4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 299: Head way

"Continue, describe the detailed history of them and respond."

Lynn sent such a message to the creator.

The creator now seems to say that he doesn't want to fight with Lin, and he wants Lin to help him find the Yate group. However, it seems that Lin's 'attitude' is not good. It may have been living on this continent for a long time. It is.

"..." The creator did not respond, it seemed to be hesitating what it was, and Lynn did not send any more information, but waited for it to respond.

If you say this, you can know more history, such as the reason why it created the white dragon, the formation of the rift, etc., and all sorts of things that have been around for so long, but if you can’t know, it doesn’t matter. .

At this time, Lin suddenly thought of looking at the situation outside, so she got the map inside the dream.


Lin suddenly found that the small dots on the map that indicated various creatures seemed to move quite fast. It was like... the speed of the bomb was flying, not, even faster than that, about a few kilometers in a second. speed……

Why is this happening? Those dragons are unlikely to move as fast, because the creators have invaded, causing problems with the map? Wait, is this saying...

When Lin was thinking about it, the black that represents the creator in the sky seemed to have suddenly suffered any attack, and all of them disappeared. At the same time, an obese and white creature appeared in the sky.

Is that a brain worm? When it was previously invaded, Lynn turned off the dream connection with other creatures. Why is it now appearing here...?


A few days before the night, the northern side of the dinosaur continent.

A banana-type vessel and another turtle-type vessel sail side by side at sea. They hit each other from time to time. Both sides showed how they wanted to squeeze the other side. However, the tortoise-type vessel attacked more times.

"See the end of your day, Maya!" A shout on the turtle boat, the entire ship slammed into the side, accompanied by a strong impact, the banana-type boat smashed to one side.

But after the impact, the banana-type vessel did not counterattack, even the roaring worm at the bow. Also silent.

The turtle-shaped ship slammed into the air again, and even though it slammed the other side this time, it still had no reaction.

"I remember that you are not such a weak thing, Maya!" The turtle-shaped ship rang again: "What's wrong with you, do you want to die in the sea without a counterattack? Do you have no reaction at all?" ?"

"Counter... reaction." On the other hand, in the cabin of the banana boat, the brain worm seems to be looking at the display on the wall in a daze.

The displayer usually displays various patterns to show the condition of the mainland, but at this time, the top is dark.

"Dream connection. Loss of reaction, shower. Loss of reaction, call, loss of response, why, no response?" The brainworm looked at the display, and then it rolled out of the cabin and came to the bow.

Some collecting bees fly from the periphery of the ship to the upper air, and by collecting the bird's field of view, it can see the land in the distance.

It was originally a busy jungle, but now it has been torn apart. The earth has been torn apart by huge roots. They spread misty dust and shrouded the entire jungle. In the fog, dinosaurs will sound from time to time. The screams...

"Why, there is no response...Lin?" The brain worm rolled back into the cabin, and the entire ship began to turn around and headed for the land.

"Do you want to escape?" The turtle-shaped vessel immediately turned around with the ship of the brainworm, but when it had not finished, the sound suddenly came from the surrounding sea.

I saw that there were more than a dozen banana-type ships on the nearby sea, and they surrounded the turtle-shaped ships.

"Montezuma!" Every ship has a robbery bug. They both yelled at the turtle ship: "This night, you should have been completely destroyed by me, but I have something else!" But you must remember that I will always be the winner!"

As said, the more than a dozen ships turned together and headed for the land, leaving only the tortoise-type vessels in their place.

Large ships slowly approached the beaches that were beaten by the waves. At this time, a large number of basic units of the scorpion-infantry were climbed on each ship, along with a roaring worm.

Together they look at the end of the beach, where there is a jungle covered with fog, and many weird sounds constantly rang from inside...

Several robbers climbed onto the beach and made a full-blown roar in the jungle: "Lin -!!!"


The sound of their barking echoed in the jungle, but there was no response inside.

There was a ship with a piece of wood laid down and the brain worms rolled from above onto the beach. "Destroy the roadblockers and find Lin."


