4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 217: Perfect spirit

The journey of the void is still going on. To this day, the tumbling of the Void Iceberg has reached the 'Iceberg 12'.

Lin is developing steadily in the body of the empty iceberg. Lin believes that only by finding the moving organs in it can we know how this creature moves, but this speed cannot be too fast.

Because, Lin's movement seems to have attracted the attention of immune organisms.

Now, in front of Lin, there are a lot of otters. This is a cave after the tentacle cave. A lot of otters appear in this position. They don’t seem to live here, but they happen to gather by chance. of.

But they didn't move forward any more, just wandering around in this position.

Lin feels that they have some way to determine suspicious things. Although they can solve these leeches, Lin feels that there will be more immunization methods in the empty iceberg. It has no idea how long it has been in the void, and certainly has encountered quite a lot of danger.

Although I don't know how it moves, Lin has almost guessed when it moved.

The body of the Void Iceberg occasionally vibrates violently, which makes the whole place in the body like an earthquake.

Because it has a very low gravitational force in the body, although I don't know how it came, things don't drift around.

This kind of violent vibration may be caused by the empty iceberg doing some special movement, and Lin believes that there are organs related to it in the body, it must be quite dependent on this organ, so there will definitely be strong guards around.

In addition to the large immunization force, there are some very small ones that need to deal with a variety of situations.

So take it easy. Don't get the attention of it best... but these leeches. Lynn can try a new way to integrate them...


When Lynn traveled in the void. In the dream, another creature is also traveling.

The brave man has already taken a lot of adventures with his new identity. It quickly became familiar with the structure of the body. Although it felt ugly at first, it felt okay after getting used to it.

However, the brave has a thing that has not been able to keep up.

"What **** is mine?!!!"

On a vast plain, the brave shouted at the sky. It is more than the first time it has been said...

Moss is very concerned about gender, which stems from the ‘sex discrimination’ phenomenon of their environment. When they do something, they are often told by the surrounding Moss that this gender cannot do this and cannot do it.

This kind of problem is completely absent in the Snapdragon class, but Moss is very serious, mainly due to their reproductive mode, and slowly evolved into a big problem.

Obviously, the spawning species are more 'balanced' than the directly born species...

Then the brave will always ask this question.

Although Lin did not know what gender the creature on the alloy plate was, it was generally seen. Lin's gender setting for the brave is a bit special... Lynn combines the characteristics of both sexes to make it a 'bisexual creature'. The idea is mainly from the radish of the three sexes, but it is not as high as radish, just like a creature called a snail, combining the two genders.

As for the purpose... just want to see what happens when the brave knows, because the extreme changes in the spirit of such creatures seem quite interesting.

Although it seems to have given up everything in the past, it is still very concerned about the past.

However, it is not entirely an interesting purpose. If Moss is turned into this kind of bisexual creature, the phenomenon of gender discrimination will disappear instantly.

Of course, they are definitely not willing, and most of them do not accept such things.

In the midst of a stormy night, Lynn told the brave in some way.

After telling it, it seemed to be mad, slashing all the objects around with a sword, and once wanted to commit suicide.

It has now run out of time, but it doesn't know that it doesn't even know that it can be resurrected, so it has never been able to decide.

It's also really interesting. Even if the species are different, it is quite concerned about gender. Even if it becomes different genders, it is unbearable, let alone two genders.

It is almost in a state of madness, but because it is in a dream, how crazy it will not cause brain damage, so it can be crazy.

After going through dozens of days and nights of madness, this brave man seems to have figured it out and started accepting new identities...

During this period, its spirit kept changing. It constantly created one reason after another to convince itself. It seemed quite interesting. Lin recorded these changes, and his emotions changed with extreme extremes. Fluctuations', sometimes even higher than the range of biological nerves.

If it is a real creature, it will go mad.

But after accepting it slowly, it looked much better, and soon it produced the idea of ​​'this is not bad'...

It accepts so fast, Lynn feels that it is relatively simple, but it is because there is no other Moss around the ‘public opinion’ relationship.

Moss likes to exclude some heterogeneous individuals. If the brave lives in the Moss group, its strange constitution will be said to be, and finally it will be unbearable to commit suicide, or kill all the Moss around.

They are a very troublesome creature, but after observing them, Lin knows some of the limits of biological nerves. This limit seems to have room for improvement... Observing it, Lin can create a newer brain structure.

After the extreme transformation and restoration, it continued to make many adventures in the dream and met many different creatures...

Initially its expedition was usually in some 'wild' places, but after the second stage of the expedition, Lynn began to expose it to other intellectual creatures in the dream.

For example, the various Snapdragons that are connected, as well as some creatures that live in a dream according to the biological character outside...

The brave people came into contact with their different cultures. After different thinking, it became more and more like to think that things seemed quite stupid before they started.

Its thoughts have become more and more enriched, and it has embarked on a new journey with the various companions it encounters.

It is constantly changing in the dream, slowly growing up, and Lin wants to make such a creature.

A thought has undergone countless transformations and eventually changed into a 'perfect' creature. (To be continued.)

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