4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 37: Swarm memory

There is no cold, no ice and snow, it is a calm island, but there are a group of fast-moving and ferocious creatures. Among them, there is a very large creature that knocks down trees with huge size. Drive the prey to escape with the shock of the earth.

It is called the cracker, although it is a branch of the brainworm, it is also a force of the Inca.

Under the eviction of the crackers, the little creatures in the jungle fled, and then a group of black and swift worms chased them. They captured and tore every small creature that wanted to escape, and put them at a very fast speed. The minced meat is swallowed up.

The swarm swept all the islands in an extremely efficient way and shred them, but they had targets other than food, and all the swarms gathered at the center of the island, with a towering mountain.

The **** came to the foot of the mountain. It slammed the ground with huge eyes. The rocks at the foot of the mountain burst into numerous cracks under the trembling. The black insects around the crackers ran wildly on the ground.

This group of black insects is a huge ant-type insect, more than one meter long. Although small, it is very good at excavation, and their goals... seem to be consistent with the present.

Of course, they are unlikely to be looking for a record ball, so what are they looking for? Moreover, this scene is recorded by the ball of record, but where is it recorded?...?

Suddenly, the sky became dim, and the Inca swarm stopped to dig, and almost all the troops looked at the sky together.

In the gray clouds of the sky, a large group of strange creatures appeared, and their bodies were transparent. The whole looks like the shape of an olive. The length is more than five meters. The head has a rounded 'mouth' with a pair of eyes and a pair of shark fins at the end.

Those creatures that Lynn has never seen...

At the moment when the two sides looked at each other, it seemed that they had determined the hostility of the other party. The creatures in the sky acted first, and they suddenly rushed down from the sky and made a very strange whistling sound.

The Inca group did not hesitate, among the insects on the ground. Countless bright red light rose from the ground, the blasters rushed to the sky, and the group of monsters collided together, the sky suddenly flashed a beautiful fire.

Under the devastating detonation, some monsters passed through the fire, and its whistling sound became louder and louder. As it approached the ground, some beetles on the ground even spewed a lot of blood from the breathing holes.

More and more monsters are close to the jungle, and they are not close to each other. It is used in this strange way for attacks.

But at this time, the wind suddenly broke out in the jungle.

The surrounding numbers are rustled by strong winds. The gray sky became darker, and a strong sandstorm covered the sky above the jungle.

The whistling sound of the dust covered the screams of the monsters, concealed their body shape and shattered their lives. They could not control their bodies during the sandstorm, and they were hit by the strong airflow. Any monster that falls on the ground will be torn into pieces in an instant.

Then... everything is gone...

Wait, everything is gone, what is going on?

When Lin was observing, she found that the dream seemed to be interrupted by something, and it changed back to the initial state of the blue ocean before, and nothing happened.

This is... I thought, Lin immediately came out of the dream, and now the pompoms are still on the ground and connected to the record ball with fluff, but Lin felt a very strong brain wave around.

This brain wave was also transmitted to the ball of the record, as if this caused the ball of the record to be injured, so the dream was interrupted.

This brain wave only got out of those things. The pompoms quickly flew out of the pyramid, and I saw a group of yellow-colored obesity creatures around the pyramids established by several shackles.

It’s really good to make a brainstorm.

There are more than 30 brains in this group. They are scattered all around, strong brain waves are constantly released, and Lie is gathered near the pyramid. Although they can't see the expression, Lin can feel that they are very painful. Look like.

"Bite them." "They steal our treasures." "The treasure is ours." "I can finally know who they are."

The brain-creating people share the meaningless information with each other, and release a strong brain wave to rush to the surrounding.

Sure enough, we hunted too many brain-building geniuses around us, causing them to be besieged now. One is looking at the brains and trying to fly, but it seems that it is difficult to control the body. It can only watch the brains. The big mouth bites over...


Suddenly, a strong brainwave message instantly interrupted the brainwaves of all the brain-building monsters here. All the brain-building monsters and the limps were stunned...but the one that just couldn’t fly was bitten off his head.

"What is that?" "It told us to stop!" "We want to bite it!" They all looked up into the sky and saw a sphere more than ten meters in diameter falling slowly from the sky and falling on the pyramid. Above.

This is the brain that Lin made before. The dream was just formed by it. It has also been swaying in the ocean to find Muktu.

The brain-creating people are all worried, but the Liss quickly reacted. They immediately took up their weapons and stabbed them into the brains. Under the screams of several brain-creating, the rest of the brains were In response, they immediately released brain waves to attack, but at the same time, the brain also released brain waves, neutralizing the brain waves of brain-making.

After several other similar falles, the brain-creating people gave up, and they quickly fled the island, but the lieutenants also chased them up.

Finally, they all ran away. Lin didn't manage how to make us and make brains. Instead, let the pompoms return to the pyramid and connect to the ball of the record, and then continue to observe the dreams inside...

... does not seem to respond?

When Lin wanted to continue to observe the dream, she found that some of the brains of this recorded ball seemed to have problems. Although there was no harm, the nerve flow inside was affected by brain waves and became abnormal. There is no way to reproduce the dream.

However, you can still see a small part.

This is a part of the comparison...

On an island, there is nothing. The previous battle seems to be over. The island is full of trees that fall to the ground. The monsters in the sky and the Inca insects are gone. You can see some dead bodies piled up at the foot of the mountain. There is a strange thing.

At the same time, Lynn also discovered what the recorder of this memory is. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ turn the ex9 ~ infinite prairie ~ may be particularly smart ~ 130709123113 ~ reward ~

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