I should have noticed it earlier... this creature hidden in the ground.

After seeing ‘it’, Lynn almost understood the way the environment was formed on the continent, the cause of the origin of the dinosaurs, but further confirmation was needed.

Although it is not too late, but what we have to do now is to let them leave, no matter what color of the dragon, it should not be affected.

“Come out of the city!” In the city below, a large number of white dragons withdrew from the west side of the city. The huge roots constantly protruded from the cracks in the ground. Although they did not attack, they only reached At a certain height, something like a balloon is swollen from the epidermis of the root.

And when the airbag reaches its limit, it will... ‘Boom! ’

A towering tree root suddenly rang the sound of the explosion, and the surrounding white dragons were all scared. They fled more desperately outside the city. In the face of this situation, they have no fighting emotions.

However, the root of the tree was not blown up by itself. Before the balloon of its body expanded to the limit, Lin used it to smash it at the floating turret at high altitude. This special bomb could instantly break the root of the tree.

There is only one floating turret above the city of Licheng, which was originally used to deal with meteorites. At present, only a few roots grow and expand, and most of them move slowly on the ground. If there are too many expansions, it may explode. The bomb will not be enough.

"Hey! Escape!" Many white dragons left the city safely, and they almost all gathered in the trap groove before, but because there was no major commander. They don't seem to know what to do next.

"You really should go down and command them." The white dragon in his body still said on the back of the empty jellyfish and the crystal madness. This Bai Yulong, who talks with the madman, is the new ‘spy’ made by Lin. But the crystal madness is obviously not so easy to obey.

"Hey? Actually not dead?" Crystal mad hand holding a small cockroach, Lin's spy can feel a kind of toxin spread from the arrow, it seems to have specially prepared a poison arrow to deal with spies, crystal mad Remembering the past, although I don't know what it is about the spy, it is obviously very jealous of this 'white dragon' with wonderful hidden ability.

"Are you going to stay here all the time? It might fly to another place, and then you will be thrown into the jungle full of monsters..."

The spy’s words made Crystal’s madness hesitate, and now the jellyfish seems to want to fly far away.

"It seems. It is no longer necessary now." The spy suddenly said something that made the crystal madness strange, and fell on the back of the jellyfish...

"What the **** is going on?" Crystal madly looked at the fallen spy. After thinking about it, suddenly he suddenly realized: "It turns out that the toxicity has finally worked! Oh! Now there is nothing to threaten me." It!"

The excitement of the crystal madness lasted for a few seconds, and the jellyfish suddenly shook and flew toward the higher air.

Crystal mad was shocked, and it quickly ran to the back of the jellyfish, where there were several airbags for landing...

Now, it seems that it has been almost done, Emerald Dragon. Both Bai Xiaolong and Xiaolong left the city, and Lin found that there was no need to let them withdraw too far. Because this phenomenon does not happen in one place.

'Boom...' In the depths of the distant rift, the ground produced a violent shock, and the creatures living in the mire crawled out of it, and even the huge Poseidon dragons ran away to find a safe place. ......

On the other side of the salt ground, there are numerous cracks in the white earth. They spread like spider webs. These cracks come from the depths of the ground. The underground salt caves collapse and collapse due to the cracks. The fungus inside. Fossils and everything in the cracks turned into powder, and the jade and cut ants that used to be the place to live here had to flee from here...

There is something that is going to be drilled from the ground, and its activity is enough to make the whole continent tremble.

'boom! ’

Under the bursting fire, the towering roots of the city of Licheng instantly turned into pieces.

But that's just one... There are still hundreds of attempts to drill out of the mud. They didn't seem to be very energetic at first, but now it seems to be getting more and more 'excited' under the sun.

'boom! After the roar, another tree root that is about to swell and burst into an ashes, but there are more roots in the vicinity of it, and the airbag-like swelling begins to expand in the body surface...

The bomb is not enough.

Lin looked at the number of trees in the city. The bombs left by the fort were not enough to completely destroy them. Maybe it would be better to put more floating turrets here, but in fact, it is the least vulnerable to meteorites. The creatures that affected, so I didn’t make that much...

But even if the roots of the trees are blown up, it is useless. In many other places, these roots are constantly drilling out, they are almost all over the continent!

