4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 245: Strange in the blame

"Hey!" "Ah!" "Monster!"

In the city of Bailong Dragon, the sound of this kind of sound will sound from time to time. Because of its huge size, the monster named Haiwang crawls fast in the alley. Although it looks like a marine life, it climbs up on land. Quite fast, there were many white dragons on the way that were scared by this creature, and the sea king completely ignored them and climbed up the hill in the direction of the castle.

‘Hey! ’

In an instant, a few arrows were tied to the back of the sea king, and it suddenly screamed, but still did not stop running.

"It's over there! Shoot!"

Behind the sea king, chasing several guards, they all attacked Neptune with weapons such as scorpion. Neptune quickly turned into a corner, and several arrows that followed came on the ground behind it. .

The only thing that followed it was the spy. On the way along with it, Lin found that the sea king kept talking...

"It hurts...we have to go back to the water. The castle is too dangerous to pass!" Haiwang said as he climbed, but after a while it said: "Why must you go? Why don't you justify it?" What? You told me not to make a sound? So how do you know what I said?"

Listening to their disputes seems to be very interesting. It seems that Neptune can't fully understand the information of this creature, and Neptune is not willing to listen. In the case of their disputes, the speed of crawling is slower...


Suddenly, two guards were killed in front of the sea king. These guards were also very scared. But they still perform their duties well. They raised their hands and shot at the sea king. At this time, the few guards in the back also caught up.

Was it ‘resurrection’ soon after it was to be killed again?

"Hey!" Haiwang suddenly waved his tentacles, and suddenly a strange smell was released from his body. The surrounding guards began to cough after smelling this smell, and Haiwang took the opportunity to escape.

It turns out that it has some defensive skills, but even then... Lynn feels that it is unlikely to escape.

It crawled at the fastest speed, but when it reached the next corner, it encountered several guards, and there were many guards patrolling the entire city of Bailong. And after hearing the sound, they all gathered in this place.

Once again, the sea king released the gas to escape, but it still did not run far and was once again under siege.

Its gas is obviously limited in reserves. After being released several times in a row, the sea king can no longer be released, and at this time it just ran to a corner where there were tall houses and a large number of houses in front of it. The guards, and a few of them are the captains of the guards riding the big dragons...

"Already... no. Is it going to die?" Neptune whispered, and Lin could feel its desperate mood. It seems that this creature does not have the brainwaves that control the white dragon as the previous echoworm. Its role is still unclear. Although it can raise a brain, it seems to be useless.

"What? Can it be? Then give it a try." Haiwang then said something strange. It seems to be ready to do what it is.

"Shooting!" A guard captain shouted, and the surrounding guards immediately raised the arrow. At this moment, the sea king suddenly shouted: "Wait, stop!"

"This monster actually speaks?" The white dragons who surrounded the sea king suddenly looked at each other. At this time, the sea king continued: "You dragons can't kill me! I am..."

Haiwang said that half of the sudden stop, which made Bai Qilong’s captain could not help but curiously ask: “What are you?”

"Oh." Haiwang suddenly made a strange voice.

"Hey? That's what..." The captain's question had not been finished yet, and it was stunned. I saw that the sea king's body was inflated. It was like filling a lot of gas. Big, in a dozen seconds, it has risen to almost twice the size!

Could it be that……

'boom! 'At the moment when the surrounding white dragons did not react, the sea king's body suddenly exploded, and a large amount of blood spattered at the same time, sprinkled on the body of the Bailong Dragon guards, and penetrated into the gap between their armor. in.

"Oh!" The guards began to scream at the moment they were sputtered. They felt like they felt great pain and tumbling on the ground. The big dragons under the guard captains were spattered. They started to go crazy, they turned and frantically fled to the distance.

After a few tens of seconds, the white dragons that roll on the ground will not move any more, and the long-distance dragons and guard captains who have escaped are also on the ground, no longer living...

Although Lynn's spy hid in a safe place before it was blown up, Lynn could also judge that it was a very intense toxin, and it was obviously effective for creatures such as the white dragon.

