4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

: The third hundred thirty three boiling ocean


The temperature in the water, along with the floating bubbles, is slowly rising...

After the stones themselves were broken, the large amount of air bubbles released by them caused the water temperature in the entire trunk to rise sharply. Now all the troops, including the Ark, are in a heat wave...

Because it is in the water, this heat can not be discharged, all the troops can only wait to be swallowed by the heat.

However, it is not only Lin who has felt this, but the surrounding light clusters are slowly disappearing, and the dark green water is slowly changing color.

This is not the microbes that have gathered in the light group, but they all...have died.

The creatures in the water don't have any resistance to this kind of high temperature. In fact, they are more afraid of heat than Lin's arms. At the moment when the heat starts, they have already begun to die. Now even these light that emits brain waves The same is true of the regiment.

As the light group became darker and darker, the influence of Lynn's brainwave on the creator began to weaken, and the roots on the ground began to become active again...

There may be ganglions in those roots, but it is not as concentrated as in the trunk. The effects of brain waves can be very limited, unless there is a stronger method of sending brain waves, you can not directly contact the ganglion. Influence the creator.

Yes, Lynn thought of it! The pyramids used to release brainwaves before making brains!

If you use that, you can greatly enhance your brainwaves. Thinking about it, Lin immediately let some floating bases outside quickly fly in the direction of the crystal forest.

The Ark is still in the trunk, although the temperature is high, but it can still resist.

The creator killed a lot of his own cells and ganglia. This does not seem to be a normal behavior. Even Linde still doesn't know what these stones are for synthesis.

Right... Lin suddenly thought of a possibility. These stones may have been used for that purpose.


When Lin thought about it, there was a strange noise around the Ark. Some big bubbles floated from the bottom of the trunk. As the bubbles floated together, there were a lot of pieces and powder...

These are... the structure at the bottom of the trunk and the scrap? Why are they floating up? Although the temperature here is already very high, it is still far from boiling. Among these floating objects, Lin also saw many white creams. But they are all broken,

At the same time, Lin also felt a very strong energy... This is... brainwave?

"Oh..." At this moment, Lin felt that the temperature of the surrounding water suddenly seemed to rise a lot higher again, and there was a strong current flowing up from below.

"Ah, ah! It has appeared, it has appeared!" one look.

Thinking, Lin let the Ark and all the troops swim down. With a growing stream of water, Lynne is already near the bottom of the trunk.

Lin can see that the bottom layer of the original waste is not known why it disappeared. Formed a huge cave with a diameter of 100 meters. Around the cave, a strong stream of water formed a whirlpool. There were a lot of pieces and scraps flowing in the vortex. The rooms were originally placed under the bottom of the trunk. They have all been destroyed, and the large organs that make white paste are slowly spinning in this vortex.

However, what Lin is most concerned about is what is in this whirlpool...something.

It looks like a huge ball, it is more than 30 meters in diameter, and the body is covered with a large number of large spines, which slowly rotate with the surrounding water flow, and release a very strong brain wave. ......

If you use colored eyes, Lynn can see that the spiky ball emits sparkling light, and there are many lights in the water that converge toward it. With the flow of vortex, they are sucked into the center of the spiking ball.

This thing seems to be gathering the nerve-related microbes that are still alive in the trunk. This thing seems to have a commanding role. In this case, you only need to connect it...


Lynn heard a voice. At this time, the speed of the surrounding water became faster. Some of Lin’s troops were affected by the current and it became more and more difficult to stabilize the body.

The water flow has become more and more intense, and even the ark has begun to shake a little.

In this hole... It seems that there is something, it is spraying a large amount of water in a spiral shape, and the thorn ball makes the water of the whole trunk start to rotate!

What does this mean? Is it going to rotate the water in the entire trunk?

Lin doesn't understand, but she must stop it.

‘Hey! With the sound of the shelling, the floating gun and the ark simultaneously fired at the thorn in the cave.

But before the bomb approaches the target, the strong vortex around it makes the bombs unable to move. They also swirl in the water as the water flows. Some of the bombs collide with each other, and some hit the other pieces in the whirlpool. .

