4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 221: Under the kingdom of heaven

"We will not help the betrayers, nor will we give them any assistance, let them go away."

One after another, the city was crushed into pieces under the driving of giant ships, and one body after another fell to the foot of a large army.

The army of the Jade Dragon and Lieutenant marched in the territory of the silver armor. In the place where they passed, only the silver ruins and countless skeletons were left.

Whether it is civilians or cubs, they will be killed instantly, become the bodies under their feet, or the food of the dust and the devil, only the only thing - the egg of the silver armor, can survive in the war.

This is a method that the Emerald Dragon captain accidentally came up with. They originally wanted to catch a large number of slaves, but the adult dragon is more difficult to control, and there is still the possibility of rebelling, so it calls for other emerald dragons to take the other's eggs back. Feeding.

As long as you raise your child from a young age, the slave will be very obedient, and the egg will be easier to carry, and you don’t have to feed it. This is the unanimous approval of the jade dragons...

There are a lot of jade dragons who have learned the language of the silver armor through the teachings of Li, but Lin does not know how Li Yuan is so multilingual.

Li Yi is completely uninterested in slavery, and the only thing they are interested in is ahead.

A giant cloud column with a diameter of hundreds of meters is getting closer and closer to them.

But before that, they had to cross the last obstacle. A silver city stood in front of the cloud column, where a large number of silver troops were gathered. The wall was already filled with silver, and even filled with it. Huge arrow.

Although no longer believe in the creator here, the silver armor still has to protect this city of creation...

at the same time. The white dragon above the sea of ​​clouds does not have any plans to help fight. They have been building a large number of 'defense fortifications' with the golden statues.

If they are worried about attacking them. It is time to go down and fight with them. Although there are many problems between the two, it is certainly not going to fight each other in the current enemy...

But they did not have such a choice. The silver armor did not ask for help. They used their own strength to fight the multi-ethnic coalition.

"It seems that their defenses are ready." Outside the shooting arrows outside the city, the emerald dragon and Lijun's army stopped.

"The range of those arrows is probably here." An emerald dragon picked up a stone and threw it on the ground in front. Then he said, "We just don't cross it. And our slinger has a farther range, we are completely They can be hit outside their range."

‘Hey! ’

Just as it was just finished, a silver arrow passed through its body.

"Oh! They shot!" Surprised in the surrounding emerald dragon, the captain on the boat quickly shouted: "All the troops attack! We have more people than them! Just smash it in the past!"

"Oh oh oh oh!" All the emerald dragons screamed, huge ships began to move, they began to enter the city of silver armor.

And the group of lieutenant behind them also vacated, and a large number of dust monsters also began to charge.

Although it is a joint force between the two militaries, it is generally not directed, but is completely following the action of the emerald dragon.

"They are coming! Shoot! Shoot!" Under the shout of the commander of the silver armor, countless arrows flew. I rushed into the army of the Jade Dragon.

Huge arrows penetrated the wooden hull, and countless small arrows shot many unprotected enemies. However, the Jade Dragon also launched a counterattack. The huge stones flew from their ships and slammed into the walls of the silver armor.

Under the cover of Fei Shi, the first ship slammed into the wall of the silver armor dragon...

'boom--! ! After a loud bang, the wall collapsed, and the silver armored dragon screamed around and fled, and many of them were crushed under the giant ship and splashing debris.

Although the hull is woody, it can knock open the walls made of alloy.

The giant ship rushed into the city, and the emerald dragon on the ship continually fired at the bottom. At the same time, the vertical squat in the sky swooped down like a bee, and the silver armored dragon squad collapsed instantly.

The invaders of the past have now reversed their identities. They can only escape under the joint attack. The collapsed forces quickly gave up resistance, tried to escape outside the city, or hid in the building.

"This group can't be beaten!" The captain of Jade Dragon held a weapon on it: "Kill them all, don't let go of any one! Kill all but the egg!"

"Oh ah!" Emerald dragon's troops jumped from the boat, wielding weapons and dust monsters and smashing the silver armor around them.

Like Lin thinks, it is impossible for the troops of the silver armor to fight against this joint force. They can only cooperate with the white dragon and the golden statue above to have the possibility of victory.

But they chose to betray the ‘creator’ at this time.

The war soon ended, and some of the troops of the silver armor escaped from the city. Most of them hid in the cloud column, and some fled to other cities.

After the emerald dragon and Lieutenant occupied the city, they did not attack other cities, because this is their destination.

"Where is our king?" In one part of the city, the captain of the Jade Dragon came to the lord of Li.

"You said it was imprisoned here." It seems that because of the continuous victory, the captain became too confident. Even if standing in front of a lord like a hill, it would look fearless: "But we rumored. Every building has not been found!"

And these words by Jade Dragon, Lin also have the same doubts.

The establishment of the 蝎 began by saying that Susumumi was imprisoned in the city. Why didn’t they say that Susumumi was taken away by the white dragon, but was taken away by the silver armor dragon? If they say so at the beginning, Emerald Dragon should follow them all the time, without the current situation.

"It is in the mountains." The words of the lord of the Lieutenant are simple: "We are going to the mountain, your king is in the depths of the mountains..."

"The depths of the mountains?" The captain said with a dubious look: "Do you want us to enter the thick fog? What about traps?"

"I don't want to go, I can't go." Lijun lord said: "Let's go in and bring it out."

"..." The captain hesitated for a while, and then it said: "Well, we will follow you in, but if we can't find the king again, our cooperation will end!" (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks~ Played the monthly ticket of ~Yong Can~

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