4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 287: Double symbiosis

In a tiny world... countless creatures are fighting.

This is a huge leaf, where you can feel the warmth of the sun and the breath of death... The conflict between the eros and the sword is constantly raging.

A huge sword with a huge body is madly biting and swallowing everything around it with its bladed mouth, but the carapace on it has cracked, and many of the eroded people lie on it, biting its outer shell. With the aid of the solution, the body of this giant slowly cracks, they are broken down into smaller pieces and swallowed by the eros, which will be used to produce more eros.

But this is only a small battle. The erosionrs in more places are fighting the swords. They use the sharp-edged limbs to cut the eros, while the eros are confronted with the solution. A lot of swords are from the leaves. There are a lot of pipes in the middle, and they are quite numerous, and they not only counter the erosion, but also try to swim through the needles that the erosive enters, attacking the spherical floating base of Lin...

This multi-cell immune army is really interesting, although they are impossible to succeed.

Lin did not do other new arms, but attacked them purely with spider-like eros. They constantly killed the swords, and also destroyed other cells in the leaves, using a large amount of dissolved liquid to make these Cells dissolve and divide and absorb them, creating more erosives...

Under constant fighting, Lin's eroders gradually gained an advantage. They killed the gushing swords and slowly eroded the entire leaves.

If you look from the outside. It can be seen that the giant leaf with a diameter of ten meters is beginning to slowly change color and black. Accompanied by the continuous death of the cells inside. The whole leaf rots, and in it, it looks like everything is ruined. There are all kinds of broken pieces scattered everywhere, and the eros of the army is rampant. They begin to attack the skeleton of the leaves. After it is dissolved, the shell is secreted as a support substitute.

At this time, the leaf bones began to appear dark outside.

The sword that has been attacking has given up this leaf. They all retreated back to where they came from - the petiole attached to the root of the tree at the bottom of the leaf.

Lin certainly won't let them go, the endless eroders of the army followed, and at this time, the swordsmen made a weird movement, and Lin found a large number of swords while holding the passage of the petiole. A circular object that grows on the inner wall of the channel and rubs it with the limbs constantly. What are they doing?

‘Hey...! ’

At this time, Lynn heard a voice, and suddenly, the large petiole of this giant leaf broke open. This ten-meter-long leaf fell from the huge roots of the tree because of the break, and it slammed on the ground of the city.

But there seems to be no big problem in the leaves. Lin let the eros in the leaves quickly gather and dissolve themselves, reconstituting some flying objects and flying back to the floating base, where the nutrients cannot be wasted.

This is the case, because the leaves are completely encroached, so directly cut off it to give up the whole leaf? This is not common, but it is not strange.

But the behavior before Swordsman made Lin feel that they were telling the ‘creator’ and letting it give up the leaves...

Is there any intelligence in this ‘plant’? Lin feels that it is not easy to determine now, and it needs to be investigated in depth.

But looking at the large number of tree roots here, and thinking about the huge amount of swords that have just been inside, it seems to be a bit slow if you slowly invade from the body.

Or clean up the roots on the ground and say good things. The above is probably just some 'touchers', and the underground is the real 'ontology'.

Thinking, Lin let the floating base begin to move. This ten-meter-diameter sphere contains a lot of weapons, and one is called a 'serrated tentacles'.

A tentacle sticks out from below the floating base. The end of the tentacle has a long, flat object made of shell material, and the sides are covered with serrations.

This serrated tentacle can vibrate at a very high speed with a very small amplitude. Lin puts the tentacles gently on the root of the tree wrapped around the top of the pyramid. With a burst of sound, countless sawdust is accompanied by a lot of juice, the top tree The roots were quickly sawed by Lin with a tentacle and rolled from the pyramid.

Lin looked at the tentacles that had been stained with a lot of liquid. The roots of the plants were not so much liquid. It seems that this is because of the special relationship between the 'forces' in the body.

The floating base flew to the ground, smashed the broken tree root with a tentacle, and opened a ‘mouth’ on the surface to swallow it.

In the body of the floating base, countless tiny tentacles began to decompose the root of the tree. The first thing that Lin found in the root of the tree was the almost endless swords. They were very numerous and usually gathered in some small pockets inside the root of the tree. At present, only five species have been discovered. No larvae or eggs have been found. Are they produced deeper?

