4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 263: Captured commander

"Oh wow! Hey!"

In an underground cave, a large group of gnomes gather together, and they scream at the side, as if they are holding a banquet...

The protagonist of the banquet is a few 'guests' who are fixed to the ground by bones.

Mukla, together with a few white dragons, was firmly fixed to the ground with a cage made of bones. Around them were a large group of mad gnomes who constantly trembled their bodies and made sense in their mouths. The excitement of screaming, at any time to see the gnome of this creature, will feel that they are quite crazy.

In fact, they are so crazy, dancing and excitement are their daily routine, there is no similar competition between the gnomes, who grabs the skull, who is the leader, under the command of the thigh bone in the hands of the leader, all The gnomes will rush to the top, regardless of whether the opponent is a huge carnivorous dragon, or a small and slow-looking protoceratops. They all respond to the madness, devour the flesh and blood of each other and decompose the other's bones. ......


Under a scream, countless gnomes rushed up, and they surrounded a white dragon near Mukla. Between the screams of time and time, countless blood and flesh were spattered, waiting for the gnomes to scatter. When it was opened, there was no bones there, leaving only traces of red and black.

Seeing this scene, Mukla and other white dragons have no more thoughts than fear.

"Oh!" After the gnomes had finished eating, they took the white dragon and danced with **** bones again, and now. Lynn hasn't fully figured out their language. But most of them seem to be just meaningless excitement.

The gnomes will also feed the hungry counterparts. In this way, they do not have to compete for food, but they can completely eat the other party at the fastest speed.

However, such madness and swaying will always encounter some dangers.

"It is here."

Outside the dwarf cave, a group of white figures hide in the jungle and look at the cave.

"It is said that the original troops were not killed by the green dragons, but were killed by this group of black and small and like wow, and their nests are here."

This is a group of white dragon soldiers who found the place along some traces left by the gnomes.

"I remember this group of creatures called... skulls? There are records about their way of life on the history boards. This is a group of terrible creatures living in the dark."

"Yes, they are said to be quite crazy. They like to scream in the dark, so that the dead souls can't rest. They can also pull out their skulls and put them on the skulls of other creatures to strengthen their strength..."

"What? This kind of creature is really terrible. Why are they on the creator's land?"

"It is said that they are formed by the remains left by the creators when they created creatures, so they only have madness and hatred. They only think about **** all the creatures to pour their anger and listen to the sounds inside. They are now holding Some crazy ritual!"

Lin also listened to these white dragons, and they also had records about gnomes. But the content inside is too much... I imagined it...

And although the gnomes are watching crazy, they are actually very happy. They have almost no sad emotions. If they say ‘members’ average happiness’, both Bai Xiaolong and Emerald Dragons are not comparable to gnomes.

"We must report to the king! There are such terrible creatures nearby!"

The group of white dragons quickly left as they spoke. They returned to the edge of the cliff and reported to the crystal mad about the gnomes.

For this, Crystal Mad has only a simple sentence: "kill them."

Crystal Mania led a white dragon captain to lead three hundred white dragon soldiers to the gnome's lair. They were equipped with the best equipment, and after a short distance, they came to the dwarf's lair again.

Obviously, Crystal Mad is not very concerned about this group of gnomes. After all, they are small and short, and it is difficult to form a threat.

"Encircled there!" Under the command of the captain, the white dragons were scattered in the jungle around the cave, and they simultaneously took out the arrow and aimed at the cave entrance.

The captain saw the white dragons in their positions and continued to say: "The tempter, come forward!"

The tempter is a special position. Its responsibilities are just like its name. I saw a white dragon walking to the entrance of the cave and then yelling at the cave: "Oh ah!"

It mimics the screams of an injured white dragon, imitating it, and expressing the tragic feeling well.

The gnomes in the cave stopped dancing. They all heard the call. Several gnomes walked toward the hole in confusion. They looked around and looked around... I saw the surrounding jungle quiet and nothing. Look like that.

