4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 24: Ultimate evolution

This land... is just like the white dragon's ethnic group, which is being torn apart.

Lin's floating ball flew quickly over the dinosaur continent. Now the sky is drifting with light snow. The cold is still shrouded in the world, and the earth is almost completely white.

On the snowy land, Lynn can see many huge cracks, many of which have been cracked to the point where the largest dinosaurs can't cross, which is caused by the roots of the creators, because the swords in the roots are drilled out. Loss, causing the roots to fail to resist the pressure of the ground.

Then, this caused the outer rock and soil to collapse together, but it seems to be mixed with the cold weather.

This phenomenon continues to spread on the mainland, and even if the creator has died, it continues to tear the continent.

Now, even Maoyu is beginning to become extinct in an icy and collapsed environment. Only the tough enough mahogany can survive. They continue to live on plants, creatures, and all kinds of debris, and strive to spend every day and night. .

The gnomes dig out spacious tunnels underground, and they seem to be very good at life. They collect the roots of many plants for food and begin to reduce the amount of reproduction and activity.

Although they have not faced the cold, they seem to know how to do it.

However, Bai Xiaolong is not easy to do this. It is not easy to find a place to live in this group of white dragons. Lin also carries the white dragons that have been selected, but Lin found that the mainland seems to be no longer suitable for them to live.

The population of Baijilong has now entered a stage of collapse. Crystal mad rides on the empty jellyfish and flies all the way to the mainland. Crystal madness seems to want to rebuild the population somewhere on the mainland. But the empty jellyfish doesn't think so. It is not intended to stop on land. But the higher the fly...

There is no doubt that it will go to death with the white dragon on its back, and there is only a thin and cold air in the air.

Those who stayed on the island have now entered an unordered stage, and they have once again begun an endless quarrel for the issue of material distribution.

Because there is no king, no one can make a decision, the white dragon that leads them? There are no dragons who are willing to listen to it now. They are ignoring their former comrades in order to get more food.

After all. They are such a kind of creature. Crystal madness is like their brain. Although it is selfish, it is a necessary existence. Otherwise, the ‘body’ without brain will only face collapse.

Lin decided to leave the continent with the selected white dragons. Some islands on the sea would be better. Lin now puts them in several floating balls. These floating **** are more than ten meters in diameter and can be loaded. A lot of things...

However, before leaving. Lynn decided to go see something first, now. Lynn’s floating ball flew over the salt fields.

The salt is still a piece of white, even if it is covered by snow, it looks like nothing has changed... and somewhere in the salt... this is...!

At this moment, Lin immediately let the floating ball speed forward, only to see a fire flashing from behind the floating ball, then banged into the ground and knocked the snowy ground out of a big hole.

Meteorite, this kind of thing has been more and more recently.

Lin's floating ball continued to fly forward, and finally saw Lin's goal... a hill-like uplift on the snow.

A floating ball flew down and dug up the 'hill', and in the snow that was dug, you could see a huge body covered with large scales.

Deep sand bus... This creature has died, but it has well protected its 'brain'.

The creatures in it seem to have been awakened, and Lin can see that a piece of nails on the back of the deep sand bus is constantly shaking, as if there is something to be drilled out of it.

However, it seems that it can't be done. The creature has worked hard for a long time, and still can't push open the piece. Lin can feel the tiredness behind the piece.

Then help it out.

Thinking, Lin let the floating ball stick out a tentacle and grab the nail to pull it up. However, after taking it away, Lin found that it was only black.

It turns out that... is that the case? It really changed a lot, thinking, Lin put the nails back.

At this time, the piece of the deep sand bus trembled again, but this time it was not only a piece of A piece, but the whole body of the deep sand bus was shaking!

Under constant tremors, the snow on the deep sand bus was slowly shaken, and the crust of the back of the entire deep sand bus also showed a huge amount of cracks.

‘Hey! With a loud noise, the sandbags of the deep sand bus burst open, the fragments of the carapace scattered around, and a giant creature spread its wings on the back and rushed into the sky at an extremely fast speed.

It flew below the sky and made a loud scream against the snowfield: "Maya! I am back! This time, I will make you feel real... What is this?"

Yes, this creature is Monte II, but after the change, it has become...Monte III!

