4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 80: Target determination

Small things... collide, then... bang.

It is a very small explosion, but it will generate a lot of energy after the impact.

This is really incredible, but it can help Linda to help Lin continue to explore this void...

This subtle thing is wonderful. It works in the opposite way to the common subtleties. Under normal circumstances, they collide and then cancel each other out.

This thing can be called 'opposing particles'. If all the common substances in Lin are made up of 'normal particles', then it can also be called 'abnormal particles'.

But in the void, Lynn can occasionally see these 'reverse particles' because there is no air here, so they don't collide and disappear immediately. However, the number seen is not too much, but Lynn can try. Going to find their roots, they seem to come from a certain direction.

Because it will produce huge energy when it collides with the opposite, if it gathers a lot, the power will be quite terrible...

This thing is much more powerful than the previous small particles that hit the same kind of thing, but the idea of ​​using this tiny substance is also a reminder...

Although it can't be touched, Lynn can use brain waves to control these things. Lin wants to find a way to store them, and then they can be used as fuel for Leviathan, or something else.

This thing is easier to use than the previous one. Just put the positive and the negative together, although it will also produce radiation, but Lin does not intend to use it on the pompom, as long as it is synthesized in the void. Then Leviathan can use it to continue flying.

There is still a lot of research going on in this regard. These tiny particles are very interesting.

and. Lin can even use ‘cell scorpions’ to put them together, try to see if they can create something, maybe try to make something like a virus or a cell, and it’s possible to create a whole new creature...

Even Lin can also combine all kinds of objects of different hardness and different nature according to their own ideas. This is indeed possible.

But it may take a long time to study, but Lynn has found a lot of goals. In the past, it was only constantly searching for new fuels.

Now Lynn has a lot of fresh routes. This is because the relationship between this weird creature and its device was discovered here.

Although Lin intends to make it 'resurrect', but part of the structure of the brain has not been fully clarified, so it can not be resurrected for the time being, but the virus in its head has been cleaned up, it can keep it alive and until it is possible to resurrect At that time, Lin intended to let it generate some brain cells that are currently lacking, to observe what form they are, and then try to combine the whole brain.

You should give this creature a name, what is it? Because it may be a creature on the moon, but it may also be a creature above other tumbling. But it mainly found that the location is in the meteorite group of the void.

Because all the pronunciations of this creature sound like ‘哒哒’, Lynn feels that they have a special language area in their brains. Similar areas need to be made to analyze their pronunciation.

So now it is called to do it... ‘the emptiness of the people’ is good, referred to as ‘virtual people’.

At present, Lin mainly establishes a base here. This base includes ‘radish homes’, ‘fine particle gathering field’, and ‘research field’. The 20km diameter stone is a good place.

Lin's star tester is now cleaning the debris from the previous explosion.

Lynn swallowed and disintegrated most of the debris and recorded what they used to synthesize, as Lin had thought before, most of the structures of these devices were protected for safety.

Most of the manufacturing is alloy structure, and some are not. Before Lin asked it to ignore the safety and forced operation, it will burst. The reason for the explosion seems to be because the temperature of the burning point is too high. Many of the sticks that are inserted above are used to regulate the temperature.

Of course, Lin did not adjust these sticks...

Everything in its entire device is automatically running. This device has a set current signal. When it starts, all current will run according to this setting.

This should be the setting of the 'virtual people'.

Lin can use the brain to change these settings. These settings are not as rebellious as creatures, and they are particularly simple to change. Lin is thinking that creatures like 'virtual people' may be accustomed to using such devices.

After all, their limbs are too big. To control tiny things, they can only help with current.

In order to confirm this answer, Leviathan is preparing to make more star testers, they will go further to the meteorite group to find things that were previously thrown out by the 'virtual people'.

These things may fly down in the void, but there may be a chance to stop and find what they might find in the direction of the memory, and they have a task to investigate the problems in the memory of the virtual people.

It puts its head inside the cave, and how does it get to the ice outside? How does its body have only one sternum and one limb left?

Lynn is wondering what is causing it, and that thing is likely to be alive...

However, at present, the most important thing is to establish a base. Lin will let the current star testers stick to the surrounding rocks and begin to change. They will become 'plants' with huge blades, and will always face the distant sun. Absorbing a large amount of light can continue to grow, and their roots will penetrate deep into the stone, absorbing any possible nutrients inside.

These are called ‘the flower of the void.’

Moreover, Lynn still has to do some other arms, to find ice in this low temperature environment, to get the water 'snow explorer'.

Lin has a bigger plan. Lin is ready to build a 'building' with three huge brains. The building design is somewhat like a large pyramid. The two brains in it are responsible for releasing brain waves. These brain waves will Responsible for attracting tiny particles in the void, and the other brain will be responsible for maintaining their stability and removing other impurities.

But even if the particles are gathered, Lynn doesn't know how long it will take to get together with an object as large as a virus.

But as long as they can gather more, Lin can observe their properties and try to make more particles.

In any case, the future has a very clear goal, although it is about the same as before - find more energy and fly to a farther position.

Although there is an idea, but now there is not so much energy, Lin can not break Liviathan.

So wait for this piece to grow up in the jungle of the void, and the radish is the creature in this jungle. They will now live in the large meteorite caves, and then they will be able to choose and breed. A species that may be symbiotic with the white paste.

Then continue to make the kind of life that can live in the void, although Lin still has to add some 'attachments' to them to make them live safer, then let other creatures of the month continue to experiment, then build a The perfect ecology.

As long as there is water and light, Lynn can build a world.

However, all of this takes a long time... time.

Lynn hopes to see one thing before she finishes...

The end of the pompon ice age.


Although it is not over yet, all kinds of life have begun to compete for their position on the ice sheet.

It has been a long time since Susumi has left the community of the Emerald Dragon and returned to the 'Football', and at the same time he chose the new king when he left.

This new king is the dragon that it is recognized by, and Susumi believes that it can lead the community to find a new future.

"This is our new future!"

On the ice sheet of the cold wind, a group of green dragons stood together, and their heads held a shimmering blade in their heads, which inserted the blade on the inside and portrayed their own mark. .

I don't know when it started. The Jade Dragons invented the ‘symbol’ of their own country. They were originally Susumi's face stone paintings, which were later changed to simpler symbols, some like simple skulls.

They use this to make their own symbols, and to mark these symbols everywhere, to prove that this is the site of the Emerald Dragon, which proves how far they have gone and how long they have lived.

Although these marks have no practical significance, they have become the spiritual pillar of the Jade Dragons. Every time the new expedition sees the mark outside, it will become more exciting and exciting.

Now there are a total of 30 jade dragons. They are the oldest living jade dragons. With the help of the new crystal 'Golden Crystal', they have been living outside for more than a year and found a comparison. Safe places, now their leader is marking the ground and intends to build a camp outside.

It is located near a frozen lake, surrounded by a lot of frozen twisted trees, and under the twisted tree is a plant called a cold grass, which has a fine leaf surface that resists the cold here. And the Emerald Dragon found that they could eat.

After the camp, they plan to let some of the dragons go back and let more dragons come out to live.

But before that, they had to face old rivals who had been 'warned' with them for many years...

These creatures are called "white monsters", "Snowfield Nightmare" by the Emerald Dragon, and so on. When Jade Dragon thinks it is safe, they will appear on a large scale.

With their appearance, the snowfield will be dyed red by blood...

"They are already here."

Looking at the white plush swaying between the frozen trees around, the emerald dragons clenched their weapons.

The war will last for a long time, until the world is melted again... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~isummer~ leisure ~00121ling~ monthly ticket~

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