“Wow?” The gnomes walked out of the cave doubtfully, and they could smell strange smells, which made them more confused...

‘Hey! ’

suddenly! An arrow was shot in the jungle, and it was just tied to a gnome. The gnome suddenly made a scream and then fell to the ground.

"Wow, wow!" The other gnomes were suddenly frightened and fled into the cave. At this time, the outside of the white dragon team was angry and said: "Who was the first shot?"

"Oh..." I saw a white dragon with his head bowed out of the woodland. It just seemed to accidentally press the arrow.

"You stupid dragon! No way, they will definitely not come out." The captain said: "In this case, we only have to kill, everyone, prepare your swords and shields!"

"Hey!" The white dragons immediately took out their weapons. They walked out of the jungle and surrounded the cave. The captain said to the former Bai Yulong who shot first: "You are the first one."

"Oh?" The white dragon walked helplessly at the forefront. It was trembling with a sword step by step. It looked like a recruit. The gnome's cave was very narrow, only enough for two white dragons to pass.

Therefore, they are vulnerable to raids, and the latter can't help.

However, after walking through the not-so-long passage, the white dragons did not suffer any attacks, and they quickly reached the center of the cave.

It's quite spacious, but it's still nothing, however, the dense footprints on the ground show that the gnomes have stayed here not long ago.

Compared to this, the white dragons are more concerned about the things in the cave, and several white dragons are fixed on the ground.

"They were the dragons who first took the empty fish boats!" The soldiers immediately went up. They pulled the bones of these white dragons down. They were very weak and hard to say anything, but they all looked alive.

"This only found a few, it seems that most of them have been killed, this **** thing!" said the captain: "Let's go back first..."

"This is a green one!" Suddenly, a soldier shouted, and found Mukla, which was fixed on the ground.

"What?" The captain quickly rushed over and saw Mukla struggle on the ground, but the bones were fixed too tightly and it was difficult to break free.

The captain looked at Mukla: "It seems that this group of things is still doing a good thing."


"You said that this is the group of skulls caught?" In the camp of the cliff, Mukla was tied to a group of white dragons in front of the crystal mad, crystal madly looked at the jade dragon road.

It doesn't seem to remember that Mukla was the emerald dragon that was shot by it, but Mukla seems to remember the crystal madness, not because of its appearance, but because the crystal armor is too conspicuous.

"Oh..." Mukher smashed the crystal madness, and the crystal madness also glared at Mukla. After the two stunned for a while, Crystal Mad said: "The green dragon, where is your ethnic group?"

"No matter where you come from, we will destroy you! Push you into the abyss of the Rift Valley!" Mukla yelled at the crystal madness: "You are a group of sad dragons that are only used as slaves and bodies. !"

Although it is very exciting, but the crystal mad and the surrounding white dragons simply can not understand.

"It seems that this kind of green thing will not speak." Crystal Mad said: "Forget it, kill it, there is no special value."

"Wait, Wang, I have a proposal." The captain of the White Dragon, who had been exploring the gnome cave before, said: "We should use it to test ‘that thing’.”

"You mean that thing?" Crystal madly came to the interest and said: "Well, carry that thing!"

"Yes!" The captain immediately ran to the edge of the cliff with a group of guards. They climbed the biggest empty fish boat and seemed to be moving out of something.

Crystal Mad made a lot of strange things, some of which have not been tested, but the reason for not testing is not only because of the time, some things need a living dragon, but because of the uncertainty of these things, so the dragon tested It may be dangerous.

Because the crystal mad can't find anything to kill the dragon, it regretted that it had executed the prophet's group of white dragons early, so these things have not been tested, and now, it finally found a suitable object. ......

I saw that the white dragons had moved a strange shape from the empty fish boat. Mukla seemed to realize what they were going to do, so it struggled harder and screamed.

"Quiet!" Crystal screamed at it: "What is it suddenly called..."

"found it!"

Suddenly, there was a sound in the sky, and Crystal Man looked up and saw a few huge figures swooping down here! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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