4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 48: Blue moon

Here is...where?

Now I only know that there is a liquid around... Is this feeling in the water? But there is only boundless darkness around.

... because the outer layer is wrapped.

Lin slowly dissolves the shell from the inside, and when the last layer is left, Lin creates a transparent shell, and then squeezes the last shell away.

‘咕. ‘A few bubbles floated around, and the surrounding environment lit up again. Lin saw a blue water that was somewhat biased towards the blue. It felt very wonderful...

But the most important thing is that it is quite far away.

Surrounded by a blue color, the body feels extremely light, there is no cold here, there is no whistling sound of the storm, here is a sea of ​​activities, here is the destination of Leviathan!

That's right... here is the surface of the moon! Leviathan succeeded, and now Lynn successfully reached the top of the month.

Sure enough, as Lin imagined, the surface of the moon is a sea, more blue and more turbulent than the ocean on land...

Lin had already thought about all kinds of problems before, especially the cause of the explosion. Although I have done many calculations, I still feel very dangerous with so much fuel.

Therefore, Lynn created a number of special 'fragments' in Leviathan, which are small and covered by a layer of completely sealed solid shell.

This layer of shell material has many characteristics such as high temperature resistance and impact resistance. Inside it is placed some very 'primitive' cells, which can live in almost any environment, including an oxygen-free environment, high temperature or low temperature. It is very strong and vital.

These cell-filled shells distribute almost all of Leviathan's body. At the time of Leviathan’s explosion. It will also spread out, perhaps because Leviathan was already close to the moon when it exploded, so when it exploded, debris fell into the moon, just like a meteorite.

Now, Lynn can feel that there are some fragments around, they are distributed over the moon, and there are some debris floating in the dark space outside...

The debris that falls on the top of the moon is very small. They are no more than five centimeters in size, and the smallest is only a few millimeters. Although the pieces originally made by Lynn are also of different sizes, it seems that they have worn out when they fall into the moon.

They don't have eyesight. Lin wants to dissolve their shells and open their eyes. But the cells inside the long eye will not touch the outside environment. This is to prevent toxic substances from entering. Lin doesn't know. The environment here is because the water is blue and there is a weird feeling. In addition to this there are many bubbles, but I don't know if it is oxygen.

but. Lin’s most anticipated creatures have not yet been discovered. In short, let these pieces gather together...

Just choose this place, Lin sees a small island not far from the front, probably only about ten meters.

Thinking, Lin slowly dissolves the debris inside, transforming this piece of only one centimeter into a movable space, where it forms viscera and muscles, some muscles cover the shells on the surface and dissolve the fragments. The outer shell, these muscles form a fin like a fish, swimming rapidly in the water.

The feeling here is a lot lighter. It seems to be because of the relationship between gravity. Although I don't know why gravity is born, Lin knows that it has something to do with the size of the object. Even the fins that are made casually can reach extremely fast speed.

When Lin was thinking about it, the surrounding water suddenly became much faster. The debris in the water was suddenly dispersed by this stream, but the first piece had already caught the edge of the island, and it stretched out some limbs. The pointed feet slowly climbed up.

When you look back after climbing the land, you can see a sea that is constantly rolling, and the sky is covered by a thick fog, and you can't see the clouds or the sky.

But there is light here, and the sun shines in, and it gives warmth here.

After the ocean slowly calmed down, the surrounding debris quickly climbed onto the island, but there were more fragments scattered farther away, and Lin let them find other safe places.

After the pieces here climbed up, Lin once again looked around the ocean.

The ocean here is very similar to the feeling on the land... Although the color is more strange, now, Lin feels that the next part should be carried...

This is the most important part. There are no ways to explore a small group of small pieces of a few centimeters, so look for nutrients and let them grow into larger... fragments.

Therefore, Lynn let a piece of two centimeters of pieces slowly climb to the beach, and then it slowly opened the transparent outer shell at the front end, sucking in some air above the moon...

