4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 122: Silver City

Thick clouds, Liyang, and the collision of armor, Lin's spy is walking in a green jungle avenue with the team of silver armor.

There is a spacious road between the forests, which should be specially built for them to allow the smooth sailing of the silver armor.

Lin’s attention has always been attracted by the plants on both sides. The plants here are as rich as the dinosaur continent, rich in variety and quite dense, but the wonderful thing is that there is no tree plant here...

This may be the reason why silver armor has no wood products. I don't know if they have a rumor about the worship of 'wood spirit'.

Most of the plants here have large leaves and thick stems. Some plants have stems that swell like balls, and some have cylindrical shapes. Their stout bodies and leaves seem to store a lot of water.

Therefore, these plants are often referred to as sizing plants. There are no such plants in the northern continent. There are many in the dinosaur continent, but the body size is basically small, at least compared with the trees.

But here, the plant seems to have replaced the position of the tree, and it grows quite large. On the road ahead, Lin sees a succulent plant with an olive shape. The plant is more than 50 meters long. The table grows with thick green spurs, and in addition to this, there are other highs nearby, some of which are shaped like flowers, some like corals, but all have thickened leaves or stems.

These plants usually grow in dry areas, but they are not very dry here, and they have the moist feeling in the jungle, and the soil on the ground is also in the normal moist range.

The ground here is not covered with fallen leaves like the usual jungle, but is occupied by a large group of small plants. This plant looks like a stone. But it is also a kind of sizing plants.

The environment here makes Lin always look around. And some of the silver armored dragons are looking around, but they are not because of curiosity, but because they feel nervous.

Are they afraid of what will happen here?

Lin noticed that there were some animals in the jungle. Apart from the occasional seeing of the jade, other animals were different from the animals in other places.

For example, a creature in front of a spy, they look like a starfish, but can move on the ground with a few feet, and the speed is quite fast.

On a plant in the distance. Lin also found a semi-circular red creature lying on it, and a group of small creatures with the same appearance floating next to it.

The form of these creatures is very different from the usual creatures. They probably haven't touched the outside world for a long time. The entire jungle echoes the sounds that Lynn has never heard before. This is a pretty wonderful place. I learned a lot from the process of observing their body structure.

The arrival of Maoyu does not know what effect it will have on them.

"Hey!" Lin suddenly heard the scream of a silver armor, only in front of the team, the upper body of a silver armored dragon completely fell into a spherical succulent plant, behind a group of silver armor dragons holding it The legs and tail tried to pull it out.

"Oh!" in the case of constant exertion. They pulled the armor of the silver armor dragon down, and the silver armor dragon was inhaled into the plant for a moment.

Are the plants here also a type of meat? It seems that their development has been quite rich.

"Oh..." The silver armor around them looked at each other. They didn't plan to try to open the plant, but they all turned around and walked away.

They seem to know that as long as they are eaten, they are already dead.

Lin studied the plant a little bit and then continued to follow the silver armor to their destination...

Not far from the front, Lin could already see the shining silver light, and the silver armored dragons accelerated their pace. Soon, the team was close to the nearest city.

Before the spies and silver armored dragons came to the gates of the city, the gates were six meters high and more than twenty meters wide. They looked like a lot of silver metal rods, and they were written on the door. Words: 'Silver and the City of Gold. ’

This name is really weird.

"Hey! They are back!" There was a silver tower behind the gate. After seeing the team, the silver armored dragon immediately yelled and grabbed a long rod on the tower and pushed hard.

'Boom...' With its efforts, the spacious door has been moving. It is not open, but slowly descends. The metal bars that make up the door are neatly retracted into the ground, giving way to the team. .

After the gate, a world of almost pure silver appeared in the eyes of Lynn...

Most of the silver houses belong to the shorter conical houses, which are spread over the two sides of the road, while the silver residents are going back and forth on the road, pushing the silver tools in their hands, or wearing silver armor, everything here. It is so dazzling, and the silver armor dragon can live with it.

