4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 326: Brain information

The red pompoms are constantly eroding the viscous objects around the creator's brain. They are not only constantly approaching, but this layer of red pompon also has a special effect that can hinder the transmission of brain waves.

Although the 'brain wave transmitter' of the roots of the brain has been blown up, Lin still cannot guarantee that it will release brain waves, but under the hindrance of the red pompom, it has no way at all. It cannot control the surrounding. Creature or farther roots.

Now, everything in the creator is in a state of stagnation, and the arms outside can see that the roots have stopped moving.

As long as the brain is destroyed, everything is over.


Just when Lin thought so, she suddenly felt a strong brain wave coming from the water...

This is... No, this brainwave is not the brainwave of the creator, but a brainwave that Lynn has not yet felt. Lin now finds that there are some subtle gaps in the brainwaves of each species, just like every The scales of a white dragon are not exactly the same.

Under this brain wave, Lin found that all the swords around him suddenly stopped the attack. They spread out in the water. At the same time, Lin found that a large porous stone of up to ten meters was slowly drifting over here. Immediately let the mad bee block in front of the stone.

And it didn't move on, it stopped in the water.

This stone...has not been seen in the trunk before, and the brain wave is emitted from this stone.

"Don't... continue to attack."

What is this stone? Although it said so, the erosion of the red pompoms still did not stop, at the same time. Lynn is also considering what it is. Is it another ‘brain’ of the creator?

wrong. Not like that. In this case, its brainwave should be the same as the brain of the creator. This stone is... sword!

To be precise, it is the brain of the sword, because it can command the surrounding swords. With its appearance, the swordsmen have also made corresponding activities. Was it so big? Or the body is hidden in the stone. Actually small?

"You are the brain of the sword?"

Lynn sent a question to it.

Because there are no words in the brainwaves, Lin can directly convey the appearance of the sword as a message to it, and it will soon be understood.

"Stop... attack... wake up."

Does it also call the creator a 'wake up'? This expression in the brainwave means the moment that wakes up when you are asleep, exactly the same as the idea of ​​making a brain.

"Wake up... die, we, die, land... die."

Along with its brainwaves, Lin found that the surrounding swords began to gather together, and some of the glowing swords began to change color.

They seem to be just flashing constantly, nothing special. However, after some mad bees put on colorful eyes, the scenery they saw suddenly became different.

The moment around it turned into a piece of land. This made Lin feel as if she had come outside, and the jungles, ruins, and other landscapes on the ground were all manifested.

This is a scene that needs such a rich eyeball to see, and it is much more comprehensive than the general discoloration. Because it is surrounded by glowing swords, the scene that comes out has a feeling of 'three-dimensional'...

Under the three-dimensional image, the mainland's ground is full of creators' roots, and these roots suddenly shrink like a withered plant, and eventually become a cloud of dust. At this time, the entire land is also falling apart. Countless trees fell into the cracked mud, and then there was a wave from the edge of the continent, which entered the land with the cracks on the ground and drowned everything...

"Wake up, die, it... will collapse, don't, attack, wake up."

With the information of the brain of the sword, Lin now understands that it seems that the creator's roots have penetrated the stratigraphic structure of the continent. If the creator is killed, it may cause the entire land to collapse and then be seawater. Drowning.

However, it should take a long process. Even if the creator dies, it will take a long time for the body to rot. Those buried in the ground may not rot at all because there is no oxygen to transport below, but will become more and more Hard, and finally support the ground.

However, in this case, the brain should also think about it. Maybe the creator will have other ways to destroy the land, what it might trigger after killing the brain, and so on.

After all, each tree root has a ganglion-like structure, and they may continue to move. Although Lin believes that they can only do some basic twisting of the roots, it is enough to hurt the continent.

Although the red pompom does not send the message to the brain, the creator's body still seems to know that the 'brain' is alive.

But this continent has been devastated, and now it will not be hurt too much, and Lin has prepared to deal with this situation.

So let's go, the creator is like a plague fungus, and Lin doesn't want it any chance to survive...

Lynn’s red pompoms didn’t stop, they’re almost in contact with the creator’s brain.

"No, stop! Stop... Hey!"

The sword's brain continually sends information almost madly, but when it has not been sent, a bomb explodes on its surface.

The rock on the surface of the brain was blown up a part. After being attacked, it suddenly produced endless anger. The strong brain waves spread wildly in the water, and all the swords attacked again!

And Lin's mad bee swarms at the same time, they release the solution to solve the sword in the water, so that they can not get close to the red pompom, while in the water, countless bombs continue to charge the sword!

‘嘭...嘭...嘭! ’

Under the sound of successive explosions, the debris of the stone rises with a large number of bubbles, and the brain is constantly moving, but it cannot escape the pursuit of the bomb.

‘Hey! 'Continuous explosion makes the stone of the sword's brain smaller and smaller. When the stone can't form effective protection, Lin sees a white thing inside, it moves in the water at a very fast speed, and Escape to the far side.

Lin let the two mad bees use the tail to spray and catch up. In the green water, they are faster than the white one.

The other party is constantly releasing brainwaves, and the swordsman is made up of some sticky 'walls' trying to block the mad bees, but the effect is not very good, and the mad bees quickly catch up with it.

At the same time, Lin also saw the appearance of this 'brain's brain'.

This is... brainworm? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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