
Lynn can imagine what it would be like if there was a sound.

Leviathan is watching, a place far from here, there is a huge object, it is constantly pushing the surrounding gravel forward.

It has the same shape as the stone where Leviathan is located, with a diameter of nearly twenty kilometers.

It's not fast, but it seems to be slowly accelerating. Leviathan can see the blazing light behind the boulder... it's like a bomb exploding.

When I first saw this stone, it was just when Lin was blasting the square thing here. Leviathan had been using the star detective to look around, just when Lynn broke the square object. I saw this moving stone.

Is there a connection between the two? Lin is not clear, but it is obvious that this meteorite is moved because of the energy of the explosion, that is, it has a bomb on it.

This boulder is a few hundred kilometers from the location of Leviathan, and now it continues to fly and has left the meteorite group and flew into the void.

Although it has no threat to Leviathan, Lin is very concerned about the goal of its flight - the month.

If you calculate it, Lin can predict that it will hit the moon in about 30 nights and nights, and then there will be a catastrophic disaster in the month.

Twenty kilometers of stone is very small for the month, but it may be quite fast when it is close to the moon, which can cause huge shock waves and affect the entire environment of the moon...

Although the current monthly environment has been bad, the creatures there still struggle to live.

Why is there a lot of explosives on that stone that causes it to fly to the moon? This is no longer important. The important thing is that Lin thinks that she should go to 'save' the creatures of the month. There is no extra time to think about other things.

Just here, Lin also found some ingredients that can be used as fuel...

and so. Lynn was able to make a long-range attack.

Thinking, Leviathan opened a mouth in the abdomen, and a shape like a ball slowly floated out of it.

This is a new type of bomb made by Lin. In fact, there is nothing new about the explosion. The explosives inside are made up of higher-energy explosives. The ball is six meters in diameter and is filled with a large amount of explosives.

As for the power of the explosion, Lin did not try. But the calculations can be perfect without problems.

At this point, Leviathan released another thing. This thing looks like a tube. This is the same single jet tube as Leviathan's jet tube. It also has fuel inside, which allows the bomb to fly out quickly. .

Lin stuck the spray tube behind the bomb, then grabbed the bomb with the tentacle and aligned it in one direction.

According to the calculation, as long as Lin is aiming in this direction, they will hit after hundreds of seconds, and the bomb will have an impact force to let the meteorite change the direction of flight so as not to hit the moon.

Lin is not going to blow up the whole stone. Because it will produce a lot of fragments in uncertain directions, it will be more troublesome. Let it change direction and hit other places.

Leviathan lifted the bomb, and the nozzle behind the bomb suddenly ignited a strong light. It flew out at an extremely fast speed and aimed at the target.

Lin can continue to study.

Although there is nothing to explore in the cave below the ground, Lin found something new... that is... head.

The corpse that was found before, its head is not in the cave, but Lin is not only looking for it in the cave. On a piece of ice floating nearby, the star tester found a wonderful thing inside.

This thing was placed in floating ice. The whole piece of ice was more than ten meters in size. It was a little big in this meteorite group, and in the ice, the star tester dug out a white thing.

This white 'skin' is quite soft and has a special function, mainly to prevent the reflection of electric waves, so there is no way to detect it, but Lin is now aware of its structure, just change the brainwave a little. .

The important part is not here, the white skin is wrapped inside a creature's head.

And it's not a skull, but a complete head. Because of the extremely low temperature of freezing, it is frozen in the ice. The whole head is the same as the skull that Lin had seen before.

Its overall shape looks interesting, the lower part is biased towards the olive shape, and in the upper part there are many large sharp corners. I don't know what it is for...

According to its skin test, it is obviously the same creature as the previously discovered sternum and limbs, but Lin did not immediately let the star tester eat it because...Lin felt that it might still be alive.

In the void, Lin uses less micro-arms detection methods. Because the detected units are loaded with a lot of extra 'equipment', Lin prefers to use the method of swallowing the target to decompose, but for this head, it should be allowed to enter. Leviathan was studied in vivo.

