4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 305: aggression

On the west side of the mainland, there is a sunny island where the white residents still live their daily lives, and they are looking forward to seeing their king return with the news of victory.

This country at sea may have been really blessed by the 'wood spirit', there are no infected plants, and they have little knowledge of the land conditions.

Crystal Mad has once let some 'messengers' go back to the island to seek reinforcements, but for some reason these messengers have not been able to get to the island, their bodies have long been torn by all kinds of monsters...

So here is a peaceful place, Lin's flightr flies in the sky, can hear the sound of everyday screams, the smell of fish spreads in the air, every dragon thinks how to make more shells, they are Do your best to sell your own seafood.

The creator's virus does not seem to have crossed the ocean. After all, if it is too far away, the virus will be too scattered. Even if a few float on the island, it will not affect the plants. The number is the only virus that beats other species. method.

But the peace here does not last long. On the coast, some creatures have climbed to the land...

Lie, they suddenly started to act. They gathered in large numbers on the beaches on the west side of the island, and as soon as they landed, they immediately entered a state of paralysis, as if they intended to change.

Are their actions related to brainstorming? Lin still doesn't know, but here, Lin does not feel the brainwaves of making brains, and we should act on our own.

But what do they want to do...

For the brain-throwing, Lin also has some research. Probably guess how they escaped the creator.

Because the creator is not using vision. Instead, use brain waves or similar sounds to detect the surrounding environment. Especially under the ground, those brain-building monsters seem to release a large number of brain waves, and then affect some special crystals of underground caves.

Some kinds of crystals absorb brain waves, and in the end, these brains use these crystals to create an area that cannot be detected.

For the creator, it does not 'see' this area, so its roots do not grow there.

How to get it is still a mystery, but it must be related to brain waves, perhaps when the main brain of the Yate group is still alive. They have already made this hidden method, and now the brains are just maintaining.

Moreover, they do inherit the will of the main brain and intend to destroy the creators, as if they have been prepared for this for a long time.

Lynn found that many brains were scattered, and the split brains they had produced were found back across the land and stacked in underground caves, the strange square stone that Linde saw last time.

The square stone is something that collects brain waves. They can gather brain waves that make brains and then release them in a stronger form. Lin has only studied this for it.

The Yate group seems to be going to do what it uses to do with brain waves, but before that. Lin will solve the problem first.

Now that Behemoths is close to the sky of the Emerald Dragon City, Lin’s troops now everywhere have basically completely solved the creator’s attack, but according to the original plan of the creator, it should make Lin in the dream. I stayed for a longer time, but I didn't expect it to be interrupted by the brainworm.

Probably most of the time, the creators are looking for Lynn's troops. If it is long enough, the creator may indeed be able to destroy most of Lynn's troops...

In that case, it will be a lot of trouble. Although there is no real threat to Lin, Lin has quite a lot of bases on the surrounding islands, but the environment here can't last for too long...

But war is always full of variables...

Looking down on the sky of the Emerald Dragon City, it was almost completely covered by a large number of tree roots. I could not see the original city. Lin’s original troops had left this position, only the pioneers were still in the giant egg. Stone there.

The emerald dragons who had been fighting here have already left the city to go to the jungle. They still choose to face the dangerous jungle and embark on the road to find Susumi, but will they succeed?

Maybe after the victory, Lin will pay attention.

"There are everywhere, stupid people."

The brain worm rides the dragon at the side of Behemoth. I don't know when it started. The brain worm began to call the creator a ‘stupid person,’ and it feels very interesting.

"It's in that position." Behemoths flew to the place where the giant egg stone was, where the roots were crushed by the pioneers, and Behemoths flew over the broken giant egg. The Blazers are now underground and have also come here.

In the broken giant egg stone, you can see the hole left by the creator when it was drilled out, but this hole has been filled with a lot of tree roots, it feels like the creator tried to block it...

"Watch, don't move." After saying something to the brainworm, Lin let the Blazers drill out of the ground and then drill down from the creator's trunk!

