4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 311: Pompom sleep wonderland?

Rocks and gravel, though shrouded in dark clouds, are like the bright sky in the hot sun. This is the general picture here. It won’t be tired for a long time here...

Dreams are such a thing, but the brain outside is still tired.

The pompons are observed while slowly watching in the wasteland. Although a lot of brain waves can destroy this place, Lin wants to find out what is going on here. Is this a brainworm dream or something else...

And... where is the brain worm? Lin’s dream of entering the brain with a pompon directly should be seen soon.

In the careful observation of the scenery on the ground, Lin believes that this should not be the brainworm or the dream of Monte II, because the details of the ground are very good, just like real, so it takes a big brain to get Come out, maybe a lot of brain waves can be gathered.

So, is this the dream of the creator? I didn't expect it to come up with this kind of thing.

Now the pompoms are close to the stone towers I saw before. This stone tower is more than 30 meters high and looks like there is no entrance, but the pompoms can 'listen' to some of the sounds coming from inside.

"Keep in mind... to spread... you are... prophet."

The pompom floated to the top of the tower, and it was clear that there was some ‘speaking’ in it. In fact, this kind of discourse is a kind of brain wave information, which shows the form of sound in a dream in a way that Lin can understand.

It feels very complicated. In general, Lin can understand it.

However, the tower could not find the entrance, so Lynn tried a special way. Lynn began to imagine... suddenly. A fireball appeared in front of the pompom. The fireball slammed into the tower wall and hit a hole in it.

Sure enough, this way works. Lin mainly uses the brain of dreams to pass on extra brain waves, and then uses these brain waves to reveal the imaginary form of Lin in the dream, and then destroy the objects in the dream.

However, if it is converted into a real situation, it is the same as Lin’s brain wave expelling the creator’s brainwaves.

Because the brain waves that form the wall are small, the creator should not find it right. In fact, Lin will not always notice the creatures that link into the brain of dreams.

Pass the hole out. Lin saw that there was an empty room inside the tower. There were some stones on the ground, and a group of young white dragons sat on the stones. They all looked at a big white dragon, and the big white dragon was talking about something.

"You must remember your identity, your innate abilities, and the rules that hold you! You will lead your people to the path of glory in the future..."

This great white dragon is like the educator of the 'school' and is teaching to the youngsters.

But the cubs didn't seem to listen very seriously. Several cubs said in a boring tone: "That, we have heard it many times. But when can we go out?"

"Yeah! We really want to see!" The other cubs also followed: "It is said that the world will turn black, is that true?" "Yes, right. There is also a kind of ocean." Something! Educator, can you tell us about 'the world'?"

"Shut up!" Dabai Xiaolong said: "Only when the greatest creator's willingness is lowered, the selected dragon can leave here. Now, follow me... The eternal creator, I am always there. This is waiting..."

"Eternal creator..." The youngsters followed a reluctant look.

Lin found that they all said some words that praised the creators, but the youngsters seemed to be very impatient because they usually read too much, but under the glare of the great white dragon, they had to read.

It turned out to be the case... Lin saw this situation and almost understood what happened.

These cubs are all so-called 'prophet'. The original creators did not educate them outside, but in dreams... they taught the language and knowledge of the cubs here, and the real body of the cubs was Solidified and sealed, although ** will not grow, but their thoughts are still 'live' here.

This will greatly extend the life of the pups and give them a wealth of knowledge... This method is really good.

The pups that Lynn saw in the trunk before may have been formed into corpses for some reason, but that should be part of it. There may be more pups in other places, and their ** are blocked. And the thoughts are in this dream.

It seems that the creator has made this dream environment very early...

The pups caught by the brain-going geeks that I saw before should be one of the creators' prophets, although I don't know how they got it, because the cubs should be hidden very deep...

But what is the reason why the creators cultivate these prophets? Want to ‘create’ a group of individual creatures? Or what other purpose?