This seems to be a little troublesome.

Lynn's mad bees have long been unable to support in this high-temperature, strong current, they are continually spinning, and now even the floating guns can not maintain their body shape.

Only Ark was barely able to resist the living. Now, only use it. Lin asked the Ark to point the head at the thorn ball in the hole, and then began to fully open the jet to accelerate!

A huge amount of water spewed out from behind the ark, and the Ark was sprayed in multiple jets. In the strong current, it still kept itself from being washed away and steadily approached the target.

Suddenly, a thorn on the thorn ball suddenly began to grow longer and stretched over to the side of the ark. At the moment the thorn came close to the head of the ark, Lin heard a burst of sound and felt a strong The power instantly hit the outer shell of the ark. This force directly ruptured the head of the ark, and a large amount of warm water suddenly poured from the wound.

Actually broke through?

Lin didn't even find out how it was done, as if the thorn suddenly accelerated and formed a very powerful attack. Lin immediately let the subcutaneous cells in the ark begin to move, and they quickly let them put the head of the ark. The wound was blocked, but the end of the thorn was left in the ark, and there were a lot of barbs on the thorn.

This seems to be just...

Lin surrounded the cells in the ark, and they temporarily combined into a tough structure to hold the thorn tightly, and pulled it with the muscles in the body, and then went in the direction of the thorn.

At this time, several thorns were coming out to this side. As they approached the outer shell of the ark, they violently burst into a loud sound, and several spikes pierced the outer shell of the ark.

A lot of hot water poured in, the cells in the other boat caused a lot of damage, but Lin did not stop, the blood vessels transported more cells, they quickly secreted a layer of shells to plug the wound, and then Keep going.

The surrounding water is getting more and more intense. Although the body is covered with scars, the ark is getting closer and closer to the spiky ball. Under the force of the gushing trachea and muscles, the ark touches the corner of the head to the body of the spiky ball.

At this moment, the Ark immediately released a large number of brain waves, which were transmitted to the thorn ball through the tip of the head.

But... no response?

The spiky ball is not affected at all, it protrudes more spikes from the surface and concentrates them on the head of the ark.

‘Hey! ’

A burst of loud noise rang in the water, but it was not caused by spikes, but Lin's...the art creator.

The Ark fired a shot at the rear of the muzzle, and an art creator containing new explosives rushed into the water. At the moment of the explosion, the intense shock wave pushed the ark forward, and the Ark was sharp. The horn also penetrated the body of the spiky ball.

Now... stop!

When the current is introduced into the ball with a sharp angle, Lin feels that another energy has passed through the corner, and this energy contains some information.

"Cold... impossible."

This feeling... is the creator?

"Impossible, interrupted, impossible, hit... I can't end, can't feel... brain, it's over..."

Lynn feels this message carefully, as if it was not talking to Lin, but there is a way of saying ‘self-talking’... yes, this may be something like memory.

In addition to his own brain as the main thought, the creator has another ganglion to control the root of the tree, so that it may have another thing to load the memory, and after the brain disappears, it also Can show some thoughts, but not a complete feeling.

Maybe you can see something through this, but now... let it stop.

Continuous absorption of nutrient growth should be an automatic response. It seems that because of the destruction of the brain, this reaction is stimulated, so it should be very simple to stop.

At the moment when the Ark released the brainwave again, Lin found that the surrounding vision suddenly began to change. This feeling seemed to have entered the dream.

The dream of the creator should have been destroyed last time, but why...

A sudden burst of light around him interrupted Lin’s thoughts.

Countless spots of light shimmered around, here... and the last time I saw it in a dream, the creators showed almost the same starry sky. Is it true that the memory part can present such a real dream world?

However, here is a little different from the environment I saw last time. There is a huge blue sphere in front of Lin's field of vision. This is... the sky tumbling.

However, it is not bad to call it 'month'. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ quiet water ~ soul pursuer ~ flying eagle Xiang ~ ~ reward ~

Thanks ~ 流颜~ Feiying Xiangkong~ the monthly ticket~

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