4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 252: final decision

"Wang! The signal is back, they are successful!"

The white dragon standing next to the rift observed the empty jellyfish flying back, and it immediately ran to the crystal madness to report.

"It seems that they have done a good job and successfully passed the final level set by the creators." Crystal madness pulled the dragon and ran to the heights and said to all the white dragons: "We have succeeded! Then we have Prove that we have enough power to let the creators accept us!"

"Hey!" The white dragons suddenly made a burst of cheers, and then the crystal mad said: "So now, start... rest! Wait until the second day and night to continue!"

"Hey?" The white dragons snorted, but after they noticed the sky, they knew that they should not fly at night, and they began to set up tents and other things on the spot and eat and rest.

And when these white dragons rested, they didn't even think about what happened on the other side of the rift...

However, Lin is now paying attention to more distant places...

The dragon forest, on the platform composed of tree roots, the dragons are holding regular banquets, they drink a variety of drinks, dance eccentric dances, celebrate for celebration, each dragon Only happy in the thoughts, no negative emotions.

This also makes the body of the dragons quite good, they are rarely sick, in general, happy people are much healthier than those who are full of stress. In this environment of only happy and painless, they also grow longer. The stronger it is.

"This wonderful time has been with us for a long time..." Among these dragons, only one dragon's thoughts are not so happy.

Tucker, it sits in the center of the tree root platform. There are also some dragons that are close to it. And the current leader Liddell is also here.

"I still remember the life before. The life before we met the pompon..." Tucker picked up a leaf with a wonderful drink and drank it in. "At that time, I lived in the shadow of white... even Language, there are not so many words."

"Why do you say this? The leader?" Liddell was puzzled by Tucker's words.

"We can't stay here all the time, we should go far away." Tucker said: "I saw a lot of creatures on the road, but I also saw some dangerous things..."

"I have heard this too." Liddell said: "Those green... dragons, their habits are very strange, like those of white. They will be extremely cruel to treat the same kind, even including the young."

"..." Not far from them, the flying spear was listening to Liddell's words, but it did not say anything.

"Yes, those green creatures are very weird. Maybe only the spears are special, but in addition to them, we have encountered some other creatures." Another dragon sitting here said, it is also a player who goes out with Tucker. one.

Liddell questioned: "Are other creatures?"

"That is the group of white dragons." Tucker continued: "We found them in many places, and their lifestyles have remained the same. They are all gathered together in small communities..."

"But we also found some strange white dragons, they are wearing strange equipment." Tucker said: "Huo sauce. Take that thing out."

The dragon named Chao Huo took out a few pieces of cyan equipment and placed them in front of the dragons.

"This... something that I have never seen before." Liddell picked up a piece of equipment and knocked it, and it sounded crisp.

"This seems to be quite hard. Is this really made by Bai Longlong?" Liddell had some unbelievable appearances. "What exactly did they use? What is this?"

Liddell found a piece of leather in the armor, which was also filled with many white dragon characters.

Hoki replied: "They seem to use this thing to record things around, but we haven't figured out what they are painting."

"The average white dragon does not make this kind of thing." Tucker said: "When we meet them, they appear to be weaker than the average white dragon, but they do wear a variety of strange things, but they can also use Complex language communication..."

"I believe they are another kind of white dragon, although weaker, but smarter than the common white dragon." Tucker said: "They may have a huge amount, we should kill a small part, they may be out Things like investigation."

"I am worried that this group of white dragons will be our threat, they are ... quite dangerous."

Tucker has a terrible hatred for the white dragon. It is estimated that it will not change even if it is dead. Although it used to accept a white dragon, the younger found that it would not confuse it with other white dragons. Bai Haolong will make armor, which is a very terrible thing for it...

Liddell asked: "So... where are they gathered?"

"Although we were going to come back immediately after killing them, we decided to look for it, but we didn't find it." Tucker said: "We searched the nearby jungle, they may be farther or more secretive. The place, only ours, is hard to find out..."

"We should go there to find out these threatening creatures and completely destroy them!" Tucker’s tone suddenly became more exciting. It said: "We can’t stay here all the time, although life is comfortable, but here The danger outside will not disappear."

"We need to take the initiative to solve them and give us space for life."

Tucker's words, there is no opposition to the dragon, although Liddell is the leader, but they all respect Tucker very much, and they have lived here for a long time, there will always be emotions to go out to travel, so the audience is here. The dragons all agree very much with Tucker’s ideas...

However, Lin believes that the main reason for Tucker’s idea is that it knows its life, so it doesn’t want to spend the last night stay calmly here... it wants to do more, and it’s really worried. The safety of the dragon community.

"That is of course, Tucker leader." Liddell stood up and said: "I am going to call the community right now!"

After Liddell walked away, another green figure slowly approached.

"Do you really want to... past?" The spears looked at the dragons here and said, "I think..."

Hoo sauce came over and said: "Don't worry, we are not targeting your kind."

"No, I don't care about them." The spear said: "I just think that you may need some help." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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