There are more than just names. The shape of Monte III is quite different from that of the past. Although the figure is very similar to the previous one, the figure is like a worm, and the two pairs of wings on the back become three pairs, and the first The forelimb was paralyzed, and the latter two pairs of limbs did not change.

The biggest change is its size, and Monte's current length is 20 meters, which is why it can burst out of the deep-shell bus.

Although the shell has become more brittle.

Monts III looked around in the air and seemed to be quite confused about the environment here. It didn't seem to know how the deep sand bus brought it here.

However, let's first look at what changes in the body, because the deep sand bus secreted a large amount of lysate in the body, which led to the disintegration of the unit that was previously placed in the body of Monte.

As far as the current speculation is concerned, Lin believes that Montess III may have merged some kind of 'information' in the brain of the Aite group to make his body huge. The huge nutrients also come from the deep sand bus. The deep sand bus will be the internal organs. What is almost dissolved?

But what is the great significance? And the most important thing is that its brain has changed? But obviously there is still the same memory and thoughts as before.

Thinking, Lin let the floating ball slowly fly into the air, and Monte San also noticed the floating ball.

It first appeared in doubt, because Monts III had not seen this kind of floating ball before.

Just when both sides looked at each other in confusion, suddenly! The floating ball first moved. It opened a mouth on the outer casing, and a sharp object was instantly shot. Monts III noticed the move. Its huge figure suddenly disappeared to one side, perfectly evading the attack.

It seems that the body's ability has improved a lot, and the vision has become stronger, but...

The sharp object that had previously been shot by the floating ball suddenly turned in the air and was tied to the tail of Monte III, which was completely unnoticed.

The tiny arms quickly invaded the body of Monte III, and it rushed to the brain at the fastest speed in the blood vessels, and at this time, Monte III began to move.

Monte III violently flapped his wings and lifted his sickle-like forelimbs to the floating ball. With the sound of '啪', the floating ball was shot and flew out, but there was no scar on its outer shell. Did not continue fighting, but quickly flew away.

"..." Montessie looked at the flying ball in silence, and then he turned and flew far away.

It completely does not know, Lin is observing its structure...

In fact, in order to fly in a huge body, there are many airbags added to the body, but the main flight power depends on the wings.

And the brain of Monte III... seems to have changed nothing?

Although it is a lot bigger, it is also larger than its size. In terms of proportion, the whole is only a little bigger. It turns out to be about 5%, and now it is 6%.

That should be regarded as adding almost half of the dragon's intelligence, and Lin has not found that its brain has a structure that can send brain waves. It is estimated that Monte III still can't send brain waves, but a layer similar to 'skull is added around the brain. 'The outer shell.

The arthropods generally do not have a skull. It may have a special effect on this layer. As far as the current speculation is concerned, this layer of structure can defend against brainwave attacks.

Can it be said that it was specially changed to deal with brainworms? This is a very interesting look...

Now, Monte III flies fast on land, and it is very surprised by the environmental changes here, but because it is familiar with the winter of the northern continent, it is not afraid of cold.

However, it may now be ‘starting from scratch’ because its relationship with the creators is almost completely destroyed, but because of its size, it may be able to restore the community more quickly.

Currently, it needs to find a safe place first.

Lin is now the same. In addition to the floating ball that had been played with Monte III, several other floating **** have already flown across the continent. Lin found that there is no place for the Bailonglong to live except the underground. But the safety of the ground cannot be guaranteed.

Therefore, Lin took them out of the continent and flew over the ocean. One island is more suitable for the current white dragon.

And Monte III, it did not leave the continent so quickly, it flew over the snow covered jungle for a long time, and then decided to stop next to a river.

The river was already frozen, and only a small amount of Maoyu was running around, and Monte III chose this place. It continually excavated on the side of the river, and made a hole suitable for itself and then drilled it in. ......

It... What exactly do you want to do? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ auspicious Yuntian ~ 1888~

Thanks ~ 流颜~The song of the torch~

Um~~ Someone has some opinions about the dragon's chapter recently, but I only saw someone say that I like to watch the white dragon in the past few days~ This kind of thing I used to write when I wrote a small mark~ I think that each Chapters are necessary - otherwise how to lead the story of the new world?

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