Perhaps it is the record of the White Dragon, driving away the monsters and creating the creators of the entire continent.

However, it is not as good as the record. Maybe 'driving the monster' and 'creating' are only part of its life activities. Lin now knows a lot about it. I can only guess that this is a life cycle. Very long creature.

It was originally sleeping under the land, but for some reason 'waking up', here is what Lynn thinks is the strangest place, why? Why does it appear? It should have nothing to do with the sea king...


Some of the sacs of the roots of the tree have swelled to the limit, and they slammed open, and there was nothing in the sac, only some seemingly thin smog.

"What is this? The roots of the tree have exploded?" The crystal mad body is tied with a balloon, slowly falling from the top of the city. The smoke is scattered around it with the wind. It seems that the smoke is not dangerous... only Lin knows what these cigarettes are...

These are all viruses.

Lin used a floating turret to release a lot of flying people, collecting a lot of smoke in the air. These dusts are composed of a lot of gray micro-particles, and a lot of viruses are stuck on these particles. A similar one.

It seems that I have to be prepared to cope with big problems...

Thinking, Lin began to let the base in the distance move up, and the large amount of nutrients stored in it should now come into play.

"There is no smell, it should be no poison." Crystal mad sucked a lot of these cigarettes, but it did not produce any uncomfortable reaction, it slowly drifted across the city, and finally landed on the periphery of the west side of the city.

"It's the king! The king is back!" I don't know how it is good. The white dragons have cheered after seeing the crystal madness. The crystal madness did not respond to them. Instead, they took off their airbags and quickly walked into the dragon group. in.

"Where is the general? How is the battle?" Crystal mad went to the center of the Bailulong group, where most of the captains and generals were concentrated.

"Wang!" They saw the crystal madness and immediately arranged neatly. A general reported to the crystal madness: "Under the siege of our entire army, the green dragon has lost more than half of it, but because of the sudden earthquake, we have to Withdrew from this place, but the other party has suffered heavy losses..."

"Who asked you to retreat?" Crystal Mad asked: "Why would you retreat without my order?"

"The most... was originally decided by the storm general." The general said: "Because it feels dangerous in the city."

"Danger? I tell you, cowardly is dangerous!" Crystal madly said: "Look at the roots of the trees! They neither grab you nor bite you, the cracks on the ground are full of dirt, you will not fall Go in, there are those buildings that are sharp and big, as long as you don't run in, no matter how it collapses, you won't find you!"

"You are not only withdrawing from the army, but also our chance to win!" Crystal screamed: "Now the enemy is running, have a chance to gasp! They may form more powerful troops to counter us! Those will fly The dragons also ran a lot, and when they got rid of the stench, they would be the most difficult opponents, and they could make our weapons!"

Crystal madly shouted: "All commanders must have a strong ability to observe. This sad person today ran away a group of 'losing heavy' enemy forces, and the next enemy will become invincible, they will ride huge Dragon, create our weapons, and use new tactics to destroy us when we know us very well! Making a wrong judgment in the wrong situation may lead us to the whole army! Now, give that stupid general "Poke"!"

"Oh!!" The white dragons immediately boiled after hearing the words of the crystal madness. A group of soldiers ignored the struggle of the other party and arrested the ‘storm general’...

After the last white dragon killed by the war was pierced by a long stick in front of the city of Lizhen, the crystal mad began to retreat to the edge of the jungle with the white dragons.

They are not likely to chase the Cuilong now, so Crystal Mania intends to go back and make more updated weapons to deal with the next battle, and it seems that he still wants to contact the White Dragon Island and let more troops come here.

Crystal Mad is not too concerned about the earthquake and huge plants in the city, it is more concerned about the war of the emerald dragon.

As the setting sun sets, this place enters the night, and many white dragons have already rested, and many are still working. They should be making a new gun in the madness.

"Really tired, take a break first." A white dragon that was put together in a gun was quite tired. He walked under a tree and looked at the stars, and he took a deep breath: "It seems to be getting cold." ...... oh? What is that?"

Bai Xiaolong looked at the branches on his head, and they swayed around... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks~ 真 饕餮 幽 幽~~ 588~

Thanks ~ octopus 56 ~ popular light ~ reward ~

Thank you ~meont~ 流颜~'s monthly ticket~

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