4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 60: Moonlight

"Hey! It is said that there are wonders to see, let's go see it!" "Yes, those flying stones seem to fall!"

1060 stay up all night, it is almost here.

This time, although not too long, is enough to understand a new world.

Now, whether it is in the forest of dragons and woods full of laughter, or in the city of the emerald dragon full of disputes and deceptions, there is such a thing.

The playful dragon cubs and the jade dragon cubs that are constantly stolen for tomorrow's food are gathered together. They plan to climb the rock wall of the canyon and observe the miracle that can only be seen once in a lifetime.

Over the frozen land, the blue light that illuminates the mainland has gone, and the roar of sound is constantly being heard everywhere.

A huge piece of stone fell from the sky, hitting the ice and making a loud bang. Some of the cubs had climbed close to the canyon's outer shell, and each time a stone fell, they immediately screamed.

"Why would the stone fall?" "Oh! It’s weird!" "Maybe the line is broken." "Do you think those stones are pulled?" "I don't know!"

"But what does this symbolize?"

There are also some adult Snapdragons who watched the accompanying babies together. These dragons looked at the situation in the sky, and their thoughts were full of doubts.

What does it symbolize? Lynn is also thinking about this issue.

May symbolize... the end of a world.

Above the moon, everything is changing dramatically, the storm is more frequent than ever, and the current is more violent than before. But the dust is still scattered in this world. There is no change in the pollution of this world.

But all this means. The behavior of the month began to change, probably rolling faster than before. In the sea, some of the bases left by Lin on the island observed some strange currents in the sea, which were mixed with a lot of impurities and The sea flows back and forth throughout the month.

This current seems to affect the moon's appeal to the stone, but Lin did not study it carefully.

Because of the changes in the month, some bases have been difficult to observe in a strong storm. They can only be hidden in the island, and the deep sea where Leviathan is located is not very affected, but the creatures here are like what catastrophe will be encountered, and they are constantly preparing...

Like the group of 'gels' that form a protective layer, they are constantly absorbing the surrounding nutrients and putting all the nutrients in the thick gelatin of the protective layer for storage.

Other creatures here are also starting to dig into the caves, or to find some places to hide.

Here, Lynn saw some creatures that would dig a hole in the rock. Then a large amount of liquid is secreted, which will slowly harden. Finally, it is sealed inside the rock and leaves a silhouette of its own shape on the surface of the rock...

This seems to be the reason for the formation of fossils.

Although I don't know how to dissolve it afterwards, this method seems to be very effective.

It seems that many creatures will do this. Generally, this kind of creature is called ‘moonstone creature’ because it is a creature that extracts the shell from the rocks on the moon and then mixes it with the cells to form the body.

Other creatures are basically digging holes, finding places to hide, and all the black creatures like marine plants on the seabed are also indented into the seabed.

On the ground, it seems to be the same situation.

The creatures living in the caves of the Ashes Island began to store resources constantly. The fungi produced a large amount of white paste, and the microorganisms that lived with them cooperated to secrete a sticky substance to seal the entire puddle. It was up, but there were a lot of small holes left, and they seemed to be going to accept the dust.

As for the radishes, they don't seem to dig holes, but they also start to eat a lot of white cream to increase their weight.

Some radishes can't move because they eat too much toxic white cream, even if it doesn't matter, it won't endanger their lives, their bodies will slowly detoxify, and the energy they get is always better than the loss. need more.

Some radishes that have already eaten very 'obese' are piled up in a corner of the cave and then go into a state of sleep.

And the 'creator' who lives in the cave, it also inhales a lot of dust on the surface of the island, it fills all the dust with the empty pipes, and then it lets the tentacles close to the ground drill Deeper underground.

All of these creatures are very familiar with Lin, which is like preparing to spend the winter.

Lin thought it was true.

When I came to the month, Lin thought about this problem a bit. If the moon leaves the pompom, if it goes to the sun, it will become hotter and hotter, and on the contrary... colder and colder.

... After that, dozens of days and nights have passed.

