4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 272: Double return

"They are attacking our tower!" Within the huge pyramid, Mukla said angrily: "We need that group of Yalongs, but why is there a strange smell at this time! Under the influence of this taste Most of the Yalongs have become anxious and cause uncontrollable flight!"

"Wang, we have to do something!" Mukherla was very nervous, but Susumumi was still a look that didn't care. He said slowly: "You need to be calm."

"Wang!" An emerald dragon slammed into the road: "They have knocked down our two towers! And now they are attacking other towers. If there is no support, those towers can't keep it!"

Susumui walked to the window of this room. It looked into the distance with Wangyuanmu. Only the army of Baijilong had already rushed under the tower group. They were destroying the tower everywhere in the army following the armor.

Because the distance is too close, the riprap function of the tower can't be used, and the lethality of the arrow is very limited. Although some towers are equipped with giant bows, there is no way to shoot the target too close...

"They don't look like they are attacking the whole army." Susumi noticed that the troops coming in were only a part, and the troops in the back row were farther away, and the crystal madness did not let them all mix together.

"Forget it, this is fine." Susumi said: "Start the 'tunnel' operation."


"Hip! Feel the power of the creator!"

Along with the roar of the roar, another tower collapsed on the ground in the collision of the armored dragon. The white dragons raised their weapons and cheered for their victory.

A white dragon and a sword stabbed an emerald dragon that had just climbed out of the shredded wood pile. It looked at the surrounding tower and said: "Let's go on. You can break into the city without hitting more. The king's tactics are so brilliant, and now there is no shadow in the sky!"

"Yes! Without the dragons in the sky, we have nothing to fear!" said another white dragon near it: "We will wait for the crystallization of those buildings in the city, we will shell It!"


When they said this, their feet shook a little.

"Strange, do you feel anything?" "It seems like... Hey?"

'boom! Once again, the sound of the sound came along with numerous cracks and instantly spread to large areas around it, and the entire ground collapsed. When a large number of white dragons had not had time to escape, they fell into the ground with the cracked land.

If you look at it from a high altitude, the entire ground appears at this moment as a labyrinth of staggered grooves that almost fill the ground around the entire tower, they all have a depth and width of more than three meters, and many white dragons in it The moment that it appeared, it fell, and among the grooves, it was covered with dense crystals or spikes made of wood.

"Oh!" Countless screams sounded at this moment, and the white dragons did not react, and their bodies were pierced by a large number of spikes. The blood also flows open, forming a river of blood in the groove.

These trenches were originally tunnels that were dig underground. After the transformation, Susumi made them into trapped traps, which originally had a large number of supports, and all the supports had rope connections, which could cause the entire area to collapse as long as they were pulled.

"Although there are some places that seem to have gone wrong, most of them have fallen into the trap." Susumi looked at the situation in the distance, and it said: "So, now ordered, full-scale attack! It is time to put those Something is back to them..."



"This is a trap!" "Hurry, pull me up!" There are a lot of white dragons who fall in and are not injured. They wear body armor after all, but because of the height of the trap, they have no way to climb up.

Some of the white dragons did not stand on the grooves. This trap actually only hurts about 30% of the white dragons, but the impact on them is quite large. The entire Bailong dragon’s troops have stopped, some The armored dragon also fell into the trench. Although only a few towers were still between them and the city, Bai Xiaolong could no longer move on. The whole army was almost in a panic, and some of them were busy. Pulling the white dragon that dropped the groove up, and the other part is difficult to move because of the groove...

Now, there are countless green figures in the city.

Their bodies gleam in the sun, their weapons are shining brilliantly, this is Susumi's 'heads', these are all dressed in crystal armor and weapons, they walk out of the city neatly, stepping Into the battlefield...

The first row of troops stopped at a place more than 50 meters away from the Bailulong. It was just the last towers. In the dragon group, many emerald dragons dragged a strange shape.

This is what is called a 'rock ripper'. This is also used on the tower. Although it seems complicated, it mainly uses a stone to squat down the front of the pillar in the middle, so that the stone hanging behind will be Will fly at high speed and hit the target.

"Fighting for the king! Shooting!"

Numerous arrows came out of the rock, they fell into the group of white dragons, under the sound of roaring, a piece of blood flowers also bloomed, and many white dragons screamed and were smashed into meat.

"Shooting! Shooting!"

Although the riprap is smaller than the tower, it is still full of power, and they are not only throwing stones, but also some toxic thorn plants, and Yalong’s sheds filled with larvae. The larvae used to attack Yalong are now being thrown back on their heads...

"Oh!" "Oh! What is this!" Under the attack of countless foreign bodies, all kinds of screams followed, and sometimes even vomiting sounds.

The white dragons can't bear this kind of blow. They jumped into the grooves one after another. Now the grooves have become the fortress of their protection, but the stone throwers are not straight shots. Although the hit rate is low, they can still hit. White dragon in the trench.

But some creatures were not hit by stoning, and they were irritated.

The large group of armored dragons are in front of the team. Most of them have not fallen into the trap because of the comparison before the station, and they can clearly see that the jade dragon is throwing things at this side.

The armored dragon is a creature that will not retreat. For any hostile behavior, they will fight back with anger. Under the trembling of the earth, they will charge the jade dragon group!

At the same time, Crystal Mania watched the battle on a distant high platform.

"It turns out that with this kind of trap... the second force, go forward!" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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