4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 195: Regional selection

It seems that this is the finished product.

In Lin’s vision, there are many very small things...

These are the latest viruses, and Lin calls them the 'future of Maoyu'.

Looking at the tiny, but can make a huge change in the world... The types of these viruses are different, each containing a lot of information.

The information in each virus contains information about the complete variation of a creature in a dream.

Mao Yu has thousands of evolutions in her dreams, and most of the gaps are quite large, and the evolution of each creature has been recorded.

They are made into different viruses and are ready to be used on different jade.

The creatures in the dream are very fine. The brain of dreams makes every creature have its own cells, but the information in the core of the cell is not exactly the same as the outside world.

So Lynn doesn't know how to set up the internal information of the virus, but after studying the creator's method, Lin is very clear.

The creator also mimicked the evolutionary process of the creature with dreams and then created the virus.

But its method is not to directly create the information of the core of the virus, but to make a large-scale selection, as Lin thinks, to select their information from the creatures at that time, for example, a certain creature has a similar A kind of dinosaur information, the creator will select it, after a lot of selection, and then integrate this information into a new virus...

All in all, the creators created by the creators are basically made up of a large amount of biological information. Perhaps a dinosaur whose legs are derived from a certain worm. And its teeth are from another bug.

Although some biological gaps are large. But the information in the body has many similarities. For example, about 50% of Baijilong and jellyfish are the same information.

The creator seems to use the method of continuous variation, which is to continuously release the virus. After it kills the limbs, it will make the living reptiles into a variety of dinosaurs in a short period of time.

The creator's virus that gives octopus to marine life is also done in a similar way. Lynn thinks it might be the extraction of information about certain types of divisional species and applying them to marine life.

Although these sea creatures will not be transformed into work-type species, they will unite them.

Lin is not using the exact same method, but Lynn can also use the method of collecting current biological information. Then use the creator's virus plus information to transform, and use Lin's own nucleus to create a new virus, and also added some of Lin's own customized information.

After all this, the virus that produced this kind of information was finally produced. Before using it, Lin first tested some Maoyu to make sure that there was no problem and then used them out.

Now, you should choose a location.

A large number of transporters are starting to move from the North Continent, and they will bring these viruses to the right place. It is placed on the body of Maoyu because it is a virus specifically for Maoyu. So I am not afraid to spread.

And Lynn can know the location of each virus, and it is especially convenient to recycle, so as to ensure that no more problems will be caused.

This virus will cause continuous changes in the jade, some need to be used continuously, but some only need to be used once.

These viruses are also not contagious, so it is necessary to inject a group of hairy jade at the same time to ensure that the group of hairy jade is mutated together.

After the virus, the body of Maoyu will not change at first, but its offspring will be significantly different, because it is mainly the cells that infect the reproduction.

Then, each generation of the jade will become closer to the target creature, until the complete change is successful, the effect of the virus will disappear.

Depending on the species, the algebra needed for the change is different, but in general it is much faster than the previous evolution.

It seems that although they are intentionally changed, they are actually based on their future evolutionary results, so they are almost identical to real evolution.

In the process of slowly changing, the character of Maoyu will also change accordingly, so the corresponding environment is needed, but usually the habit will not change much, such as the original jade that eats plants, after the mutation To become a plant, the virus must also be infected with the habit of Maoyu.

In fact, the current variety of Maoyu is quite a lot, and basically every virus can find a suitable type.

On the mainland of the North, Lin first infected the virus with Maoyu living here.

Most of the Maoyu here live on the towering sky islands, so Lin makes them into fast-moving species, generally a creature with flexible limbs and strong jumping ability.

The ground of the northern continent is basically the dinosaur's ground. The dinosaurs that originally lived in the canyon spread quickly, and the jade still has its own living space in the air.

In the dinosaur continent, most of them are empty.

After the glacial period of the dinosaurs, it is now full of plants everywhere, and the lush jungle has once again risen. The ruins of the once emerald dragon city are also full of plants, and the city is completely invisible.

The crater's exploding pit was filled with various plants, and the creator's explosion caused lesions in some nearby creatures, but the reaction has now disappeared and there are no affected creatures around.

However, the creatures in this continent are actually very rare. In the lush vegetation, almost no large creatures can be seen. Even if you turn around for a few days and nights, it is difficult to find something bigger than the gnome.

Even gnomes are not common, their distribution is not so vast, and most of them are living in the ground, and they don't want to come out.

Therefore, this continent is very suitable for large-scale life of Maoyu. They have evolved a number of large-scale species that are not less than dinosaurs in their dreams. They can be used in this place, and they will soon be filled with rich and large creatures.

Next... is the sea.

In the dream, some of the jade hobbies that have been swimming have evolved into aquatic species, and here, some jade can also be turned into aquatic.

There are many hairy jade that like water, and it should be easy to achieve.

In addition to the two continents, there are many places like islands. As long as they are relatively vacant islands, a large number of burdocks can be landed there.

The placement of these jade is easy, but the main problem is...

What kind of hairy should I give to the virus of Moss? And where does this kind of hairy jade live? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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