4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 223: Burst hope

In the fluorescent underground cave, a ball with a faint glow floats slowly on the water, while below it has a large group of verticals pushing it...

The brain waves emitted by the ball slowly restored the standings in the cave.

"I can... think..." "I can imagine!" "We have changed back to ourselves!"

Lin was the first to see it. The Lie on the rock on the lake broke out with cheers. More flies flew into the water, and they jointly pushed the ball to the lake.

All the surrounding rafts gathered around the sphere by the lake and absorbed this special brainwave.

Pompoms are no exception. Pompoms are mixed into these groups and are close to the sphere.

The pom-pom touches the sphere slightly, and the surface glows because it sticks a lot of fluorescent bacteria, and it itself seems to be made up of some kind of shell.

And its surface has some tiny holes that are enough for the pompons to put the fluff into these holes...

Inside, Lin saw a very soft thing with the eyes of the end of the fluff, as if... atmospheric creatures?

When Lin poked it, it also had some reactions, and after analyzing the basic components, Lin found that this was indeed an atmospheric creature.

To be precise, it is a creature like the 'controller'. The kind of this kind of creature... is really much.

In addition to the gold control, the brain control, and the soul lover, this is already the fourth.

How many kinds of these creatures are there? And are they related to those creators here? And what does it have to do with Li Wei?

Or Li Wei and this creature have nothing to do with it, but Li Cun accidentally discovered that there is such a thing, will come to attack. At the same time, they also use the sea creatures that hate the sea of ​​clouds.

See how they use the Emerald Dragon. That's true...

Although I still don't know why they are unified. But it seems that I can use this thing to recover...

When thinking about it, the fluff of the pompon found something in the sphere.

I wrote some words on the inner wall of the ball. If you look carefully, it seems to be the creator's text, and the above meaning is... "Disintegration trial, unfinished."

what does this mean? collapse……

Right, is this what it means?

This thing may be used to deal with the division of labor, if it can heal the ‘uniformization’. That also means that it may be able to disintegrate the division of other divisional creatures.

Although this thing is useful for restoring personality, if it is used on other divisional species, it can quickly collapse the entire group. If other long-term unified divisions cannot continue to be unified, then their individual individuals Maybe even ordinary thinking can't be done...

It's like separating a living brain cell from one to the other.

It turns out that it really is what the creators have come up with. Is it used to deal with certain divisional species? But the above said ‘unfinished, trial’ means that this creature is not completely completed?

But it seems to be very effective against the shackles, they all restore the previous personality, and they are very happy. However, the brain's brainwave range does not seem to be large, they must take it out.

And I don't know if they will relapse after they have left this range.

the most important is. What kind of creature was this ball originally used to deal with? A group of brain worms? No, it feels that this kind of thing has little effect on the division of labor that has the control of the main brain. It can't stop the brain waves of the brainworm.

Maybe the finished product may have more power, but Lynn thinks it should be used to deal with other creatures.

Could it be that……

'boom--! ! ! When Lin thought, the whole sphere suddenly exploded like a shock, and the impact made the pompoms and the surrounding scorpions fly out.

The pompon felt the pain from the whole body, and a lot of pieces pierced the body of the pompon.

Lin immediately let the pompon burst, and a lot of small pompons flew out of the fluff of the explosion, because now there is no need for oxygen, and there is no need to decompose the oxygen. There are many vacancies in the pompom and other arms. Everything underneath.

The small pompons flew into the air and they continued to observe the situation.

What the **** is going on? Lin didn't find explosives in the ball...

Looking at the place before, the ball was gone, it became a pile of pieces, and the splattered pieces of the explosion also pierced some of the surrounding shackles.

Liyi did not expect this situation, their emotions were full of surprises, and they looked at the place where the ball exploded. For a time, they didn't seem to know what to do.

'despair. ‘Lin heard the footsteps.

In the darkness of the lakeshore cave, a huge figure came out from the inside.

The creature stands on both feet, covered in a black outer shell, with a long head and tail, and its forelimbs are long and have claws resembling Snapdragons at the ends.

It stood up to three meters high, and in its cracked mouth, there was a hoarse language.

"I can't escape...you can't escape, the whole community belongs to...I."

This voice...and this creature... gives Lin a very familiar feeling.

At the moment when they heard the sound, they seemed to madly rush to the creature.

'boom! At the moment they rushed, a burst of explosions sounded again, and a group of cockroaches closest to the creatures were blown out. When their broken bodies were scattered, the surrounding shackles seemed to be frightened and stopped. .

"Don't struggle." The hoarse voice of the creature rang again, only in the darkness behind it, and out of many huge creatures.

These creatures look like giant beetles, each of which is as large as a carnivorous dinosaur known as tyrannosaurus.

The mouths of these beetles look like circular holes, and it seems that the explosion just happened.

"Join us, you will never feel defeat."

When the sound of this creature sounded for the third time, a small pompom of Lynn had already floated on the leg of the creature, and a slight test was made on its outer shell.

Sure enough, this creature... is also very familiar to Lin, it is...

Shadow blame.

At the moment when the shadow blame was finished, the surrounding cockroaches suddenly became extremely angry again. They frantically rushed to the shadow monster and the beetles behind it... (to be continued.)

Ps: Thanks for the reward of ex9~

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