4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 275: War variable


With the sound of neatness, the two giant dragons attacked at the same time. These large and light dragons easily jumped over the trench traps on the ground, one to the south and one to the north, to be on the emerald. The dragon forms a sniper hit.

If the gap between the Jade Dragon and the White Dragon is above the power, then the Big Dragon can make up for this gap. The damage of this Cavalier charge to the general ground forces is extremely huge.

"Attention! Turn, accelerate!"

General 'Tsunami' took its troops around the edge of the jungle on the south side. They raised their spears and turned the head of the big dragon to the emerald dragon army that was fighting. If they sprinted here, they could lie in the left wing of the other side. !

"Hey! Attack!" Suddenly! There was a sound in the jungle. Hundreds of gray figures rushed out quickly in the woodland. Their hands waved at the same time, and countless spears suddenly flew in. Many of the big dragon knights did not react and were long. The spear shot through the throat...

"Dead!" After the dragons had thrown the spears and rushed straight forward, they jumped on the back of the big dragon and directly slammed them from the big dragon's back with their palms.

"What is that? Hey! Let's spread!" The tsunami general was shocked because they were sneaked behind them, they lost half of the riders almost instantaneously, and the rest were rushed out under the command of the general. At this time, the dragons are squatting and running on their limbs. Their speed is not even lost to the big dragon!

The dragon quickly caught up with the big dragon knights who fled, and when they approached the target, they took out something special from the carry-on bag. It looks like a rope. A thorn ball is tied to both ends of the rope. Xiaolong threw the rope toward the big dragon's leg, and the big dragon that was tripped by the rope fell to the ground and the knight on them fell.

"Oh!" After a white dragon fell down, he immediately climbed up. It pulled out the sword and slashed it toward the dragon. But the dragon reached out and grabbed the wrist of the white dragon with a faster speed, and then twisted it. ......

‘Kala’ sounds like a broken bone... Bai Yanlong fell to the ground with pain and pain, and it’s hard to climb again.

In a very short period of time, the entire team of the Knights of the White Dragon was destroyed. Even the captain of the tsunami died under Lidell’s spear, and only four of the big dragons who fled were surviving...

Now, if you say physical strength, Snapdragon is the most powerful of the three dragons. They are not only powerful, but 骸龙 does not have the distinction of 'general dragon' and 'soldier'. Each of their ethnic groups is a warrior. Each can be any profession, their lives are not under pressure, and there is only a festive banquet and exciting hunting throughout the day and night. This kind of life created by Lin has made their physical strength extremely powerful.

The techniques used to deal with the big dragons are also often used in hunting. Occasionally, there will be dinosaurs like the big dragons on the wasteland.

After defeating this unit, the dragons quickly returned to the jungle, and they did not seem to be going to continue fighting...

"What the **** is that? What happened to the troops in the south?" Crystal madness almost stunned on the high platform. It did not expect that the troops there would be attacked.

"Why is there a bunch of things that are not green?" Crystal Mad is very angry: "Scout, I told you to completely observe the battlefield before, why didn't you find out?"

"Hey..." The scouts below: "Because... no... I didn't pay attention to the surrounding jungle."

"Enough! Drag this incompetent thing to kill!"

"Oh! No!" The two guards towed the scouts under the command of Crystal Mad, and Crystal Mad yelled on the stage: "You have to remember! The idea is equal to death! The land of the creator is not So simple place! Only the most powerful dragon can stand here to meet the creator! It seems that there are a lot of strange things in this place that have risen when we are absent."

"Wang, are we going to chase them?" There is a captain of the White Dragon who said to the crystal madness: "I can guarantee that I can..."

"No, they are now hiding in the jungle. Just chasing them will only waste energy!" Crystal Mad said: "Now form a defense around, build more sentinels, completely guarded! I don't know the gray things and Green is not a group..."

"Hey!" The white dragon around him immediately launched an action around the crystal madness.

"Correspondents, you quickly return to the empty fish boat and let them change the empty fish boat to a 'free state'." Crystal Mad said to a white dragon below.

"Hey!" The white dragon ran to the jungle immediately after hearing it.

"There are too many variables." Crystal mad once again looked at the battlefield in the distance, whispered: "But I can't fall."