"Hey... Is it gone?" On the northern continent, the blue of the sky has disappeared, and all the sapphire has fallen back to the frozen land, and the dragon cubs have lost some of their looks at the sky: "Can we not see it in the future?"

"Yes." An adult Snapdragon said to them: "It will take a long time to show up again."

"I have been thinking about it." The cub said: "If we climb up when the stone rises, will it fly with it?"

"This..." Xiaolong heard a sigh of relief and said: "Maybe, but it is too dangerous outside..."

"Yeah." The cub asked: "When can we go out?"

"That needs to wait until the pompon appears, the outside... ice, when it melts."

“Is it?” The cub looked at the transparent canyon shell: “I really want to go outside and see!”

When will ice melt? Lin didn't know the problem, and now... the ice on the pompon hasn't melted yet, and the other place has started to freeze again.

In the month, after leaving the pompom, some changes have taken place here.

But the biggest change is to say the climate here. After leaving, the temperature of the whole month begins to change drastically. The speed of cooling here is many times faster than the speed of cooling on the pompons.

In this case, the color of the sky slowly becomes dim, and as time goes on, it seems more and more difficult to distinguish between day and night.

The night of the original month was quite cold, even if the water would not freeze, but now, the water began to freeze, and the current became slower than before.

After a while...

Is this still the previous month?

Now, Leviathan is on the edge of an island on the moon, and only by turning the light to the maximum can you see the surrounding environment.

Here, it is now in a complete darkness, and even if there is a starry light around it, it cannot shine into this dark world...

This is not because of the particularly long relationship between the nights. Lin has bases throughout the month, but wherever she sees it is such a darkness.

In the present month, it is impossible to distinguish between day and night. It has no sun on either side, and it is completely dark on either side. Without light coming in, this land is close to an extremely cold temperature.

It is much colder than the pompon, and even Lin found that some of the gas has become a liquid state.

Although this extreme cold did not affect the cells inside through the shell of Leviathan, it affected the entire environment.

Now, the whole sea has become an icy ocean. Leviathan is slowly flying over the ice. Now the storm is much calmer than before. It feels that the whole month is in a relatively quiet state...

It seems that this month has become a full ice hockey.

It doesn't look like there are a lot of mountains and continents on the pompoms. The surface of the moon is relatively flat. After freezing, maybe it can be seen outside as a whole white sphere.

There are now two frozen worlds, but here the creatures seem to be familiar with this change.

Under the island of Ashes, this place still maintains its vitality. Lin found that the dust here will still spurt out, but the frequency is much less than before, and it will only spew a few days or nights or more...

The gushing ash layer will accumulate on the surface of the island. Because of the icy relationship, they will not float into the sea, but will accumulate nearby.

Among the caves in the island, the creatures here still maintain a way of life.

It's very warm here. Relatively speaking, the temperature here is already very high. At least the puddles are not frozen. The creators still keep feeding the fungi here, but it is only a long time to feed once, most of the time. The creator is also in a state of sleep.

Lin thinks that the creator she has seen so much that she likes to sleep may be related to its habits on the moon.

And creatures like radishes or gravel are completely inactive and are still asleep.

How long do they have to sleep? Do you have to wait another 290 years before you wake up to the event?

And the activity will continue to be so short...

Is this the same month when the climate has not changed badly? If so, their ecology is really amazing.

However, they are not completely sleepy. Occasionally, some radishes get up and eat, and then go back to sleep, basically maintaining a state of waking up and sleeping.

The same is true of the creatures in the protective layer of the sea. The water under the deep sea still maintains a certain temperature without freezing, some of the creatures have entered a complete sleep, and some are keeping a slow activity to find food.

They have almost no deaths, which means they are familiar with the situation, unlike the creatures on the pompons that are caught off guard by the sudden cold...

Although the activities of this group of creatures in the cold environment are interesting, Lin feels that there may be no clues about the explosion. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Nothing to do ~ Reward ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ 远瞳~yuey~isummer~ Duan power~ the monthly ticket~

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