In addition to silver, another feature here is the constant roar. On the street, you can see some huge wheel-shaped devices that are constantly running under the push of the silver armor. Many buildings have constantly running gears, although I don't know what it is, but it is quite noisy.

When the army came back, the silver armored dragons on the streets perceiveed the road and let the troops pass through the center of the road.

These people have a lot of public opinion about the military's silver armor dragons, basically talking about why they come back so early.

This unit has been walking to the center of the town. There are many large square buildings around it. The troops of the silver armor are scattered here and enter those buildings.

These buildings are where the silver armor dragons rest, and they seem to be planning a short stay here and then move on.

Lin did not continue to stay with them, but went to other places to observe.

Now that they have reached their territory, there is no need to continue to follow. Now it is Lin’s own stage of exploration, which will be more interesting.

Looking at the silver buildings around, the spy walked slowly on the street, looking around the situation...

Lin found that the life of the silver armor here is no different from the past. They are selling on the street, or opening a building called a shop, and some are pushing a small silver ship on the street to sell.

They sell things like food and equipment, as well as weapons.

"Hey! Want to buy something? This is just two shells!" Lin walked to a stall and looked at the things inside.

Lin found that there are a lot of jars for what it sells. These jars are made of ceramics. It seems that these more common things are not made of metal.

Lynn bought a jar with two shells and observed it carefully. She found that the manufacturing level of this thing was exactly the same as before.

It seems that they have not improved in this respect.

In fact, what makes Lin feel interesting is their dragon mouth. This jungle can now see nine cities, and there may be more. Each city can accommodate tens of thousands of silver armor dragons. Dozens of white dragons have successfully escaped, how do they breed so much in the cold glacial period?

And, plus so many huge buildings.

The silver metal they make is very good, not only for all kinds of construction weapons, but also for being easily corroded by seawater in the sea. It is almost a versatile thing.

For these questions, you may be able to find the answer in a place like the library here.

Lin walked around the city and couldn't find where the library was. Most of the buildings were dragons. Lin found that some dragons used wheels and ropes to transport dragons or water and items to high places.

The wheel structure is very popular among them, and the same building in front of Lin.

It looks like a circle with a diameter of more than 30 meters. There are two dragons that look like guards standing in front of the door. It is not a place to live. It has a ‘research station’ in front of it.

After the spy entered the discoloration ability, he found that there were many rooms in it, and the doors of each room were open. You can see that there are silver dragons inside that are really studying things.

The things they studied were small wheeled devices. Lin looked at the study of silver armor in a room, and they were trying to piece together a thing that was made up of a large number of gears.

And the surrounding rooms are almost like this. These silver armored dragons use a lot of small gears to piece together some small devices, some of which are intended to be scaled up and then manufactured.

They seem to be very positive about researching inventions, but Lynn feels that they should study some new energy sources, not structural problems inside.

It seems that there are no books in this place. Some of the dragons in this research station are making devices, and some dragons are there to argue about the combination of some device structures, or to argue for irrelevant daily topics.

Lynn also found that among them there is also the problem of food seasoning. It seems that this topic is very popular among these two dragons.

Dragons with different positions can't understand the idea of ​​Dragon, so this question may never have a result.

After Lin walked around inside, she walked out of this place, then where to find the library?

Lin looked up into the sky and found that the sky began to darken slowly.

Strange... It’s not until the night, and the sky here is always covered with dark clouds, but the sun is so fierce, why is it suddenly darkened?

Moreover, Lin saw that the silver armor on the street suddenly became flustered. They quickly moved away from the things they placed, or quickly pushed away the boat. The whole city seemed to be in a panic.

"Hey! That's coming!" "Run!" "Why is this time! I haven't sold it yet!" Silver armor hurriedly fled into the house, and Lin looked into the sky and found that there seemed to be clouds between the clouds. There is a... huge thing is moving. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Book Friends 1405122139...~ 588~

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