At this time, on the battlefield, the Jade Dragon has already repelled the smashing of the white dragons. Most of them have turned into corpses falling on the mud, and the wreckage in the blood, if not more than the jade The dragon is about 70%, and it has long since disappeared, but their hopes have not disappeared.

On the north side, the team of the Great Dragon Knights, commanded by General ‘Storm’, did not suffer any sneak attack. Under the command of the generals, the huge cavalry of 500 dragons has now begun to charge!

"嗡-" With a whistling sound from the horn of the conch, the entire knight team rushed to the army of the emerald dragon. The jade dragon had already noticed them, but they were difficult to effectively resist because of the fierce battle. The voice of the official was even drowned in the collision of countless soldiers.

It’s too late to wait until some of the jade dragons are so easy to gather...

"Oh!" At the moment of the collision, countless emerald dragons were knocked out. These big dragon dragons were in the hands of a conical "long gun" made of metal, accompanied by the powerful impact of the big dragon. Force, they can easily pierce the emerald dragon and their armor, and more jade dragons are knocked down by the big dragon, their strength is still quite fragile compared with a ton of creatures.


After hitting a large expanse of dragons on the outside, the storm generals blew the horn again. All the knights immediately turned around and ran back, then adjusted the formation and rushed toward the jade dragon again!

This is a tactic called '迂回冲锋', which is what the crystal madness sees from the history board. They don’t go too deep in each charge, but they return and hit it again, just like a storm. In general, come back and forth, changeable.

‘Hey! The continuous impact caused the Emerald Dragon to suffer heavy losses. They did not recover after each collision. The other party had already rushed over again. The troops in the north began to lose constantly. Many Bailongs also noticed the support of the cavalry.

"It's the cavalry! They are coming!" "This is what we won!"

The white dragons have a lot of morale, they use all their strength to start counterattack!

... at this time, on the huge pyramid.

"There are so many troops!" Mukla and Susumi looked at the situation outside together, Mukla said: "Although there was a force that didn't know what was destroyed by the dragon, it was already It's hard to deal with, we need those Yalong!"

"Yalong has not fully recovered, can not bring to fight, it is too dangerous." Susumi said: "The order is passed, let the troops return to the city to fight! And let the 'that force' prepare."


"Retreat! Retreat! Return to the city to fight!" Soon after, a voice spread across the battlefield, only to see a huge figure flying over a sky, a jade dragon is riding a Yalong is issuing orders, this head The dragon was not affected because it did not stay at Yalong Square initially.

Under its shouting, the Emerald Dragons acted immediately. They used shields to block the arrows and quickly ran backwards. Because they were behind the city, they quickly retreated into the pyramid houses of large and small. .

The Cavaliers outside were unable to storm into these complex housing complexes, while the White Dragon’s forces continued to catch up.

"They are retreating! They are going to lose!"

Seeing the emerald dragon retreating, the white dragons seemed to be quite excited, but they found the problem after they caught up. The former plain battle became a battle of alleys. In the narrow places, the white dragons could not even exert their quantitative advantages. Emerald dragons can easily kill them.

Soon, this made the white dragons behind not dare to rush in. They stood at a farther place and shot with a smashing arrow, but they were easily blocked by the emerald dragon with a shield. Instead, they were shot dead by the jade dragon with a bow and arrow.

"Is it finally retracted?" Seeing that the troops in the distance were at a disadvantage, the crystal madness seemed to be very happy: "Very good, so we don't have to wait any longer!"

"All the dragons, get together, let go of your identity now!" Crystal mad stood on the high platform and shouted to the tens of thousands of white dragons in the jungle behind him: "Whether it is a handyman, a construction worker, or any other profession, now There is only one thing you have to do, pick up the weapon at hand, or use it as a weapon! Fight for the creator! Don't be afraid of pain, that is the test that the creator gives you, don't fear death, the creator will Accept the soul of the warrior!"

"All staff, carry out the final charge with me! Victory belongs to the creator forever!"

"Oh ah ah ah!" After the words spread, all the white figures suddenly broke out. They picked up the hammer in their hands, and the **** and other things began to rush to the battlefield. The plain in the west was instantly submerged by a piece of white. !

Although the crystal madness said so, it did not move itself. It and the last group of soldiers and some handymen still stayed where they were.

"Wang, what about the gray dragons?" asked a captain to ask the crystal madness.

"Don't worry about them." Crystal Mad said: "It's time to bring those weapons out and win the victory." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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