All the infantry rushed in the direction of the jungle at this moment. When they passed the beach, they saw some strange sights. A huge dome dragon was lying on the edge of the jungle, and the dome dragon was rotten. On the abdomen, holding a few red flowers up to one meter, it seems that the identity of the vegetative and plant has been reversed. These plants use flowers as their mouths, constantly licking the carrion of the dome dragon.

"Oh..." There were a few flowers that noticed the infantry. They made a strange cry, and the flowers around them looked over here. They swayed the barbed petals together. Moved the roots underneath and rushed toward the infantry!

The infantry did not hesitate, swiftly swept the limbs of the blade and cut the stems of the flowers.

Even if they were cut off, these weird flowers still groaned and tried to bite the infantry's legs. The infantry had to smash them completely, and they lost their ability to move.

"This is the scene caused by the "stupid person", which has maddened countless plants." The brain worm has been rolled back onto the ship, using the army's robbers to observe the distant situation.

A large number of infantry began to march into the foggy jungle, but when the first infantry stepped on the grass in the jungle, it was suddenly entangled in a large number of vines and hoisted into the sky.

'Snapped! In the next moment, the infantry was instantly torn into pieces by the vines. When the debris fell to the ground, the two big trees on the edge of the jungle began to move...

'嘎...' The trees made strange noises and walked out of the jungle. These were two trees up to six meters high. The vines that had just wrapped around the infantry fell from their bodies. Their roots have been twisted into four bundles, changing into 'legs' that look like a lot of muscles, while the branches form a pair of thick 'hands', with thinner branches at the ends forming sharp 'paws'... ...

For these two trees, the brain worm has only a short comment: "It looks stupid."

The next moment, all the infantrymen rushed up! The tree suddenly slammed the trunk, and a large number of infantry were photographed and flew out, but more infantry climbed onto the tree. They constantly cut the body with the forefoot and the skin without the skin. The cut part was left like The sap of the blood, the big tree seems to feel pain, and it makes a mourning sound.

"There will be no tumbling, no victory."

At this time, a two-meter-diameter round creature rolled at high speed on the beach. It jumped up close to the big tree, and the infantry on the trunk quickly dissipated. The round creature hit the trunk at the same time. on.

"Oh...hey..." The tree made a weird sound, and it couldn’t maintain the balance of the body and fell to the ground...

At the same time, another round creature knocked down another tree in the same way.

"You can't stop it." The brain worm rolled off the boat again. It just landed on the back of a robber, and the robber worm carried the head worm and walked in the direction of the jungle.


In the middle of the jungle is a world in which the sun cannot be seen. It is in the darkness of a layer of darkness. Only the slightest brilliance can provide a starlight to the jungle through complex trees and fog.

The brain worms are on the back of the robber, and enter the dark world with the large group of troops...

"The breath, the place here, the irritating atmosphere, the stupid breath." The mood of the brain worm is somewhat unpleasant, it looks around, as if everything around it is watching it.

There are always some dry dinosaur skeletons on the ground. It looks like the bones are sucked out. They mean something is hidden nearby, plus the occasional sounds that make the head The worm has been in a state of tension.

Although any unit can give it the visual information it sees, the brain worm has to come in this dangerous area in person, it is such a worm.

Although it seems that danger may occur at any time, the brain worm has now advanced in the jungle for thousands of seconds, and it has not encountered anything.

There is only one kind of hunch that has always emerged in its thoughts.

Suddenly, in front of the army of the brain worm, a horn of the horned dragon appeared.

"The skeleton just now."

The brain worm remembers that this was the bone that was seen shortly after entering the jungle.


The brain worm looked around the fog, and the robbers underneath suddenly turned and yelled in one direction: "Tumble it! Stupid! I want to flatten you!"

"Oh..." At this time, a flower appeared in the jungle. When it blooms, it has a diameter of more than three meters. The color of the petals can be described in colorful.

This flower swayed and sprayed a lot of dust powder in the direction of the brainworm army...

"Useless tricks."

The robbers under the head worm suddenly swelled out of the body. It opened its mouth against the large amount of dust, and a strong wind spurted out of its mouth, and a large amount of powder was blown back. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Liu Yan ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ the stagnation of the moon ~ ~

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