All the blocked roots were instantly smashed by the pioneers. Soon, it reached the top of the trunk, and Lin found that the hole that had been knocked out was completely sealed.

But... ‘Boom! ’

After a loud bang, the top of the tree was knocked out by a big hole by the pioneer. What made Lin feel wonderful was that almost no water was spattered, but the Blazers had already entered the ‘ocean’ filled with green water...

It's still spacious, it's still open, it looks no different. So far, Lin hasn't figured out how big it is. Lin hasn't done a full exploration here, this wonderful creature's lifestyle, the structure inside, and The emergence of the source is completely a mystery.

Lynn thinks... maybe somewhere in the creator can find crystal fragments, just like before...

But those things are no longer important, and they will be studied slowly when they are destroyed.

Thinking, Behemoth pointed the muzzle underneath to the hole that the Blazers had drilled through to the top of the creator's tree... ‘Hey! ’

A bomb exploded down and fell into the hole in the trunk, falling into the water and bursting open.

The bursting bombs release a large amount of red liquid, which quickly mixes with the surrounding green water. If you convert the microscopic angle of view, you can see that these red liquids are huge red balls. They are called by Lin. The new type of 'Scarlet Pompom' has the same appearance as a large pompom. It is a sphere with fluff inside, but it is red.

At the moment when the red pompon appeared, a large number of swords were besieged. They waved sword-like limbs, but at the moment they approached the red pompoms, these joints were entangled by the fluff. Ladu can't break free.

At this point, the red pom-pom ball begins to extend to the body of the sword with a few other fluff. The ends of these fluff are sharp needles that pierce the joints of the sword and inject a liquid.

After being injected for a few seconds, the red pompon released the sword, and with the sound of "啪!", the body of the sword was turned into a large number of pieces.

In fact, this is a liquid of explosive components. After the injection, some cells in the liquid release the 'explosives' to explode, so that they can easily turn the sword into an art and break the bones.

Although the sword has no bones.

Because there are explosives in the body, the red pompon itself can also blew itself. When some pompoms are surrounded by a large number of swords, they will do so, in exchange for a large number of enemy casualties.

All the scattered pieces and nutrients will be collected and absorbed by the red pompoms, and then more red pompoms will be created to fight, and they will not only attack the swords, but also attack other cells and micro-organisms inside, no matter they are What use is necessary to kill all the light.

In the sky of the Emerald Dragon City, Behem Moss is constantly firing down and playing more of this bomb containing red pompoms.

Above the creator's trunk, you can see that the surrounding green waters are slowly eroded by a lot of red. Although Lin has thought of many methods, he decided to use the small arms to slowly erode the whole tree. It does not cause any earthquakes around the ground, but also the overall structure of the research creator in the process of erosion.

The Blazers, now swimming in the red waters, are now not responsible for fighting, but are responsible for supplying nutrients. They can spit out some 'nuclear blocks' to strengthen this red army.

The shape of the red pompoms is very restrained, and their attacking methods are difficult to deal with the fluff of the pompoms. They quickly retreat during the battle. At this time, Lin found a phenomenon, the creators' cells and some unknown functions. Microbes all began to escape, and more swords gathered to fight.

Because the color of the sword is mostly transparent or gray, as the sword increases, the water begins to become less green...

At the same time, there are many larger swords in between, although the red pompoms are the same way to deal with this sword, they are puffed into their body joints, and they are constantly swallowing their mouths with their mouths. The ball, until your own internal organs are blown up by the pompon...

Lin’s army will not be stopped. There are many types of swords, but there is no special kind of power. The red pompoms slowly spread around, and on the edge of red and green, they are constantly moving. Hundreds of hundreds of millions of micro-wars, but Lynn's thoughts can perfectly control every pompom and completely destroy this group of opponents.

However, when Lin constantly eroded and expanded the army, she suddenly saw some wonderful sights... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Liu Yan ~ rewards ~

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