When I examined its cortex, Lin found that it had a weak life reaction. This is very interesting. The body has rotted, but the head has survived?

If it is true, then this species is so interesting.

Lin brought the head back to Leviathan and swallowed it into the body, placed it in a bag in the body, and slowly raised the temperature around it to see if it would wake up.

In the process of Leviathan, Lin also just saw the beautiful fire that lit up in the distance...

Lin's bomb hit the stone perfectly according to the calculation. Now its direction deviates from the previous direction, so it will fly over the moon, but it won't hit the moon...

As for where it will fly? Lin is not too clear, but Lynn has a place where she hopes to fly...

As I waited, the warmth of Leviathan was slowly thawed during the slow ascension process, and the ice on the surface melted little by little, turning into small water blocks floating around...

Lin can feel that the consciousness of this creature is recovering.

Sure enough, it is still alive, because Lynn doesn't know what type of air it can adapt to, so Leviathan's capsule is in a void state, but it seems to be okay, and before it wakes up, Lee Wittan immediately extended a tentacle on the inner wall of the pouch and pierced the skin of the head...

Lin first radiated the structure inside the brainwave detection, and then released some special miniature arms for detection.

This creature is as if Lin imagined, there are only a few cells under the cortex, then the skull, the skull is almost completely sealed, so it looks like this layer of skin has no meaning, but Lin found it has a lot The function, the insulation is just one of the features only.

After drilling into the skull, Lin can see that this is a complicated place.

Everything here is just woke up, the cells are working slowly and efficiently, filled with complex pipelines, but it seems to be facing a disaster.

The virus, there are a lot of viruses that Lynn has seen before, because the whole head is out of the cold and resuscitation relationship, the virus inside seems to be active, and Lin has seen many affected cells.

It seems that you must act fast...

This creature is indeed very close to the creature on the pompon, but Lynn found that its brain is more interesting. Its brain is separated from several parts and stored in the sharp corners of the skull. Each corner is piled up. Full of brain cells, they have a 'line' connection to each other.

In general, the brain weight of this creature is about 2% of the body. Although Lynn has not seen its complete body, it can be calculated.

This is a very clever creature. Although the brain is strangely positioned, the overall structure is very similar to that of the pompon.

But it has some more peculiar abilities, its head can survive from the body alone, because Lin found that its neck has a layer of bone that can be opened and closed like a door, it can also close part of the nutrients while closing the bones. Store in the neck so that the head can separate from the body.

I don't know why it evolved this weird ability, in order to prevent the head from being accidentally cut off? But if there is any danger, there is no time to go to the nutrient storage, and it will not last long if the head is cut down directly.

But it's very powerful, which also causes it to take its head down and move it in the ice. Maybe in daily life, can they exchange their bodies? Lin found that the neck beneath them had a bunch of nerve lines. The ends of these nerve lines had a lot of tiny needles. This might be the part used to connect the body. Their bodies must have corresponding lines to connect.

The initial role of this ability is still not clear, and how does it freeze its head? After leaving the body, its head can't move on its own. Is there a companion to help it?

In this regard, Lin wants to ask this creature directly, but there is no way to implement it.

It seems that because of the freezing for too long, the brain of this creature has many nerves damaged, and there are also damages in the central part. This is the effect of those viruses. Although it is still alive, it is no longer possible to think or talk.

To be precise, it entered a state similar to plants.

However, its memory area is still intact, and Lyne can observe from here and explore the memory of this creature to know what happened to it...

Although it is very similar to pompoms, there is still a certain gap. Lin needs to study it a bit and solve the viruses in his brain.

Lynn put in more micro-arms to deal with the virus, another part tried to repair its nerves, and some troops connected to its memory, showing its memory as a dream... (to be continued) Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ the broken army Wang Hao ~ Liu Yan ~ rewards ~

Thank you ~darkwildcat~ monthly ticket~

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