At this moment, Linden had a feeling of smelling excrement, and the piece of air that absorbed the air fell to the ground... died.

Sure enough, the air here is poisonous. This is not surprising, but I didn’t expect it to die so fast...

There are many kinds of gases in the air, but on the original land of the forest, oxygen and other harmless gases occupy a large part, and the air above the moon is obviously not composed of these harmless gases.

When Lin first flew up, she thought that if the outside of each ball is surrounded by a layer of gas, and the **** are not in contact with each other, then their gas composition should be different.

The cells in this fragment are specialized to form organs such as internal organs, and no longer maintain the 'primitive' state as before. Linde made a similar life system to absorb, trying to see the poison gas influences.

Thinking, Lin asked another piece of debris to open the outer shell. This fragment has a different cell type. It is a type made by Lin based on some fungi that live near the volcanic volcano.

After opening the outer casing, the debris that inhaled the poison gas did not die immediately, but Lynn felt a special feeling...

When these gases enter the cell, they will damage the internal structure of the cell, block the nutrient synthesis system inside, and cause the necrosis of the cells...

But this time it took a lot slower than before, and Lynn found that some cells would not be affected.

It turned out that...Lin already knew how this gas was effective, and Lin closed the debris and swallowed the damaged parts, and then formed some new cells. Then, Lin opened the shell again.

Now, the air smells fresher, and these new cells completely filter out the harmful components of the air.

However, although there seems to be oxygen in these airs, the content is very small. It doesn't make sense to absorb the air now, but because these poisons will hurt even if they touch the cells, it is necessary to make these changes. How does poison work, and Lin can think of the way to resist.

Now the cells in these fragments are anaerobic, and the activity is slightly slower than the aerobic state, but because the gravity here is lighter, it is not too slow.

Moreover, Lynn has some methods of making oxygen, one is to use the cells that absorb light, and Lin has recently used brain waves to make oxygen. However, because the fragments are all without brains, I can’t use them for now. The brain consumes a lot of nutrients and the synthesis is slower, so now Lin is not going to make a brain.

Both methods require water, and water is everywhere here, which is very simple.

But what problems will you encounter in the water?

Lynn let a piece of debris climb to the edge of the island and gently lick some seawater sticking to the edge of the island.

Then the pieces are dead.

Sure enough, this water is also poisonous, no wonder the color is so strange, although there are more than a hundred pieces here, but Lin does not want to lose them so...

However, the toxin in this water seems to be better than the air. Then Lin let a piece of water swallow some water, but this time it does not directly absorb the water inside, but store it in the body, then sharpen it with a large number of ends. The tentacles are inserted into the water to monitor the water.

It turns out that this water is mixed with many strange things, some of which will affect the cell's nutrient synthesis like the poisonous gas, damage the internal structure of the cells, etc. This strange impurity together seems to make the water appear a light Blue color.

Lin quickly reorganized some of the cells in the debris and formed a 'filter' that now absorbs the water and filters out the impurities inside, filtering out the safe moisture and then absorbing it from other cells in the body.

Although successful, Lin felt a little disappointed.

The water here...what cells are not...

In the original sea, except for a very small number of places, a large number of miniature creatures can be seen in the water in almost any place.

But this month's ocean seems to have no creatures.

If it's just this area, that's fine.

At this time, some green cells began to appear in the debris, and the back of the debris slowly opened. The synthetic green back was aimed at the sky, and slowly absorbed light energy as a nutrient...

Finally, I can get some nutrients. This method is very good. I can use light and water to synthesize nutrients. Recently, Lin is looking for a way to make nutrients without water.

At the moment when Leviathan flew out of the earth, Lynn felt that there might be a way to use light energy directly.

But this method is still good now, and the surrounding debris is beginning to create the same structure together, they begin to absorb light and grow their bodies.

The light here is not very good, but it is still light. After getting some nutrients, they make more green cells, and they will grow faster and faster. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~136136139~ 流颜~'s reward~

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