4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 72: Buried bomb

Sure enough, this is the case.

In front of Leviathan, there is a white object, which is square in shape and is about three meters long.

This is the explosion that hits the explosion, but now it won't explode anyway, and a group of star testers are carrying the thing to a flat place on the stone.

Leviathan has been releasing brainwaves and suppressing its 'explosive reaction'.

Now, Lynn already knows how this thing exploded. It emits a subtle brain wave to react to the surrounding objects. This brain wave does not respond to the stones here, so it is pressed by the stones. It won’t explode...

No, this should not be a brainwave, no complicated and varied feelings of brain waves, just a single outward detection current.

It is more like the feeling of electricity generated by some electric fish creatures with simple power generating organs.

Leviathan used brain waves to interfere with its reaction, making it impossible to detect the outside object, reacting and then exploding. This thing looks like the shape that was created, and now Lin wants to open it. Look at what is inside...

The star tester slammed the front limbs on the white shell of the bomb. The white surface suddenly showed a lot of cracks. Some small pieces scattered with the impact, and even in this case, it did not explode. .

The star tester pierces the crack with the limbs and opens its outer shell. The outer shell of this thing is quite fragile, while the inside is... some things that Lin has never seen before.

To be precise, there are some tubes, each of which is nearly three meters in length. It has a diameter of ten centimeters. These tubes are placed neatly inside. There is a silver thing in the middle, it has some wires connected to the surrounding tube, and it is continuously releasing some weak electric waves.

This thing... looks very weird, the star tester picks up a tube inside and pinches the line that connects it... ‘oh! ’

The tube exploded in an instant, and its impact made the star tester feel a dull ‘sound’, but the power of the explosion was too weak, and the star tester was not affected.

It seems that I can't do that. In this case, Lin asked the star to pick up another tube and pierce the end of the second pair of joints into the line connecting it.

Sure enough, there is current flow in the line, cut off or any stimulus will cause an explosion, but this time only need to introduce brain waves to interfere with it.

At this point, the line is cut again, and the brainwave transmission is kept to make it think that it is an uninterrupted state. Then, the star tester begins to eat the tube, which bites the tube and devours all the substances inside.

really. There are ingredients mixed with explosives.

The entire tube is mixed with an explosive ingredient, and there is something inside it that can be called a 'trigger'. The current can be used to stimulate the explosives inside to explode. The structure feels very simple, but Lin does not find any cells in it...

This thing does not seem to be a creature? How did it piece together these explosives? And the ingredients of the explosives are very familiar. The ingredients inside are very simple. You can find enough materials in the soil on the pompons to make up the pieces. This is a kind of weaker one.

But why are there explosives that are familiar with the ingredients here? And on the outer shell of the tube, Lin found a fungus.

This fungus has nothing to do with the tube, they seem to be glued, and still maintain some vitality in this extremely low temperature environment.

This is a species that Lynn hasn't seen yet... but their appearance indicates what creatures have caught the tube, and the bacteria on the surface of the creature's skin stick to it.

These fungi have lived here for quite a long time, and have been in a state of semi-death sleep, and have not been propagated. Judging by their state, it may be something put aside more than a decade ago.

For more than a decade... It seems that the system structures of those explosions have not been maintained for so long, but they have recently been launched.

Thinking, Lin looked at the surrounding environment... Looking at the various meteorites scattered around, is it possible to find those creatures with bombs? If they are here, where are they hiding? Some big stones?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to trace the smell in the void, but the smell itself is to analyze the surrounding debris with the olfactory organ to judge the position of the target.

Although there is no air here, but there are a lot of debris floating in the void, Lin can judge the position of the target by collecting the debris in the void, and can also send brain waves to detect the position of these bombs.

Lin asked the star tester to record all the debris on the surface of the bomb box that placed a large number of tubes, and also recorded all the debris such as fungi on the surface of the tubes inside.

Then, the group of stars immediately dispersed, they quickly jumped between the meteorites and continued to fly in the meteorite group. Their outer shells had adjustable scales, and the stars continued to stretch the scales to collect the void. The debris in it to find the location of the target.

Leviathan flew to another place, which used brain waves to detect the surrounding rocks. Soon, Lin found the location of dozens of nearby bombs.

I knew that it would be nice to find it at the beginning.

Leviathan flew to the nearest location of a bomb, then dug it out with a tentacle and then completely disintegrated it.

If there is such a thing everywhere, it must be very unfavorable for the future of radish life.

However, there are still many problems with radish that have not been solved. If they can find the creatures that placed the bombs, are they living in this void? If so, you may be able to find ways to let radishes live in this space.

Although it is unlikely, because there are no creatures here, Lin thinks that those creatures are probably hiding in a safe place...

The reason they put the bomb is not known, it may be because of the ingredients in a certain rock, or...

found it.

A star tester of Lin suddenly found some familiar debris. The debris was the same on the shell of the bomb. They were scattered on a stone, and the star tester could find the target position along the debris.

Thinking, Lin asked Leviathan to turn in the direction and fly to the position where the star testers went.

At the same time, Leviathan released a large number of small warheads that ejected at a very fast speed when they appeared, and aimed at dozens of bombs around them, which could directly penetrate the rock and detonate inside. The bomb, but there is no obstacle between the target and the target.

During the progress of Leviathan, a large number of warheads were continuously shot. These warheads constantly detonated the surrounding bombs, and a large number of stone fragments scattered around. These splashing stones looked dangerous but actually completely Harmless, only a few strong stones can become a meteorite falling on other tumbling.

The debris in the void is intermittent, because there is no air here, so the debris is not generated by friction but by vibration, so it is much less.

But relying on these pieces of information, Lin can still find the location of the target.

It was a rather huge stone... 20 kilometers in diameter, and Lin felt it was like a small tumbling.

Leviathan looked at the boulder floating in the rocks, and the brain waves released could feel some strange reaction.

It seems that there is something in it...

Leviathan was near this huge stone and landed on a relatively flat position above. The star-studded people also jumped over from other stones and began looking for an entrance to the inner layer.

These creatures are not living outside, they are definitely hidden inside this stone.

The entrance is in this position.

A star tester found a crack in the edge of a rock that was fixed on it.

But under the weight of the star tester, the rock quickly turned into countless pieces, and a cave appeared in front of Lin.

The cave is very narrow and only about one meter in diameter, but the star tester can just get in.

In the process of drilling in, the star tester did not find anything special here, like an ordinary cave... In the deepest part of the cave, the star tester saw a thing.

This thing looks like ice. The star tester tried to knock it. The vibration that responded from above could feel that it was not ice, but something else.

There is no explosive reaction here. I think, Lin let the star tester knock it down strongly. This piece of ice is instantly broken. At this moment, a huge amount of gas suddenly bursts out. After being blown out, it immediately grabbed the wall with the limbs to stabilize the body...

Is there actually air inside? After the gas is exhausted, the star tester shines on the head and drills into the cave.

Here is an open space, and Lynn saw a thick layer of frost on the ground, as well as the surrounding walls.

It seems that this means that there is a lot of water here, the whole cave is very spacious, about 30 meters long and wide, and the height of the top is ten meters.

But there is no such thing as a creature here... Thinking, Lin asked the star to dig up some frost and ate it.

There are many microbes in this ice, but they have all been frozen.

Sure enough, there are creatures living here, or living creatures. Maybe it was a warm place. What is the reason why it is not warm, so all died or escaped?

Wait, what is this?

Lynn suddenly saw a black thing under the ice on the ground, which looked like a... limb. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ 激 e107~kether~ 风月战鬼~Three tongues~ The monthly ticket~

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