4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 68: Void empty hairball

The void is so vast, just like the dark ocean... no end.

Looking at the endless darkness in front, this reminds Lin of the era in the ocean, no matter how far away, there is a hustle and bustle everywhere...

However, there is more than just darkness here.

There is also extreme ice and cold, and... stone.

Leviathan suddenly opened the air vent on the side of the body, avoiding a huge stone in front.

It is now very close to the meteorite area. Leviathan has passed more than 30 days and nights since the departure of the month. The observers of Leviathan’s head have always pointed out the direction for Leviathan...

But Lin prefers to observe the surrounding environment. The scenery here feels like a dream. In addition to the darkness, there are wonderful brilliance everywhere, and even a cloud-like ray of light in the distance, they look like a gathering. The glowing creatures together, like the clouds lit by lightning, all the scenery here is very attractive to Lin.

In order to observe these wonderful things, Lin made a lot of kinds of eyes, but unfortunately, they are quite far away from Leviathan. If Leviathan wants to fly to those places, it will take millions of years to arrive.

That's too far away... and I don't know how to add it in the middle.

Now, the high-energy fuel mixed with the material on the moon used by Leviathan is better than Lin's thought. Even if it is round-trip, there is no problem, provided that if the month does not leave, and Leviathan is still alive...


A small stone appeared in front of Leviathan. Unlike before, this stone did not move. Instead, it floats quietly in the void.

Lynn is very curious why they are moving and some will not. They are all about the same size. But for this kind of stone that is not dangerous, Lin will try to study it.

Now Leviathan's jet pipe is not sprayed. After moving away from the gravity of the moon, it can fly for a long time with a little spray. This greatly reduces the energy consumption. If Lin feels that it can effectively use the gravity of other tumbling people, May fly forever.

But it doesn't make sense to fly all the time, in order to observe the surrounding objects. Lynn had to consume fuel before she stopped.

Close to the stone, Leviathan sprayed fuel into the jet below the head, which stabilized the shape of Leviathan, then sprayed it slightly, and zoomed in closer to the meteorite...

Because a little bit of spray will keep Leviathan moving, so it takes a lot of time to adjust the body of Leviathan to get close to the stone.

Therefore, Lin also added a jetting port to Leviathan's body. Leviathan can move in multiple directions, not only to adjust the position and posture, but also to avoid the meteorite.

This knowledge about the void is mainly obtained by Lynn relying on the debris that floated in the void before, and now those fragments are in a state of sleep. I don't know if I am dead.

Leviathan is close to the floating stone, and the shape of the stone is irregular. The size of the whole is more than 20 meters. Leviathan has two tentacles on the head. The outer skins of these two tentacles are protected, and the end is a 'mouth' with a fang that can be collected on the rock. .

The tentacles slowly scraped down a lot of dust from the stone. After the debris on the rock was scraped, Leviathan closed the tentacles and sent the pieces into the body. There were a lot of weird things in the void, so it must be done completely. The protection is fine.

At the same time, Lin will also release some small arms, these arms are not protected, the cortex will be directly exposed to the void, and then their reaction will be studied.

This feeling... very wonderful...

Some arms have changed in the body. Lin feels that some structures in the cell body are damaged, and the water inside will also begin to drain, making the cell body environment not function properly, sometimes making the cells difficult to split.

This does not kill the cells immediately, the power is weaker than the toxins, but the damage comes from many aspects, the damage to the cells is not the same, it is more difficult to detect what the damage is from.

At the same time, after Leviathan's detritus on the stone is decomposed in the body, Lin found that these are some impurities, there is no decomposable part, but Lin will try to synthesize some impurities and current materials to see if they can Create more effective shells or fuels.

Maybe not every stone should stop, this is a waste of fuel.

After investigating the stone, Leviathan adjusted his direction and flew forward again.

This time, I flew directly to the meteorite group. Lin has already customized the target on a white meteorite. Lin believes there may be ice.

Although they are unlikely to melt into water in this extremely cold environment, it will take some time to get there. At this time, Lin will continue to watch the scenery around, and observe the ‘scenery’ of the pompom.

... at the same time, above the pompon.

"Food! We found food!"

Here is the snow-covered land, a group of green figures wearing leather objects standing on the ice knots, they all gathered together and dug a big hole in the ground.

