4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 103: Wonderful world

This is a wonderful world...

The criss-crossing tubes are filled with Lin's vision, and some different objects are buried on the ground here, or hung on the pipes... I don't see what it is for.

In fact, all of this has no color, and Lin added color to them with thoughts.

Although this place may seem weird, Lin is quite familiar with this kind of thing.

This is the internal state of the ash of the plague fungus.

This fungus has been kept a small number by Lin, and has always been in a state of sleep. Everything here seems to have died, but as long as it comes into contact with certain stimuli, everything here will move.

The hyphae will also increase dramatically.

Lin poked into the interior of the dust with a tiny 'cell eye' and observed all the ingredients inside. It can be seen that it is very different from the usual biological cells, but Lin mainly wants to see the core part of the dust. It should be here. It has some kind of acceptance structure.

The plague fungus was originally a creator's creature, but because of its fusion with the brain of an Astra group, it became a new species alone.

After this, the Astra group could only fight with it. Under the war, the brain of the Ate group gave a ‘curse’ to the plague fungus.

This curse changed the fungus so that they could not grow structures that could filter the sea, so they feared the sea.

This curse may be a way to change the information in the nuclear. The internal structure of the dust depends on the analysis of nuclear information, but recently Lin wants to know how it changes nuclear information.

In the meantime, all the fungi are affected. The only possibility is that there is only brain waves, when observing the brainworms. Lin knows that the brain worm can't change the information itself. It needs to let the Queen inject the 'mutant' into the larva to make the larva mutate. And the direction of variation is undetermined.

If the Astra group can change the plague fungus, then their brain can release brain waves to mutate all plague fungi?

Although it is said that many of the situations are not clear, and there is nothing in it here, it is really powerful.

If you want to speculate... you can also infer a lot of situations, maybe the mutation is not happening instantaneously, or...

In fact, Lynn doesn't really like speculation.

Lin often sees those jade dragons watching the starry sky with distant wood. Then speculate on how they are active, what sources and so on, there are all kinds of arguments, but no matter what the argument, as long as there are more people who agree, it will be considered correct, and the correct one will get the 'Xing Guan Gao Long. 'The title, and received a lot of rewards...

And the only reason they are keen to speculate is that they simply can't get close to the real thing.

Inaccessibles need speculation and conjecture. Lin prefers to go directly to the real thing. Before that, I don't want to make too many extra speculations, especially those with no accuracy.

but. If the Yate group wants to see the real thing, it is already dead, and its descendants...

Where is it now?

Put the field of view outside. In front of Lin is the endless ocean...

Now, Lin is traveling, the goal is not certain, but only in the place where she has never been to, and the unit of travel is... Behemoth.

Behemoths was remade, but the length is only sixty meters as before, and the body is olive-shaped, suitable for floating slowly.

As the heirs of the success of the Atlantis, the brain-destroyers have no idea where to disappear, and Lie has been changing the settlements during the ice age.

Have they survived? Lin did not keep track of them.

However, the possibility of their survival is obviously great.

On the new route, Lin is unlikely to see them. Lin is looking forward to seeing some new things. The creatures here are much richer. I don’t see anything like flying in the sky for a long time.

Here, even on the ocean, you can see countless creatures. There are many interesting creatures in it, and some of them can be learned. Lin’s next void is planned to be constructed in the form of a plankton here.

The previously launched flying object has not yet found the target. It seems that the route of the virtual people is problematic. However, it doesn't matter. Lin intends to launch a lot of flying objects in the void, so the chance of reaching it will be Greatly increased.

To this end, Lynne needs to find more nutrients, so she has another wonderful world.

Looking at it all here is red sand, surrounded by a tiny airflow, probably only 0.1% of the air density on the pompon.

Gravity... is also quite weak.

Known as the red tumbling person, it is also one of the tumbling wheels around the moon. Recently, Lynn let Leviathan fly over the tumbling person to find useful things on it.

There is no nutrients in the sand here, and it is not suitable for shellfish. The temperature of the day is very high, and the night is cold, not suitable for radish life.

It feels like a very ridiculous place.

However, Lin still did not give up on its research, Leviathan released some troops, probed on this tumbling person, and collected all the nutrients.

But I feel that there is not even rich nutrients in the meteorite group. Of course, the richness is relatively speaking. In the meteorite group, dozens of tens of meters of stones contain less nutrients than the one kilogram of seawater in the pompom. Nutrients are basically obtained by absorbing sunlight.

But here, there seems to be some traces of things left. On a red sand dune, a group of star testers found some square stones.

These stones are obviously made by certain creatures. Lin feels that it is very likely to be a virtual person because its shape and color are exactly the same as those of the virtual people...

But this stone is not a controller, there is nothing inside, there is no protrusion outside that can be pressed.

What is the purpose of these stones? Lynn thinks it might be something of conduction because it can be powered.

At the same time, Lynn’s star surveyors also investigated some nearby caves, and similar stones were found in those caves...

But there is nothing big to discover, but even if it is discovered, Lin feels just like some ruins in the meteorite group.

Lin’s main action in the void is to launch a flying object further.

Nowadays, the Jade Dragon is the same. They are constantly moving a variety of ships into the sea, not only to obtain a lot of resources, but also to find some names, or simply want to see things outside. .

Some ships have already traveled far away, and a ship is called a 'dream'. It is boarded by a team of nobles, and Lin is also paying attention to them because they are heading to a special place. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~metallicclaw~ monthly ticket~

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