4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 56: World Travel

This is a primitive creature...

Recently, Lynn has been studying the creator hidden under the island.

In fact, it is very different from the creators I have seen before, whether it is in every respect...

It has a piping system like a tree root that spreads throughout the cave, but these pipes are almost immovable, and only a few of the tentacles on the pipe have a muscular structure that can protrude from the ground.

These pipes are basically used for storing food. Some pipes are kept in a hollow state for a long time. These pipes are connected to the 'mouths' of the rock wall to generate huge suction, although its shape seems to be very large. But it is quite small compared to the creator on the pom-pom, it only occupies the 100-meter area of ​​the island.

And the creator is spread all over the continent...

In this month, there is no sword or fungus in the body. It can't grow leaves and other structures. There are not many kinds of cells and microorganisms inside. It can be said that it is very simple...

Therefore, it is a very primitive creature. Lin also found its 'ontology'. It is just a relatively large pipeline with some ganglion structures that can control other regional activities...

However, it does not have a real brain, and Lin believes that its intelligence level is relatively simple, only to do some basic living habits, and it is even more impossible to achieve communication.

But this is the original creature, let Lin see the creator of the creator.

It is possible that one such creator has left the moon and reached the earth, and then it has evolved on an infinitely rich pompom.

And the creator here. They have no chance of evolution. Because it is just a group of radishes and other creatures here. They have done their best, because the surface weather of the month is bad, and they can't go there.

However, except during breeding.

Lin found that the creator's way of reproduction was also primitive. It would stretch out a tentacles on the island and then release a huge amount of 'seeds'.

These seeds are very small and will be blown away by the storm on the moon, and then grow out wherever possible...

This reproduction and division are different. But it is very similar to ‘partite reproduction’, so there may be other creators here.

However, after discovering this part, Lin thought of the creator on the pompom, and wouldn't it create a new creator? But in the past, Lin did not find any creators have any organs for reproduction. It may have abandoned the ability to breed, but it is true that this species that grows indefinitely does not need to breed. In fact, it is a countless possibility. Species. As long as the environment is right, you can grow up.

These creators are very similar. It is breeding creatures.

This creator mainly uses dust to raise the fungi here, and at the same time feeds other creatures here. Lin believes that it generally only eats the fungi in the puddle, not the radish and other creatures here.

Because...Lin thinks that it is difficult for those tentacles to catch those radishes. Although it is very energy-consuming to make suction, there are quite a lot of fungi here, which is enough to supply nutrients.

The creator on the pom-pom, because the environment of the pom-pom is too good, it does not need to feed the creatures themselves, just wait for the creatures to grow on their own, and then eat them.

At some point, its intelligence begins to grow, and slowly it intends to control the surrounding environment and creatures.

But how was this process formed?

Lynn wants to know how the creator reaches the pompon from the moon, and also carries some fungi that will make white cream.

Because the seeds here are no matter how they fly in the storm, it is impossible to leave the moon. Although the gravity of the moon is not so big, it needs to be speeded to fly out.

And reaching the pompom through the void is also a big test.

Lin felt that something must have happened inside, let the creator leave this month and succeed in developing on the pompon.

Moreover, the problem of the debris of the explosion that I saw before has not been solved. Lin found a thing like a skull before, but there is no similar creature here.

In fact, the creatures here don’t have bones at all, and there is a big gap between the creatures represented by the skull.

If there is any explosion, let the seeds fly out? Although the creator's seed is very strong against the bad weather, it is unlikely to resist such an explosion.

What happened to the creator to reach the pompom? Lin feels that we should mainly study this issue...

Next, Leviathan continues to observe the lifestyle of the creatures here, where the fungi are the main producers, because only they can break down the dust.

Then there are the microbes that symbiotic with them, and then the larger creatures like radishes, which form a simple environment dominated by dust, which may have been living here all the time... no creatures have left It has not evolved for a long time.

If you catch them on the pompon, you may die because you don't adapt to the atmosphere. Except for the creators and the gravel, they seem to be unable to tolerate oxygen.

But Lynn also feels that there is no need to take these creatures, but there are many things that can be used.

For example, those dust...

Lynn let Leviathan stay on the island of Ash, and began to absorb a lot of this dust as a nutrient.

If you want to explore here, now Leviathan's body shape is not stable enough, it is easy to be affected by the storm, as it was before, it is difficult to break away.

Therefore, Lin wants to transform Leviathan's body shape, make it bigger by the way, and increase the brain structure inside, so that it can detect farther places around...

It takes some time for this to continue, and you can continue to observe the biological life here.

... After that, after dozens of days and nights.

Now, it’s time to take off.

On the island of Ashes, Leviathan looked at the sky surrounded by the storm. It was not the original dish-shaped creature, but a larger... dish-shaped creature with a diameter of 30 meters and a huge body in the air. The flight guarantees absolute stability, and its body armor has been recreated with the shells found in the island of Ashes, which is stronger and more dazzling than the original.

Leviathan has left a base here, it will continue to observe the creatures here, and Leviathan will continue to fly to the sky.

'boom! With the loud noise of the dust eruption, Leviathan flew up to the sky and quickly flew into the distance in the dusty weather...

After this, Leviathan continued to explore every island, every place during the month.

Because of the new stability brought by the body shape, in conjunction with the calculation of the wind direction within the storm, Leviathan can stably pass through almost all the storms encountered, but those strong storms, Leviathan will choose to avoid.

Lin explored the sea and the island on the moon, and Leviathan also circled almost a full moon.

The month is not very big. If the volume is said, it is probably only a little bigger than the mainland on the pompom. Is it because the head is too small, so the gravity will be smaller?

Almost all of the moon is seawater, there is no continent, and every land can only be said to be an island.

During the exploration, Leviathan also discovered several other islands of ash, which, like the previous ones, are an island that regularly sprays dust.

It seems that there are some strange changes in the month. This feeling is similar to the pillars of pompoms in Shanghai. On other islands of the Ashes, Leviathan also found creatures, but most of them are tiny creatures and bacteria. Class, not as rich as before, let alone a creator.

However, on some islands, Lin can still see radish-like creatures, they also hide under the ground and feed on those fungi.

Radish is probably the most in the month, the larger multi-celled creatures.

Except for the island of Ashes, most of the other islands are rocky islands. There are also many small islands with a diameter of only a few meters on the sea. I really don't know how they formed in this environment...

Except for the only one, Leviathan did not find the second island with the explosive debris. Most of the other islands were very flat, as if they had been cleaned up countless times, and there was nothing on them.

And what kind of creature is that skull, it is still a mystery...

Leviathan continued to explore the entire month, and the time spent in the northern continent was almost halfway...

Leviathan explored almost every place above the moon. Lynn also created a map of the moon's surface, which marked all the islands, and the law of the storm. Lin found that the airflow above the moon was not Random formation, but there are certain rules, after recording these, you can know all the weather conditions above the moon.

In general, the surface of the moon has almost no place suitable for living in the creatures. Because the light is dim, the temperature difference between day and night is also very large. These creatures can only live in the underground. After watching the moon, Lin even I feel that the frozen pompoms are an ecologically rich world...

The creator that Lynn saw before may be the last one. It is already on the verge of extinction because it has not been seen on any other island.

If the creator can only live in the island.

Because Leviathan only explored the surface of the moon, there are other places that have not been explored, and perhaps there is the possibility of a large collection of other creatures.

The sea of ​​the moon is the only place that Lin has not explored. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ the universe is the strongest ~ Liu Yan ~ turn the ex9 ~ reward ~

Thank you ~yy fish ~ lonely ~ccrv~ monthly ticket~

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