The hole is more than two meters deep, and there is a thin layer of ice in the hole, there are a lot of bubbles under the ice, and there are some green plants inside.

"Oh!" This discovery made all the emerald dragons cheer, because their food has been consumed, and in this case they can dig up this is not easy.

Now they have finally succeeded.

Lynn found that this should be the most successful expedition. They left the canyon when Leviathan was built. It has been more than a year now, and now they are still alive!

Although there are hundreds of dragons when it comes out, there are only ten left, but these ten can be said to be elites in the elite. They have always maintained a good physical condition.

The plants in the water, they also know, this is one of the plants planted by the jade dragon, called the big algae. In the past time, Lin took them to some icy lakes in the jungle to plant them, and cultivated them. A type of cold resistance.

Many lakes in the northern continent are not frozen, some because of water, and some because the ground is warmer.

Because there is no sunlight in the water, they basically rely on the absorption of some biological debris as nutrients, and the jade dragon did not consider why they grew here. These jade dragons quickly opened the ice and used things like wooden sticks. The large algae in the water was fished up.

These excited jade dragons quickly piled up the wood and began to make fires. They carried some things called boilers that could be used to cook food. These 'boilers' were basically made of a crystal with good thermal conductivity.

Crystallization is rare in the canyons, and only the nobles of the emerald dragons will be owned. These jade dragons are also rare and adventurous.

Emerald dragons often eat raw food directly, but they are now completely cooked. They put a bunch of large algae in the boiler, then put a lot of snow into it, and then fire it underneath.

The snow is melted inside, and as the temperature rises, it slowly begins to boil...

When the large algae are cooked, their stems will emit a very fragrant smell. This smell slowly spreads in the cold air and is transmitted to the far side...

"You can eat now." After looking at the situation in the boiler, an emerald dragon was about to reach out, but its hand stopped in midair.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking behind me?" There was some confusion about sitting on an emerald dragon opposite it, and at the moment when it turned his head, its expression became frightened.

I saw that there was a large group of stuffed things behind it.

Originally, Jade Dragon saw this creature and would be very happy, and grabbed them to eat, because Maoyu rarely showed up, but now the jade dragons have put on the expression of fear.

Because there are hundreds of these creatures, they appear from the snow, and the plush and white body has completely surrounded this group of emerald dragons.

Their size is huge, about 30 centimeters, the whole body is covered with a lot of fluff, and even their limbs are not seen, but they can see that their eyes hidden under the fluff are shining with scarlet light, in the mouth. The pair of large teeth are sharp and can cut frozen hard trunks and tear the flesh of the emerald dragon.

"Oh..." Mao Yu made a small voice for communication, and when so many Maoyu called together, the sound also shocked the auditory nerve of each Jade Dragon...

"We are going fast, fast..." An emerald dragon was turning around, but it found that they were also behind the jade, they have been surrounded by a large number of hairy jade...

"Hid behind the fire, as long as there is fire, then there is no problem!" A witty emerald dragon said, and throwing some firewood around him into the fire, the flames burned the branches and squeaked, and made Maoyu slightly retreat. some.

However, some Maoyu did not retreat, they went further and turned around.

"Hey?" Emerald Dragon had some strange movements of Maoyu. At this time, the calves under the Maoyu fluffing acted at a very fast speed. A lot of snow was kicked by them and sprinkled on the fire and burned. The flame slowly became a lot smaller...

"Hey!" An emerald dragon didn't feel good. He immediately rushed up and reached for a jade that was kicking the snow.

"Oh!" Almost at the same time, a scream rang, and all the surrounding Maoyu suddenly rushed up!


The screams of the Emerald Dragon echoed on this snowfield...

Soon after, the bodies of the ten emerald dragons have been turned into bones on the snowfield, and the boilers they used to boil the plants have also been knocked over to the ground, slowly being buried by ice and snow.

The Maoyus did not return to their nests, but gathered in the direction of the canyon. They are looking forward to... the emergence of a group of targets... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ 瞳~~ 588~

Thanks ~ squat bomb ~ Liu Yan ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ Sika ~ 15984567854 ~ one two one real ~ End of the World Dragon ~ Star Breeze Silver Moon ~ the monthly ticket ~

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