathered. Although they were not as big as fungi, they also rushed to the burning giant with great courage, trying to push it down and drown it with their bodies.

These creatures, not so long ago, were eating each other like wild animals, but now they are completely united, and Lin found that it was an organ in their bodies that did this.

This organ was originally next to their nervous system, somewhat similar to a small brain, usually in a dormant state, but from the moment the fireball hit the ground, this organ became active, and gave the group of creatures the command to launch a desperate siege.

That's why they recklessly attack their opponents, even if they are constantly being burned to ashes.

At this time, more fireballs appeared in the sky, and they fell one after another, blasting one giant crater after another on the surface of the tumbler, and those burning huge soldiers also climbed out of the craters one after another. , the creatures on the surface slowly fell into a disadvantage.

Danlin also discovered that there are some special... activities underground.

Those network structures underground suddenly sent a large number of signals to one place, and the place where they sent the signal was the direction from which these fireballs came out.

When the signal was sent to the void, Lin saw a crack appear in the void. With its appearance, the surrounding things also changed. The fireballs that were constantly appearing suddenly stopped appearing, and the remaining ones were also in the void. directly exploded.

This is the reason why the tumblers of the sea of ​​creation have affected the 'weapons' of the eradicators.

Now Lin thinks that the Eradicators are roughly divided into three parts, one is the 'observation station' responsible for propaganda, the other is the 'weapon' responsible for attacking Final Mo, and the 'master control' responsible for commanding and controlling the whole. These three parts are not in the same place. Lin has not fully confirmed where the 'master control' is, but it may be related to unforeseen places.

Now it is the 'weapon' part that attacks the tumbler.

Its weapon seems to use some kind of 'natural phenomenon' in this void.

There are often various interesting phenomena in this void. Lin has seen many of them before, and the Eradicator itself has the ability to control these phenomena.

Lin now discovered that the eradicator mainly transmits signals through the miniature space, and after sending these signals into the void, the void will be 'stimulated' to produce certain phenomena.

Occasionally, a large amount of matter appears in this void, and the combination disappears, etc., and the Eradicator has created this kind of fireball and burning arms through the control of this phenomenon. It can be said that everything that appears here is... Temporarily synthesized of.

This is quite similar to the signal of the tumbler of the sea of ​​creation, they all send the signal through the surrounding miniature space.

And therefore, the tumbler of the sea of ​​creation is also able to affect the signal of the eradicator.

The disappearance of the fireball, which is the signal of the sea of ​​creation, has affected the control of the void phenomenon by the eradicator, causing the phenomenon of the void to be abnormal.

Although the huge troops that have appeared on the surface have not disappeared, if they do not continue to increase, they will still be overwhelmed by the biota on the surface.

After the 'weapon' was stopped, the light ball at the observation station suddenly began to issue... words for help.

"It is indestructible...it will destroy everything."

It told Lin that they could no longer stop the 'extremely dangerous' end foam and needed assistance.

"Are you really unable to deal with it?" Lin's pompom asked the light ball curiously: "You have never fought against this level of 'end foam' for so long?"

Lin wondered if they were really unable to fight against the Tumbler of the Sea of ​​Creation so soon, because Lin felt that if it was just to affect the signal, the end foam should be able to do it.

And the sphere of light didn't respond, it suddenly... went out.

Like an extinguished flame, it completely disappeared in a few seconds.

Then a white sphere appeared at the position of the light sphere, it suddenly expanded and exploded, and a large amount of viscous material sprinkled the hall of the observation station.

These are actually... white paste.

It seemed that the sea of ​​creation had invaded this place, and Lin soon discovered that similar phenomena appeared in other locations of the observation station. A large amount of white paste appeared out of nowhere, and all the machines that were originally responsible for propaganda stopped working.

This is quite interesting.

Lin felt that the Sea of ​​Creation might be able to invade different locations in the void through its own data, and the tumbler could send data.

As it arrives at different locations, it can send data to different places, creating this...'white paste chaotic ecology' directly at the target location.

(End of this chapter) Recently, transcoding has been serious, which makes us more motivated and updates faster, please move your hands to exit the reading mode. Thanks

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