In the explosion position, Neptune’s original body like an octopus has already been smashed, but there is still a strange thing left in place. It looks like a creature called 'Aphid', one meter. How long, with eight legs, it has a small round cover on the back, and inside is the head of the sea king.

This creature is really quite interesting... After the echoworm was burned, a new one was crawled out of it, and after it was blown up, it came out again.

It was a mystery why it was designed into this weird form at the beginning...

Wouldn't there be one in this small one? It should not be possible, and if it is small, it will not be able to hold the mind of Neptune.

"Is this your plan?" The creature also made a small voice, apparently by Sea King. It seems that this smaller creature also has a vocal organ.

"Is it? I know." After that, Haiwang climbed up the wall and continued to move toward the castle...

This time it's a lot smaller, it's not so easy to be discovered, and after the guards arrive, they will think that the monster has blown up, and will no longer look for it. The probability of it sneaking into the castle is rising. ......

Lin knows what it is going to look for in the castle.

Thinking, the spy also climbed up the wall of the house with his claws, and followed closely behind this little creature...

At this time, within the castle, Crystal Mad is doing a special thing, it reached a place called 'forging', filled with weapons.

They are mainly used to dissolve some special stones found in high temperature, then remove the impurities inside, and then put the dissolved liquid into some grooves made of a hard soil to create various armor and weapons.

The weapons they create are usually cyan, composed of different special rocks, also known as ‘metal’. This time, the crystal madness brought a special thing and asked the white dragon forge to build.

That is the crystal...

"Can this cause armor?" Crystal mad with a group of guards moved the crystals in. The white dragons who built the weapons here immediately curiously surrounded them, and they did not seem to have seen this crystallization.

"I don't know if I can smelt... Wang, are you sure you want to build this thing?" A seemingly older Bai Xiaolong said: "If you can't do it, you can't recover it."

"Since this way..." Crystal Mad thought about it: "Then you try to make it into small pieces and then set it on the armor."

"I am afraid this..."

When the white dragon just wanted to say something, he was interrupted by the crystal madness: "In short, you should try it first! No matter how you knock it, you don't have to worry about breaking it!" After it finished, it left crystallized, and the guards came out. This room.

It seems that Crystal Mad is not very concerned about this crystallization now. After all, it has become a king completely. It should be used to help him become a king.

"Since the king said so..." Several white dragons approached the crystal, and gently tapped the crystal shell with their hands.

"This thing... quite hard."

Lin has always been observing with the eyeballs. At the moment when the white dragons knocked on the crystal, the spy found that the sea king ran faster. Its purpose was to find the crystal in the castle.

Now, the sea king has reached the foot of the mountain, and it quickly climbed up the mountain and climbed up along the walls of the castle.

'despair! In the castle, the white dragons are still experimenting. They try to beat the crystal with a hammer. A white dragon listens to the sound from the above and says, "This seems to be very special..."

At the moment he had just finished, there was a crack in the part he had knocked on. It was suddenly shocked, and the surrounding white dragons were also exclaimed: "Oh! You actually knocked it out." !"

"Wait!" said a white dragon, "It doesn't matter how the king said it!"

"But this is very valuable... Wait, do you smell anything?"

"There is a taste." The white dragons sniffed in the air carefully, but Lin's eyes had no olfactory function. It was not clear what they smelled. Is it the smell in the crystal?

"Oh!" Suddenly, a scream was heard at the window on the wall. The white dragons turned their heads and saw a strange creature jumping in from there. After seeing the crystal, it suddenly rushed past the madness.

"What is this! Don't come over!" A white dragon rushed to the creature with a hammer, but it ran away at a faster rate, bypassing it and rushing to crystallize!

But at the moment when it was about to crystallize, its shape suddenly stopped in the air, and it couldn’t move forward anyway. It had been frantically struggling, but its body went back and finally left the window and fell. Going away and disappearing... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks to the monthly ticket of ~metallicclaw~

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