4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 260: Landing and exploration

“Hurry up! Those green things are probably also ready!”

On the edge of the rift, the huge empty fish boat was docked and stabilized. They used a lot of ropes to hold the empty fish boats, and carried all kinds of things from above, basically all kinds of food. .

The small empty fish boats also reached the cliff one by one, but they only removed a part of the white dragons here, they will fly back to pick up other white dragons.

On the cliff, in addition to the captain who is directing the handyman to carry, the crystal mad and a group of guards are watching the surroundings.

"What the **** is this..."

The location where they arrived was a kilometer away from where the original large number of empty fish boats docked, but they quickly found the location of the original empty fish boat.

There, they only saw the blood of the earth and the bodies of several white dragons with thigh bones, and the empty fish boats without dragons, still swaying in the air...

"This must be the group of green dragons." Crystal madly waved a cylindrical body in his hand: "You a few, call more dragons to come and see if these empty fish boats can not be used!"

"Hey!" Several white dragons heard the words and ran away.

"The other few, you treat the bodies here and judge how they died!"

Under the command of the crystal madness, the white dragons quickly acted, and the crystal madness went back with a group of guards.

"In the beginning, I should make more." Crystal mad looked at the cylinder in his hand, revealing a pity expression.

This is something called a 'breeding bullet', with a net at the bottom of the cylinder. There are some special plant seeds in the net. This seed synthesizes explosive components when it matures. By pressing the handle, the seeds can be squeezed to cause them to explode.

Before the crystal mad stuffed into a few stinky fish bombs, is a slimy, deodorant round object made from fish materials, the energy generated after the explosion will be thrown into the stinky fish bomb. .

However, because there are very few seeds that will explode, there are only a few such plants found throughout the island, so Crystal Mad has only created a cylinder, which can not only be stuffed with stinky fish. It is indeed a very interesting weapon to put a variety of things out.

Although Lin feels that power is not good, it is.

In the following period, the crystal mad white dragons began to camp on the edge of the cliff. They built some tent-like houses and prepared food and other things, but they did not go deep into the jungle. Crystal madness seemed to want to wait for more white dragons. .

However, they have never known that some eyes in the jungle have been watching them...

At the same time, on the other side. The emerald dragon rode Yalong back to the city of Lishui, and the companion he saved was already dead in the middle of the road because of serious injuries. So it is now the only survivor...if it is not Mukla.

"What do you say..." Emerald Dragon is now in front of Susumi, Susumi’s unbelievable expression, "Mukla..."

"Mukra's commander...it's already..." The emerald dragon spoke and sorrowful, and it didn't dare to look at Susumie's expression because they completely violated Susumi's original orders, although they received a lot of intelligence. But it was exchanged for the life of nine knights and Mukla.

"..." Susumi said nothing. Lin could feel the extremely complicated emotions in his thoughts. Obviously, Susumi had a special affection for Mukla.

"Call all the soldiers..." After a hundred seconds, Susumi said something like this: "We want to..."

"Mukra is still alive."

Suddenly, a voice made Susumumi stunned.

"This voice..." Susumi looked around, but did not see anything, but its thoughts slowly calmed down, and it seemed to immediately believe what the voice said.

"Prepare the team for search and rescue." Susumi said: "At the same time, let the soldiers prepare, we must equip the latest weapons... to face these... creatures."

This feels much better. If Susumi becomes impatient, it is not good for the Jade Dragon.

However, now Mukla can't say that it is completely okay, it is still looking for the path of life in the dark abyss.

The quagmire is a huge threat to it. There are many worms lurking in it. There may even be carnivorous plants or other monsters. It has now come down from the previous bubbles, but it is trapped in a mire. On the rock, I don't know when I can leave.

Lin’s flying man entered the quagmire and probed the creatures below.

The quagmire itself seems to be made up of various substances, which contain quite a lot of fungi and micro-organisms, and are extremely rich in nutrients...and toxins.

I don't know what it is, and most of the creatures in it are swallowing each other, but some will try to capture the pterosaurs and other creatures that pass through.

This is the case with a creature called 'Hooks', which rushes out of the swamp and bites the winged pterosaur, which is easily attracted by the rancid smell. It is swallowed and then dissolved to spit out the bones.

At the same time, there is also a living jade, they run around the quagmire with a light body, looking for any edible things.

But at the bottom of the quagmire, there is a more exotic plant that relies solely on the nutrients in the swallowing mud. In the breeding period, they will extend a root system onto the surface and create a thick layer of liquid. Put lighter gases and seeds into the liquid so that they form the bubbles you saw before.

When the bubbles fly to the rift, they will explode, and the seeds inside will drift with the wind... and will be swallowed by various creatures.

There are a lot of wonderful things under the Rift Valley, but Lin cares about how it is formed here. Why are so many nutrients gathered here? It’s like... there used to be a large-scale death here.

These quagmire are different in depth, and there are strong rocks underneath, but these rocks are full of cracks, as if they can reach deeper.

The environment here is different from the rift elsewhere. Lynn tried to get the body of the flying man down into a small hole and explore it inside...

After entering the crack, Lin found something... This seems to be the shell of a certain creature, they are pressed under the ground... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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