However, according to the big white dragon said, when the creators want to use them, they will bring a cub to 'go out' and let it guide the white dragons, and these young children can't distinguish between the dream and the outside world. So they think it is 'another world'.

The great white dragon should be a pure brainwave structure, and it has been responsible for teaching these young children here.

These cubs don’t know how long they have been here, it may be a long time, but probably they don’t know how long they have... However, because the brain is active, the creators may regularly send nutrients to them, so Their longevity will still be consumed, and there may be other ways for the creator to extend the life of the baby.

Therefore, in the record of Bai Xiaolong, the prophet always has a mysterious ability and is very clever, so this is because they have been 'live' for quite a long time.

Of course, the two prophets that Lynn saw on the island should be only the descendants of the previous generation and the descendants of the ordinary white dragon. Only the prophets of the first generation were the most 'pure'.

And when the creators led the Bailulong, they probably only selected some youngsters to go out, and the rest remained in the dream forever. They never knew when they could go out... I don’t even know when to die.

However, to put it this way, this dream is really interesting...

"Now, start testing!"

After reading a lot of words, I saw the cubs and the great white dragons walk away. They walked to the wall in the north of the room, and then the white dragon reached out and made a few weird gestures.

At this time, I saw that the wall in front of them suddenly opened like a petal, and at the same time there was a ladder extending to the ground in front of the sky. The great white dragon and the cubs went down...

Because they are going in the opposite direction to the direction in which the pompons are located, they don't seem to see the small holes that the pompons blow up on the wall...

The pompoms bypassed the tower, and only the white dragons went to the ground under the tower, and then the group of youngsters lined up as a team, and they seemed to be doing what they were doing.

"The test begins! The first one, O'Neill! Go forward!"

"Oh!" A white dragon cub walked confidently forward, and Lynn saw it take a deep breath and spit out a flame from his mouth!

But the fire is very small.

“Not bad,” Bai Yulong said: “The second one, Ryan, go forward!”

"Hey!" The second cub yelled as he stepped forward, only to see a green light flashing around him, and a small piece of wood appeared next to it.

"Yes, the third is going forward..."

Then, Lynn watched the cubs test their own ‘tricks’ in turn, although it looked interesting, but it didn’t make any sense.

However, if you think about it carefully, this is probably testing their brainwave strength. The higher the intensity of the cub, the more spectacular the ability is. Lin sees that a cub can control a boulder floating in the air. This is much stronger than other cubs, and the types of tricks may also be related to their variation.

In order for the creator to have a strange ability, the creator will make some variation in the white dragon dragon cub, so that the white dragon grows out of the original organs, or the original becomes stronger, but this does not seem to be fixed.

Of course, those so-called mutations do not seem to have so many exaggerated effects in a dream, but in general, a small fire, a point of toxin or something to do, or some white dragons even have a certain degree of command ability, To command the roots or something...

So, perhaps the main thing for the creators is to judge the strength of each cub based on this. The knowledge they learn is only secondary.

"You all do a good job!" Dabai Xiaolong said: "So now, the hunting time is here!"

"Oh ah!" The cubs seemed to be very happy, but a few still looked unhappy...

Dabai Xiaolong said: "Every dragon goes to the 'Jiaoshu Plain' in the north, to find your prey! Bring them back to me, and at least ten pieces must be taken back from each dragon. Do you understand these? The pieces are selected and will be used as gifts for the new king!"

When Lin heard the word, she suddenly felt a little strange... The new king?

"Understand!" The cubs rushed to the north with excitement, and Lin's pompoms immediately followed them.

After flying for a while, the pompoms saw a place full of charred trees, and there were some weird creatures that looked like some kind of limbs, but the outer skin was made of wood.

"Oh!" This group of white dragons and cubs went up and solved the arthropod with various ‘tricks’.

"Ah! There is a white one!" Just as Lin wanted to get closer to see some of them, a cub noticed that the pompoms in the sky shouted. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ 1888~ of Yingdong Gymnasium~

Thanks for the waste of wow~~

Thank you ~ lost in the wind of the city ~ monthly ticket ~

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