In addition to raising a large number of swords, the root itself is not the same as other plants. It has a muscle-like structure that allows the entire root to move and has a structure similar to a nerve line.

It is similar because it is quite different from animals. It is more 'primitive', like the muscles that have just been formed, but it is enough to make it active...

At the same time, the root of the tree does not seem to have the ability of ordinary roots. Its epidermis is closed, so it cannot absorb nutrients or water. It is estimated that there are other parts to absorb.

Just looking at this small part is obviously not completely understood, and quickly solve them.

"Oh..." At this moment, Lynn heard a sound, a tree root was drilled out of the ground, and its front section was still with two diamond-shaped leaves of up to five meters long, and the leaves slowly opened. I can see that there is a lot of mucus inside, and at the same time, a lot of smell is emitted from the inside...

This smell smells like nectar, which is often used by plants to attract other creatures, let them spread germ cells for themselves, or eat them...

But this taste is very strong, and it has a stronger attraction. Even the dragons who are far away from the city can smell it.

Does it seem to be intended to use this to lure a floating ball? Unfortunately, there is no effect on Lin, but Lin is still pretending to be effective and slowly drifting over.

At the moment of approaching, the two leaves were instantly caught, and a lot of mucus stuck to the floating ball, but the floating ball was too big and it could only stick to a part.

Is this only the way to attack? I don't know why, I feel a little disappointed...

No, this is...

Lin suddenly found that some white silk appeared in the mucus of the leaves. These wires grew more and more, and they grew upwards, gradually tying the entire floating ball.

This silk, Lin should have seen, yes... this is a hyphae! Can this plant produce hyphae? And this is not a normal hyphae... This feeling is similar to the plague fungus, but there are some differences.

The hyphae seemed to want to find a gap in the surface of the floating ball, and also secreted the solution. At this time, Lin immediately secreted a liquid from the whole body of the floating ball. This liquid quickly and the outside bacteria Silk mixed together, then...

'call! ’

After a burst of flame, the wrapped hyphae had already vanished, and the leaves that had previously stuck to the floating ball were also loosened. The root of the tree seemed to be aware of the bad situation and began to retract to the bottom.

But the floating ball rushed up faster than it, using a sawtooth tentacle to cut off its 'head' with the two leaves.

The broken roots are still shrinking back, but Lin now has a new research object.

After the two leaves were swallowed into the body, there was a new discovery.

Although it looks like a leaf, it is actually a predator, and it has its own fire-resistance. It just burned the ball, but it didn't seem to be affected much. It was still full of swords and there was a lot of secretion. Mucus of mucus.

But these capsules not only secrete mucus, but also contain something...bacteria.

It should be said that the original pristine dust is the kind of petrochemical fungus dust discovered by Lin under the salt land. Their structure is almost the same, and this is alive.

However, this leaf has long hyphae inside, and the hyphae that just wrapped the floating ball is just that they stick out from the inside.

Moreover, the fungus's dust does not seem to grow casually, and the plague fungus grows wildly when it encounters nutrients.

Thinking, Lin got some of the fungus out and put it in the body of the floating ball, secreting some nutrients to soak it...

Suddenly, these dusts began to frantically absorb nutrients and grow up. Lin immediately sprinkled with the solution, and the fungus quickly decomposed.

So, is it still looking at the object? When it is inside the leaves, although it is surrounded by absorbable water and nutrients, it does not grow at all, but when it encounters other nutrients, it will be absorbed unceremoniously.

The word politely feels very strange, what is polite?

In short, these dusts should be the same as the swords, belonging to the creator of the 'creator', no, the feeling of 'subordinate' is more suitable, the original fungus because of the relatively simple structure, there is no plague fungus that Lin sees outside. The growth is so rapid, it is only relatively speaking, it is still much stronger than the average fungus.

Lynn feels that fungi may act as an attacking weapon and a decomposer, that is to say... 'creator' is not only the origin of carnivorous plants, but also the origin of plague fungi? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Celestial Baby ~ Octopus 56~ rewards ~

Thank you for the monthly ticket of the moon~~

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